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- University Faculties, Research Institutes and Departments (321)
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- Faculty of Education & Humanities (321)
- Special Education Needs and Inclusion (321)
- Faculty of Education & Humanities (321)
- Faculties (321)
Number of items at this level: 320.
- Preece, D. and Lessner Lištiaková, I. (2021) “There Isn’t Really Anything around Here…”: Autism, Education and the Experience of Families Living in Rural Coastal England. Education Sciences. 11(8) 2227-7102.
- Aidonopoulou, T. (2020) The conceptualisation of a modified formative assessment model for non-verbal students with autism and severe learning difficulties. British Journal of Special Education. 47(1), pp. 88-109. 0952-3383.
- Garner, P., Murray, J. M., Preece, D., Rose, R. C. and Zhao, Y. (2020) Knowledge, attitudes and practices to children with disabilities in Bhutan: a contextualized literature review. Early Child Development and Care. 190(12), pp. 1887-1903. 0300-4430.
- Kossewska, J., Preece, D., Lisak, N., Bombińska-Domżał, A., Cierpiałowska, T., Lessner Listiakova, I., Lubińska-Kościółek, E., Niemiec, S., Płoszaj, M., Stošić, J. and Troshanska, J. (2020) Training needs in the field of autism of contemporary Polish teachers in the context of the international ASD-EAST project. Social Welfare: Interdisciplinary Approach. 1(9), pp. 82-92. 2424-3876.
- Lessner Listiakova, I. and Preece, D. (2020) In-service education and training for teachers regarding autism spectrum disorder: a review of the literature. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis: Studia Psychologica. 12, pp. 177-199. 2084-5596.
- Preece, D., Murray, J., Rose, R., Zhao, Y. and Garner, P. (2020) Public knowledge and attitudes regarding children with disabilities, their experience and support in Bhutan: a national survey. Early Child Development and Care. , pp. 1-15. 0300-4430.
- Smith, A. (2020) Special educational needs/Disabilities and the evolution of the primary school Special educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) in England. Journal of Exceptional People. 2(17), pp. 75-93. 1805-4986.
- Teszenyi, E., Richardson, T. and Devecchi, C. (2020) Enhancing Learning for Early Years Foundation Degree Students: Empowerment through Heutagogy and Reflecting on the Notion of Knowledgeable Others. Polish Journal of Educational Studies. 72(1), 24–44.
- Groma, M., Lessner Listiakova, I. and Tóthová, T. (2019) Medzinárodná klasifikácia funkčnej schopnosti, dizability a zdravia v kontexte teórie, výskumu a praxe inkluzívneho vzdelávania. In: Groma, M. (ed.) Aktivita a participácia detí so zdravotným postihnutím v kontexte integrovaného / inkluzívneho vzdelávania :. Bratislava: Comenius University in Bratislava. pp. 26-56.
- Lessner Listiakova, I. (2019) Porovnanie multisenzorických prístupov v liečebnej pedagogike : Comparison of multisensory approaches in therapeutic education. Poster presented to: Multisenzorické prostredie ako priestor pre intervenciu, Centrum Salvator, 2019-10-11 - 2019-10-11.
- Lessner Listiakova, I., Preece, D., Stošić, J., Lisak, N., Troshanska, J., Petkovska Nikolovska, A., Kossewska, J., Cierpiałowska, T., Bombińska-Domżał, A., Lubińska-Kościółek, E., Niemiec, S. and Ploszaj, M. (2019) ASD-EAST: Identifying training needs of specialized teachers. Poster presented to: Autism Europe 12th International Congress, Acropolis, 2019-09-13 - 2019-09-15.
- Preece, D., Kossewska, J., Cierpiałowska, T., Lubińska-Kościółek, E., Bombińska-Domżał, A., Niemiec, S., Płoszaj, M., Lessner Listiakova, I., Stošić, J., Lisak, N. and Troshanska, J. (2019) Empowering Teachers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (European ASD-EAST project). Poster presented to: Days of Special Education, 2019-03-19 - 2019-03-20.
- Preece, D., Theodorou, E., Mavrou, K., Stošić, J., Troshanska, J., Frey Škrinjar, J., Trajkovski, V., Baranger, A., Bramble, P., Fernandez, C., Fortuna, R., Capper, A., Ruzic, A., Aguila-Munoz, S., Charalambous Darden, N., Winstanley, A. and Hardcastle, J. (2019) Developing parent education in south-east Europe: the ESIPP project. Poster presented to: Autism Europe 12th International Congress, Acropolis, 2019-09-13 - 2019-09-15.
- Preece, D. and Troshanska, J. (2019) ПОРОДИЧНО ОБРАЗОВАЊЕ ЗА ДЕЦУ СА СМЕТЊАМА РАЗВОЈА ИЗ СПЕКТРА АУТИЗМА У МАКЕДОНИЈИ : Family Education For Children With ASD In Macedonia. Other presented to: Days of Special Educators and Rehabilitators 2019, 2019-02-21 - 2019-02-24.
- Preece, D. and Troshanska, J. (2019) Parent education for Macedonian families living with autism spectrum disorder: the ESIPP project. Paper presented to: Transformation towards sustainable and resilient society for persons with disabilities., Institute of Special Education and Rehabilitation, University of Ss Cyril & Methodiu, 2018-09-13 - 2018-09-15.
- Rose, R., Garner, P. and Farrow, B. (2019) Developing Inclusive Education Policy in Sierra Leone: A Research Informed Approach. In: Halder, S. and Argyropoulos, V. (eds.) Inclusion, Equity and Access for Individuals with Disabilities : Insights from Educators across the World. London: Palgrave Macmillan Ltd.. 427 - 444.
- Troshanska, J., Petkovska Nikolovska, A., Lessner Listiakova, I., Stošić, J., Lisak, N., Kossewska, J., Cierpiałowska, T., Bombińska-Domżał, A., Lubińska-Kościółek, E., Niemiec, S., Płoszaj, M. and Preece, D. (2019) Developing training for teachers to support the inclusion in education of pupils with autism spectrum disorder in Eastern Europe and the Balkans. Paper presented to: „70 ГОДИНИ - ОРГАНИЗИРАНА ЕДУКАЦИЈА,РЕХАБИЛИТАЦИЈА И ВРАБОТУВАЊЕ НА ЛИЦА СО ПОПРЕЧЕНОСТ ВО РЕПУБЛИКА МАКЕДОНИЈА“, 2019-05-16 - 2019-05-18.
- Troshanska, J., Trajkovski, V., Jurtoski, F. and Preece, D. (2019) The impact of ASD on Macedonian families and their experience of parent education. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation. 19(3-4), pp. 127-138. 1857-663X.
- Dawood, A., Turner, S. J. and Perepa, P. (2018) Affective Computational Model to Extract Natural Affective States of Students with Asperger Syndrome (AS) in Computer-Based Learning Environment. IEEE Access. 6, pp. 67026-67034. 2169-3536.
- Dawood, A., Turner, S. J. and Perepa, P. (2018) Affective Computational Model to Extract Natural Affective States of Students with Asperger Syndrome (AS) in Computer-based Learning Environment. IEEE Access. 6, pp. 67026-67034. 2169-3536.
- Devecchi, C. and Watts, M. (2018) Other People’s Adaptations : Teaching Children With Special Educational Needs to Adapt and to Aspire. In: Comim, F., Fennell, S. and Anand, P. B. (eds.) New Frontiers of the Capability Approach :. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 571-596.
- Garner, P., Murray, J. M., Preece, D., Rose, R. C. and Zhao, Y. (2018) Knowledge, attitudes and practices to children with disabilities in Bhutan: a contextualized literature review. Early Child Development and Care. 0300-4430.
- Malkani, R. and Rose, R. (2018) Learning from the voices of first generation learners in a remote community of Maharashtra, India. International Journal of Whole Schooling. 14(2) 1710-2146.
- Malkani, R. and Rose, R. (2018) Learning from the voices of first generation learners in a remote community of Maharashtra, India. International Journal of Whole Schooling. 14(2) 1710-2146.
- Perepa, P. and Preece, D. (2018) A feasibility study for the application of the AET professional development model for the children’s social work community. London: Autism Education Trust.
- Pilkington, A., Bowen, P., Rose, R. C., Rajasinghe, D. R. and Evans, I. (2018) A qualitative study of student retention: The University Academic's perspective. International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research. 2(10), pp. 19-28. 2000-006X.
- Preece, D. (2018) Helping parents to understand and support their children with autism through parent education in South East Europe: the ‘ESIPP’ project. In: Gonçalves Mendes, E., Almeida, M. A. and Cabral, L. (eds.) Perspectivas Internacionais da Educação Especial e Educação Inclusiva. :. Marília: Associacao Brasileira de Pesquisadores em Educacao Especial. pp. 67-81.
- Preece, D., Stošić, J., Kossewska, J., Troshanska, J., Ruzic, A., Mazur, M., Deletic, M., Fortuna, R. and Baranger, A. (2018) Autism Spectrum Disorder - Empowering and Supporting Teachers. Poster presented to: Focus on Autism, Pedagogical University of Krakow, 2018-09-27 - 2019-03-29.
- Rose, R. (2018) To understand inclusion we must first examine the causes of exclusion. In: Proceedings of the ICCE Conference, Chennai 2018 :. Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education (APSCE).
- Rose, R. (2018) To understand inclusion we must first examine the causes of exclusion. Proceedings of the ICCE Conference, Chennai 2018. 1
- Troshanska, J., Trajkovski, V., Jurtoski, F. and Preece, D. (2018) The impact of ASD on Macedonian families and their experience of parent education. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation. 1857-663X. (In Press)
- Horton, J. and Pyer, M., (eds.) (2017) Children, Young People and Care. London: Routledge. 9781138920880.
- Caldwell, H. and Cullingford-Agnew, S. (2017) Technology for SEND in Primary Schools: a Guide for Best Practice. London: SAGE. 9781526402363.
- Devecchi, C. (2017) Educare la persona: provvedimenti focalizzati sulle capabilities per studenti universitari con disabilità. In: Santi, M. and Di Masi, D. (eds.) InDeEP University : Un progetto di ricerca partecipata per una Università inclusiva. Padova, Italy: Padova University Press. pp. 61-76.
- Devecchi, C., Turner, S., Armellini, A., Brooks, I., Mellish, B., Petford, N., Taeed, O. and Hadawi Cbe, A. (2017) SER05 Blockchain Educational Passport Blockchain Educational Passport : Decentralised Learning Ledger (DLL).
- Doveston, M. and Lodge, U. (2017) Reflections of staff and students on the introduction of Reciprocal Teaching as an inclusive literacy initiative in an English secondary school. In: Milton, M. (ed.) Inclusive Principles and Practices in Literacy Education. Bingley, West Yorkshire: Emerald Publishing Limited. pp. 231-247.
- Odunsi, R., Garner, P. and Preece, D. (2017) Nigerian teachers’ understanding of autism spectrum disorder: a comparative study of teachers from urban and rural Lagos State. Disability, CBR and Inclusive Development. 28(3) 2211-5242.
- Odunsi, R., Preece, D. and Garner, P. (2017) Nigerian teachers’ understanding of autism spectrum disorder: a comparative study of teachers from urban and rural Lagos State. Disability, CBR and Inclusive Development. 28(3) 2211-5242.
- Rose, R., Shevlin, M., Twomey, M. and Zhao, Y. (2017) Gaining access to support for children with special educational needs in the early years in Ireland: parental perspectives. International Journal of Early Years Education. 25 0966-9760.
- Rose, R., Shevlin, M., Twomey, M. and Zhao, Y. (2017) Gaining access to support for children with special educational needs in the early years in Ireland: parental perspectives. International Journal of Early Years Education. 25 0966-9760.
- Murray, J. and Murray, J. (2016) Life, the Universe and 15 hours of free education and care for two-year-olds: what do parents think? Paper presented to: World Organization for Early Childhood Education (OMEP) European Conference 2016: The Place of the Child in the 21st Century, Canterbury Christ Church University, Canterbury, UK, 05-07 May 2016.
- Murray, J. and Underwood, M. J. (2016) Ethics for teacher research: same as research ethics or different? Paper presented to: British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference, University of Leeds, 13-15 September 2016.
- Perepa, P. (2016) Autismus im Kleinkindalter. Paderborn: Junfermann Verlag. 9783955715021.
- Perepa, P. (2016) Creative movement approaches and autism. Invited Keynote presented to: Healing Autism: the Spiritual Dimension, Chennai, India, 04-06 January 2016.
- Perepa, P. (2016) Implications of cultural diversity on developing social-communication skills. Poster presented to: XI Autism-Europe International Congress, Edinburgh, 16-18 September 2016.
- Perepa, P. (2016) Sensory perceptions and impact on behaviour. Invited Keynote presented to: Let’s Talk About Autism Conference, London, UK, 15 November 2016.
- Perepa, P. and Howley, M. (2016) Inclusion in Sultanate of Oman. Poster presented to: XI Autism-Europe International Congress, Edinburgh, 16-18 September 2016.
- Perepa, P., Howley, M., Garner, P., Preece, D., Rose, R. and Farrow, B. (2016) Situation Analysis on Inclusive Education and Children with Autism in the Sultanate of Oman: Ten-Year Autism Strategy and Five-Year Autism Action Plan for children with ASD. (Unpublished)
- Garner, P. and Forbes, F. (2015) An ‘at-risk’ curriculum for ‘at-risk’ students? Special educational needs and disability in the new Australian Curriculum. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs. 15(4), pp. 225-234. 1471-3802.
- Howley, M., Perepa, P., Preece, D., Garner, P. and Rose, R. (2015) Situation Analysis on Inclusive Education and Action Plan for Children with Autism in Oman: Comprehensive Literature review. (Submitted)
- Perepa, P. (2015) Autism: A Practical Guide for Teachers and Parents. 2nd ed. Hyderabad, India: Prachee Publications. 9788174430380.
- Perepa, P. (2015) Impact of cultural perceptions on diagnosis of autism. Paper presented to: Becoming Visible: Comparing Inclusive and Special Education Policies, Practices and Research in Brazil and the UK, Sao Carlos, Brazil, 2015-03-01.
- Perepa, P. (2015) Impact of cultural perceptions on diagnosis of autism. Paper presented to: Becoming Visible: Comparing Inclusive and Special Education Policies, Practices and Research in Brazil and the UK, Sao Carlos, Brazil, 2015-03-01.
- Preece, D., Bramble, P. and Fernandez, C. (2015) ESIPP - Dissemmination Report. (In Press)
- Rose, R. and Doveston, M. (2015) Collaboration across cultures: planning and delivering professional development for inclusive education in India. Support For Learning. 30(3), pp. 177-191. 0268-2141.
- Rose, R., Shevlin, M., Winter, E. and O'Raw, P. (2015) Project IRIS - Inclusive Research in Irish Schools : A Longitudinal Study of the Experiences of and Outcomes for Children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) in Irish Schools. National Council for Special Education.
- Rose, R., Shevlin, M., Winter, E. and O'Raw, P. (2015) Project IRIS - Inclusive Research in Irish Schools. A Longitudinal Study of the Experiences of and Outcomes for Children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) in Irish Schools. National Council for Special Education.
- Shevlin, M. and Rose, R. (2015) Understanding special educational provision in the Republic of Ireland: implications for support and teaching strategies. In: Broinowski, I. (ed.) Conference Proceedings: The Future of Education. 5th. Florence, Italy: Libreria Universitaria. pp. 189-193.
- Thomas, E., (ed.) (2014) Education in the Commonwealth Caribbean and Netherlands Antilles. London: Bloomsbury. 9781623563837.
- Garner, P., Kauffman, J. and Elliott, J., (eds.) (2014) The Sage Handbook of Emotional and Behavioral Difficulties. 2nd. London: Sage Publications. 9781446247228.
- Brown, J. and Bell, S. (2014) Supporting young people with dyslexia in international schools: a case study example of current provision in Southeast Asia. Support for Learning. 29(2), pp. 154-166. 0268-2141.
- Brown, J. and Bell, S. (2014) Supporting young people with dyslexia in international schools: a case study example of current provision in Southeast Asia. Support for Learning. 29(2), pp. 154-166. 0268-2141.
- Brown, J. and Bell, S. (2014) Supporting young people with dyslexia in international schools: a case study example of current provision in Southeast Asia. Support for Learning. 29(2), pp. 154-166. 0268-2141.
- Brown, J. and Doveston, M. (2014) Short sprint or an endurance test: the perceived impact of the National Award for Special Educational Needs Coordination. Teacher Development. 18(4), pp. 495-510. 1366-4530.
- Capewell, C. and McCarthy, P. (2014) The insider perspective of the researcher. Inter University Symposium Journal. 1, pp. 75-84.
- Dampson, D. G., Long, S., Murray, G., Odunsi, R. and Qureshi, S. (2014) Approaches to inclusive research in education: opportunities and challenges: round table discussion feedback, Group 1. Inter University Symposium Journal. 1
- Dampson, D. G., Long, S., Murray, G., Odunsi, R. and Qureshi, S. (2014) Approaches to inclusive research in education: opportunities and challenges: round table discussion feedback, Group 1. Inter University Symposium Journal. 1
- Devecchi, C. and Bajwa-Patel, M. (2014) ‘Nowhere fits’? How parents choose a school for their children with special needs in England: practice, policies and dilemmas. Paper presented to: VI Brazilian Congress on Special Education, Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Brazil, 2014-11-04.
- Devecchi, C. and Bajwa-Patel, M. (2014) ‘Nowhere fits’? How parents choose a school for their children with special needs in England: practice, policies and dilemmas. Paper presented to: VI Brazilian Congress on Special Education, Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Brazil, 2014-11-04.
- Devecchi, M. C., Murray, J. and Preece, D. (2014) Embedding Changemaker Values within a Postgraduate Part-time Module for Teachers. In: Alden Rivers, B. and Smith, J. (eds.) Changemaker in the Curriculum Case Studies 2013/2014 :. Northampton: University of Northampton.
- Garner, P. (2014) Curriculum, inclusion and EBD. In: Garner, P., Kauffman, J. and Elliott, J. (eds.) The Sage Handbook of Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties :. London: Sage. pp. 291-302.
- Garner, P. (2014) Curriculum, inclusion and EBD. In: Garner, P., Kauffman, J. and Elliott, J. (eds.) The Sage Handbook of Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties :. London: Sage. pp. 291-302.
- Garner, P. (2014) Dimensions of school-based violence to and by children: an overview of recent literature. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth. 19(4), pp. 484-495. 0267-3843.
- Garner, P. (2014) Editorial. Support For Learning. 29(1), pp. 2-6. 1467-9604.
- Garner, P. (2014) National & international perspectives on special educational needs and teacher education. Paper presented to: Ways Forward for Special Educational Needs in Teacher Education, Institute of Education, London University, 2014-06-26.
- Garner, P. (2014) National & international perspectives on special educational needs and teacher education. Paper presented to: Ways Forward for Special Educational Needs in Teacher Education, Institute of Education, London University, 2014-06-26.
- Garner, P. (2014) Reflect, shift, transform. Paper presented to: Reflect, Shift, Transform: The First Asia Pacific Conference on Creating Inclusive Schools, Sydney, Australia, 2014-05-01.
- Garner, P. (2014) Reflect, shift, transform. Paper presented to: Reflect, Shift, Transform: The First Asia Pacific Conference on Creating Inclusive Schools, Sydney, Australia, 2014-05-01.
- Garner, P. (2014) The trouble with behaviour: lessons from the past and pointers to the future. Paper presented to: Behaviour for Learning Conference, Institute of Education, Warwick University, 2014-02-12.
- Garner, P. (2014) The trouble with behaviour: lessons from the past and pointers to the future. Paper presented to: Behaviour for Learning Conference, Institute of Education, Warwick University, 2014-02-12.
- Garner, P., Kauffman, J. and Elliott, J. (2014) Introduction: Themes and dimensions of EBD: a conceptual overview. In: Garner, P., Kauffman, J. and Elliott, J. (eds.) The Sage Handbook of Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties. London: Sage. pp. 1-5.
- Perepa, P. (2014) Cultural basis of social ‘deficits’ in autism spectrum disorders. European Journal of Special Needs Education. 29(3) 0885-6257.
- Perepa, P. (2014) Cultural basis of social ‘deficits’ in autism spectrum disorders. European Journal of Special Needs Education. 29(3) 0885-6257.
- Perepa, P. (2014) Transitions - coping with big and small changes. Invited Keynote presented to: Let’s Talk About Autism Conference, London, UK, 26 November 2014.
- Preece, D. (2014) A matter of perspective: the experience of daily life and support of mothers, fathers and siblings living with children on the autism spectrum with high support needs. Good Autism Practice. 15(1), pp. 81-90. 1466-2973.
- Preece, D. (2014) Providing training in positive behavioural support and physical interventions for parents of children with autism and related behavioural difficulties. Support for Learning. 29(2), pp. 136-153. 1467-9604.
- Preece, D. (2014) Providing training in positive behavioural support and physical interventions for parents of children with autism and related behavioural difficulties. Support for Learning. 29(2), pp. 136-153. 1467-9604.
- Preece, D. (2014) Providing training in positive behavioural support and physical interventions for parents of children with autism and related behavioural difficulties. Support for Learning. 29(2), pp. 136-153. 1467-9604.
- Preece, D. (2014) Teaching teachers to understand and undertake research: trying to make ‘Research Methods’ work. Paper presented to: Learning and Teaching Conference, The University of Northampton, 2012-12-03.
- Preece, D. (2014) Teaching teachers to understand and undertake research: trying to make ‘Research Methods’ work. Paper presented to: Learning and Teaching Conference, The University of Northampton, 2012-12-03.
- Preece, D. (2014) Whose research is it anyway? Tensions and difficulties in research that tries to include the ‘hard to research’. Paper presented to: 2nd Annual Inter-University Symposium: Inclusive Research and Education – Opportunities and Challenges. The University of Northampton & Trinity College Dublin, The University of Northampton, 2014-06-25.
- Preece, D. (2014) Whose research is it anyway? Tensions and difficulties in research that tries to include the ‘hard to research’. Paper presented to: 2nd Annual Inter-University Symposium: Inclusive Research and Education – Opportunities and Challenges. The University of Northampton & Trinity College Dublin, The University of Northampton, 2014-06-25.
- Preece, D. (2014) A matter of perspective: the experience of daily life and support of mothers, fathers and siblings living with children on the autism spectrum with high support needs. Good Autism Practice. 15(1), pp. 81-90. 1466-2973.
- Preece, D. and Slade, M. (2014) Guest Editorial : The University of Northampton's School of Education. Support for Learning. 29(2), pp. 98-101. 1467-9604.
- Preece, D. and Slade, M. (2014) Guest editorial. Support For Learning. 29(2), pp. 99-101. 1467-9604.
- Preece, D. and Zhao, Y. (2014) An evaluation of Bag Books multi-sensory stories. University of Northampton.
- Preece, D. and Zhao, Y. (2014) An evaluation of Bag Books multi-sensory stories. The University of Northampton.
- Rose, R. (2014) Inclusion: a concept gathering momentum internationally. Invited Keynote presented to: International Conference on Multi-Cultural Education, Xinjiang Normal University, Ürümqi, China, 20-21 June 2014. (Unpublished)
- Rose, R., Doveston, M., Rajanahally, J. and Jament, J. (2014) What is effective inclusion? Interpreting and evaluating a western concept in an Indian context. In: Forlin, C. and Loreman, T. (eds.) Measuring Inclusive Education. London: Emerald. pp. 37-51.
- Howley, M. and Preece, D., (eds.) (2013) Supporting Pupils on the Autism Spectrum: Whole-School Training Materials and Resources for Sencos. London: Optimus Education. 9781907927164.
- Brown, J. and Devecchi, C. (2013) The impact of training on teaching assistants' professional development: opportunities and future strategy. Professional Development in Education. 39(3), pp. 369-386. 1941-5265.
- Devecchi, C. (2013) Beyond development: applying the human development paradigm to identifying children with special needs and disabilities. Paper presented to: British Educational Research Association Conference, London, 2014-09-24 - 2014-09-24.
- Devecchi, C. (2013) Beyond development: applying the human development paradigm to identifying children with special needs and disabilities. Paper presented to: British Educational Research Association Conference, London, 2014-09-24.
- Devecchi, C. (2013) Il dibattito internazionale sull'inclusione, la personalizzazione e i BES. Paper presented to: Art. 34* - "La scuola è aperta a tutti" I Bisogni Educativi Speciali e le risposte della scuola, Universita Bocconi, Milan, Italy, 2013-01-01.
- Devecchi, C. (2013) Il dibattito internazionale sull'inclusione, la personalizzazione e i BES. Paper presented to: Art. 34* - "La scuola è aperta a tutti" I Bisogni Educativi Speciali e le risposte della scuola, Universita Bocconi, Milan, Italy, 2013-01-01.
- Devecchi, C. (2013) Includere tutti: il supporto per gli insegnanti in Inghilterra. Paper presented to: Percorso Sperimentale di Accompagnamento degli Insegnanti Nell'Integrazione di Alunni con BES, Trento, Italy, 2013-09-02.
- Devecchi, C. (2013) Includere tutti: il supporto per gli insegnanti in Inghilterra. Paper presented to: Percorso Sperimentale di Accompagnamento degli Insegnanti Nell'Integrazione di Alunni con BES, Trento, Italy, 2013-09-02.
- Devecchi, C. (2013) Still talking about inclusion? Carving new spaces between policy and practice. Lecture presented to: PGCE Masters Course - Equality, Inclusion and Citizenship, London South Bank University, 24 October 2013. (Unpublished)
- Devecchi, C. and Brown, J. (2013) Perspectives on the 'preparedness' of teaching assistants: what gets in the way? Paper presented to: British Educational Research Association Conference, London, 2014-09-24 - 2014-09-24.
- Devecchi, C. and Brown, J. (2013) Perspectives on the 'preparedness' of teaching assistants: what gets in the way? Paper presented to: British Educational Research Association Conference, London, 2014-09-24.
- Devecchi, C., Murray, J. and Trory, H. (2013) Inclusive childcare services for children with disabilities in England: review of conditions, standards and practice. Paper presented to: British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference, University of Sussex, Brighton, 03-05 September 2013. (Unpublished)
- Devecchi, C., Murray, J. and Trory, H. (2013) Inclusive childcare services for children with disabilities in England: review of conditions, standards and practice. Paper presented to: British Educational Research Association Conference, London, 2014-09-24 - 2014-09-24.
- Devecchi, C., Trory, H., Murray, J. and Evans, R. (2013) Inclusive daily childcare services for children with disabilities in England: review of conditions, standards and practice.
- Devecchi, C., Trory, H., Murray, J. and Evans, R. (2013) Inclusive daily childcare services for children with disabilities in England: review of conditions, standards and practice. [Report]
- Fergusson, A. (2013) Moving to a 'giant big school'. Special Children. 212, pp. 8-10. 0951-6875.
- Garner, P. (2013) Addressing the needs of diverse learners in the classroom. Paper presented to: Statssekretæren åpner den 3. nordiske LP-konferansen, Tonsberg, Norway, 2013-05-27.
- Garner, P. (2013) Addressing the needs of diverse learners in the classroom. Paper presented to: Statssekretæren åpner den 3. nordiske LP-konferansen, Tonsberg, Norway, 2013-05-27.
- Garner, P. (2013) Editorial. Support for Learning. 28(1), pp. 2-3. 0268-2141.
- Garner, P. (2013) Editorial. Support for Learning. 28(3), pp. 90-91. 0268-2141.
- Garner, P. (2013) Editorial. Support for Learning. 28(2), pp. 50-51. 0268-2141.
- Garner, P. (2013) Editorial. Support For Learning. 28(4), pp. 136-137. 1467-9604.
- Garner, P. (2013) Fathers, sons and schools: historical dilemmas and future possibilities. Paper presented to: Second International Scientific Conference on 'Parenthood in the Face of Difficult Situations. Disability – Neglect – Disintegration’, Kamień Śląski Castle, Opole, Poland, 2013-05-09.
- Garner, P. (2013) Fathers, sons and schools: historical dilemmas and future possibilities. Paper presented to: Second International Scientific Conference on 'Parenthood in the Face of Difficult Situations. Disability – Neglect – Disintegration’, Kamień Śląski Castle, Opole, Poland, 2013-05-09.
- Garner, P. (2013) Including children with special educational needs: how can we better prepare teachers to respond to the challenges and opportunities? Paper presented to: Educational Leadership & Management in Special Education (ELMIS) International Congress on Special Education, Necmettin Erbakan University, Aksehir, Turkey, 2013-06-20.
- Garner, P. (2013) Including children with special educational needs: how can we better prepare teachers to respond to the challenges and opportunities? Paper presented to: Educational Leadership & Management in Special Education (ELMIS) International Congress on Special Education, Necmettin Erbakan University, Aksehir, Turkey, 2013-06-20.
- Garner, P. and Forbes, F. (2013) School leadership and special education: challenges, dilemmas and opportunities from an Australian context. Support For Learning. 28(4), pp. 154-161. 1467-9604.
- Howley, M. (2013) Selecting and blending strategies to meet individual needs. In: Howley, M. and Preece, D. (eds.) Supporting Pupils on the Autism Spectrum: Whole-School Training Materials and Resources for Sencos. London: Optimus Education. pp. 147-166.
- Howley, M. (2013) Understanding the autism spectrum. In: Howley, M. and Preece, D. (eds.) Supporting Pupils on the Autism Spectrum: Whole-School Training Materials and Resources for Sencos. London: Optimus Education. pp. 5-27.
- Howley, M. and Preece, D. (2013) Introduction. In: Howley, M. and Preece, D. (eds.) Supporting Pupils on the Autism Spectrum: Whole-School Training Materials and Resources for Sencos. London: Optimus Education. pp. 1-3.
- Perepa, P. (2013) Cultural diversity and autism spectrum. Invited Keynote presented to: Inservice in Autisme, Malle, Belguim, 12-13 November 2013.
- Perepa, P. (2013) Diversity and autism spectrum conditions. In: Chaplin, E., Hardy, S. and Underwood, L. (eds.) Autism Spectrum Conditions: a Guide. Brighton: Pavilion. pp. 97-104.
- Perepa, P. (2013) Understanding Autism in the Early Years. Maidenhead: Open University Press. 9780335246649.
- Preece, D. (2013) Teaching parents to understand and manage the behaviour of children on the autism spectrum. Paper presented to: 4th International Conference: Modern Aspects of the Special Education and Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities, Ohrid, Macedonia, 2013-10-17.
- Preece, D. (2013) Teaching parents to understand and manage the behaviour of children on the autism spectrum. Paper presented to: 4th International Conference: Modern Aspects of the Special Education and Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities, Ohrid, Macedonia, 2013-10-17.
- Preece, D. (2013) A matter of perspective - whole families' experiences of living with autism. Paper presented to: 10th Autism-Europe International Congress, Budapest, Hungary, 2013-09-27.
- Preece, D. (2013) A matter of perspective - whole families' experiences of living with autism. Paper presented to: 10th Autism-Europe International Congress, Budapest, Hungary, 2013-09-27.
- Preece, D. (2013) A matter of perspective – whole families’ experiences of living with autism. Poster presented to: 10th Autism-Europe International Congress, Budapest, Hungary, 2013-09-27.
- Preece, D. (2013) A matter of perspective – whole families’ experiences of living with autism. Poster presented to: 10th Autism-Europe International Congress, Budapest, Hungary, 2013-09-27.
- Rose, R. (2013) Book review: Special and Inclusive Education, a Research Perspective. European Journal of Special Needs Education. 28(2), pp. 234-237. 0885-6257.
- Rose, R. and Doveston, M. (2013) Inclusion through learning: what do we mean by inclusive pedagogies? Paper presented to: Learn 2013: Inclusion through Education and Vocation, Taj Connemara Hotel, Chennai, India, 2013-09-13.
- Rose, R. and Doveston, M. (2013) Inclusion through learning: what do we mean by inclusive pedagogies? Paper presented to: Learn 2013: Inclusion through Education and Vocation, Taj Connemara Hotel, Chennai, India, 2013-09-13.
- Rose, R., Doveston, M., Rajanahally, J., Jament, J. and Visser, J. (2013) Supporting inclusive classrooms: can Western approaches to teaching be applied within an Indian context? Paper presented to: 21st Conference of The Asian Federation on Intellectual Disabilities (AFID): Towards Dignity & Quality of Life - Evolving Individual Capacity with Family & Community Participation, New Delhi, India, 2013-10-10.
- Rose, R., Doveston, M., Rajanahally, J., Jament, J. and Visser, J. (2013) Supporting inclusive classrooms: can Western approaches to teaching be applied within an Indian context? Paper presented to: 21st Conference of The Asian Federation on Intellectual Disabilities (AFID): Towards Dignity & Quality of Life - Evolving Individual Capacity with Family & Community Participation, New Delhi, India, 2013-10-10.
- Samsel, M. and Perepa, P. (2013) The impact of media representation of disabilities on teachers' perceptions. Support for Learning. 28(4), pp. 138-145. 1467-9604.
- Slade, M., Lowery, C. and Bland, K. (2013) Evaluating the impact of Forest Schools: a collaboration between a university and a primary school. Support for Learning. 28(2), pp. 66-72. 0268-2141.
- Trory, H., Devecchi, C. and Murray, J. (2013) Inclusive daily childcare for children with disabilities (0-5) in England: a policy and practice overview from 1997 to present day. Symposium presented to: European Early Childhood Education Research Association (EECERA) 23rd Annual Conference: Values, Culture and Contexts, Tallinn University, Estonia, 28-31 August 2013. (Unpublished)
- Whitaker, P. and Preece, D. (2013) Understanding the perspectives of children and parents: a foundation for developing partnerships. In: Howley, M. and Preece, D. (eds.) Supporting Pupils on the Autism Spectrum: Whole-School Training Materials and Resources for Sencos. London: Optimus Education. pp. 29-42.
- Visser, J., (ed.) (2012) Transforming Troubled Lives: Key Issues in Policy, Practice and Provision. London: Routledge. 9780415634977.
- Bajwa-Patel, M. and Devecchi, C. (2012) ‘Nowhere that fits’ – exploring the issues around parental choice and school placement for students with a Statement of Special Educational Needs in England. Paper presented to: American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting : Non Satis Scire : To Know Is Not Enough, Vancouver, Canada, 2012-04-01.
- Bajwa-Patel, M. and Devecchi, C. (2012) ‘Nowhere that fits’ – exploring the issues around parental choice and school placement for students with a Statement of Special Educational Needs in England. Paper presented to: American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting : Non Satis Scire : To Know Is Not Enough, Vancouver, Canada, 2012-04-01.
- Bell, S. (2012) Training teachers of children with dyslexia or literacy difficulties for 21st century schools in England. In: Pancocha, K. and Prochazkova, L. (eds.) Education and Support for People with Special Needs. Brno, Czech Republic: Muni Press. pp. 15-24.
- Bell, S. and Maclean, B. (2012) Good practice in training specialist teachers and assessors for people with dyslexia. In: Peer, L. and Reid, G. (eds.) Special Educational Needs: A Guide for Inclusive Practice. London: SAGE Publications. pp. 127-140.
- Devecchi, C., Dettori, F., Doveston, M., Sedgwick, P. and Jament, J. (2012) Inclusive classrooms in Italy and England: the role of support teachers and teaching assistants. European Journal of Special Needs Education. 27(2), pp. 171-184. 0885-6257.
- Fergusson, A. (2012) Back to the future: moving forward with practitioner research. In: Jones, P., Whitehurst, T. and Egerton, J. (eds.) Creating Meaningful Inquiry in Inclusive Classrooms: Practitioners' Stories of Research. London: Routledge. pp. 122-138.
- Garner, P. (2012) Editor. Support for Learning: British Journal of Learning Support. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing. 0268-2141.
- Garner, P. (2012) Editorial. Support for Learning. 27(4), pp. 138-139. 0268-2141.
- Garner, P. (2012) Editorial. Support for Learning. 27(3), p. 96. 0268-2141.
- Garner, P. (2012) Editorial. Support for Learning. 27(1), pp. 2-3. 0268-2141.
- Garner, P. (2012) Teacher education: dilemmas and tensions for school staff working with pupils with EBD. In: Cole, T., Daniels, H. and Visser, J. (eds.) The Routledge International Companion to Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties. London: Routledge. pp. 330-339.
- Garner, P. and Forbes, F. (2012) Disposable assets. Are special education teachers still needed in 21st century Australian schools. NISE Bulletin. 11, pp. 62-66. 0389-9012.
- Garner, P., Forbes, F., Fergusson, A., Aspland, T. and Datta, P. (2012) Curriculum, assessment and reporting in special educational needs and disability: A thematic overview of recent literature. Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority.
- Garner, P., Forbes, F., Fergusson, A., Aspland, T. and Datta, P. (2012) Curriculum, assessment and reporting in special educational needs and disability: A thematic overview of recent literature. Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority.
- Garner, P. and Gittins, C. (2012) Reducing violence against children in schools: dimensions and trends in school-based violence. New York: UNICEF.
- Garner, P., Gittins, C. and Burnett, N. (2012) Reducing violence against children in schools: Technical Note for UNICEF Country Offices. New York: UNICEF. (Unpublished)
- Garner, P., Gittins, C. and Burnett, N. (2012) Reducing violence against children in schools: report and commentary on the analysis of a sample of UNICEF Country Programmes. New York: UNICEF.
- Garner, P., Gittins, C. and Evans, R. (2012) Protection against violence, abuse and neglect in early childhood: Technical Note of advice. New York: UNICEF. (Unpublished)
- Garner, P., Gittins, C. and Evans, R. (2012) Protection against violence, abuse and neglect in early childhood: a literature review. New York: UNICEF. (Unpublished)
- Garner, P., Gittins, C. and Evans, R. (2012) Protection against violence, abuse and neglect in early childhood: a review of UNICEF Country Programmes. New York: UNICEF. (Unpublished)
- Rose, R. (2012) Ownership of the inclusion agenda: supporting communities towards a more equitable education system. Paper presented to: North South Dialogue IV: Implementing Tools of Change for Inclusion, Goa, India, 2012-02-20.
- Rose, R. (2012) Ownership of the inclusion agenda: supporting communities towards a more equitable education system. Paper presented to: North South Dialogue IV: Implementing Tools of Change for Inclusion, Goa, India, 2012-02-20.
- Smith, A., Groom, B. and Griffiths, S. (2012) Supporting Pupils with Dyslexia: Whole-School Training Materials and Resources for SENCOs. London: Optimus Education. 9781905538980.
- Bell, S. (2011) Supporting adults with dyslexia by creating community groups: an examination of three models of provision in the voluntary sector. Occasional Papers in Education and Lifelong Learning (OPELL): An International Journal. 5(1 - 2), pp. 5-28. 9781859242612.
- Bell, S., McPhillips, T. and Doveston, M. (2011) How do teachers in Ireland and England conceptualise dyslexia? Journal of Research in Reading. 34(2), pp. 171-192. 0141-0423.
- Boxall, K. and Ralph, S. (2011) Research ethics committees and the benefits of involving people with profound and multiple learning disabilities in research. British Journal of Learning Disabilities. 39(3), pp. 173-180. 1354-4187.
- Burns, E. and Bell, S. (2011) Narrative construction of professional teacher identity of teachers with dyslexia. Teaching and Teacher Education. 27(5), pp. 952-960. 0742-051x (print), 1879-2480 (online).
- Farnsworth, V., Davis, P., Kalambouka, A., Ralph, S., Shi, X. and Farrell, P. (2011) Students' production of curricular knowledge: perspectives on empowerment in financial capability education. Education, Citizenship and Social Justice. 6(2), pp. 153-167. 1746-1979.
- Garner, P. (2011) Editorial. Support For Learning. 26(4), p. 143. 0268-2141.
- Garner, P. (2011) Promoting the conditions for positive behaviour, to help every child succeed. Nottingham: National College for School Leadership.
- Garner, P. and Forbes, F. (2011) An 'at-risk' curriculum for 'at-risk' students? Paper presented to: Australian Curriculum Studies Association (ACSA) Biennial Curriculum Conference, Sydney, NSW, 2011-10-07.
- Garner, P. and Forbes, F. (2011) An 'at-risk' curriculum for 'at-risk' students? Paper presented to: Australian Curriculum Studies Association (ACSA) Biennial Curriculum Conference, Sydney, NSW, 2011-10-07.
- Preece, D. (2011) Respite care for families with children with autism spectrum disorders. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis: Studia Psychologica. 4, pp. 174-188. 1689-9903.
- Rose, R. (2011) Developing inclusive schools: the transferability of a western concept to an Indian education context. Paper presented to: Inclusive Education: Pedagogies and Issues, Bangalore, India, 2011-01-22.
- Rose, R. (2011) Developing inclusive schools: the transferability of a western concept to an Indian education context. Paper presented to: Inclusive Education: Pedagogies and Issues, Bangalore, India, 2011-01-22.
- Rose, R., Shevlin, M., Winter, E. and O'Raw, P. (2011) Investigating inclusive education in Ireland: constructing case studies for the identification of commonalities and exceptionalities. Paper presented to: European Educational Research Conference 2011 (ECER 2011): Urban Education, Freie Universitat Berlin, Germany, 2011-09-15.
- Rose, R., Shevlin, M., Winter, E. and O'Raw, P. (2011) Investigating inclusive education in Ireland: constructing case studies for the identification of commonalities and exceptionalities. Paper presented to: European Educational Research Conference 2011 (ECER 2011): Urban Education, Freie Universitat Berlin, Germany, 2011-09-15.
- Rose, R., Shevlin, M., Winter, E. and O'Raw, P. (2011) Investigating special educational provision in Irish mainstream schools: the perspectives of key stage holders. Paper presented to: Irish Association of Teachers in Special Education (IATSE) 23rd Annual International Conference: Teaching & Learning - Forging Ahead, Drumcondra, Dublin, 09-11 June 2011. (Unpublished)
- Doveston, M. and Keenaghan, M. (2010) Improving group dynamics to support learning and social inclusion: developing and enhancing CPD tutor capacity (Growing Talent for Inclusion, GTI). (Unpublished)
- Doveston, M. and Keenaghan, M. (2010) Improving group dynamics to support learning and social inclusion: developing and enhancing CPD tutor capacity (Growing Talent for Inclusion, GTI) : Improving group dynamics to support learning and social inclusion developing and enhancing CPD tutor capacity.
- Doveston, M. and Keenaghan, M. (2010) Teachers and educational psychologists working together: what can we learn? Support for Learning. 25(3), pp. 131-137. 0268-2141.
- Fergusson, A. (2010) Professional development for our teacher workforce: Are we up to it ... and are we up for it? Online: SSAT Trust.
- Forlin, C. and Rose, R. (2010) Authentic school partnerships for enabling inclusive education in Hong Kong. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs. 10(1), pp. 13-22. 1471-3802.
- Garner, P. (2010) SEBD; BESD; or even DEBS - descriptive or prescriptive? Labels and their contribution to good practice. Paper presented to: 57th Annual National Social Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties Association (SEBDA) Conference, Britannia Hotel, Manchester, 2010-04-01.
- Garner, P. (2010) SEBD; BESD; or even DEBS - descriptive or prescriptive? Labels and their contribution to good practice. Paper presented to: 57th Annual National Social Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties Association (SEBDA) Conference, Britannia Hotel, Manchester, 2010-04-01.
- Haller, B., Ralph, S. and Zaks, Z. (2010) Confronting obstacles to inclusion: how the US news media report disability. In: Rose, R. (ed.) Confronting Obstacles to Inclusion: International Responses to Developing Inclusive Education. London: Routledge. pp. 9-30.
- Jones, K. and Howley, M. (2010) An investigation into an interaction programme for children on the autistic spectrum: outcomes for children, perceptions of schools and a model for training. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs. 10(2), pp. 115-123. 1471-3802.
- McPhillips, T., Bell, S. and Doveston, M. (2010) Overcoming barriers to the acquisition of literacy in 21st century inclusive classrooms. In: Rose, R. (ed.) Confronting Obstacles to Inclusion: International Responses to Developing Inclusive Education. Abingdon: Routledge. pp. 213-226.
- Preece, D. (2010) Ascertaining the views of individuals with ASD using structure and visual supports. Paper presented to: British Institute of Learning Disabilities (BILD) Good Autism Practice Conference, Birmingham, UK, 2010-11-05.
- Preece, D. (2010) Ascertaining the views of individuals with ASD using structure and visual supports. Paper presented to: British Institute of Learning Disabilities (BILD) Good Autism Practice Conference, Birmingham, UK, 2010-11-05.
- Preece, D. (2010) Respite care (‘short breaks’) for families that include young people on the autism spectrum. Paper presented to: Inclusion: Switch from Minus to Plus, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2010-05-14.
- Preece, D. (2010) Respite care (‘short breaks’) for families that include young people on the autism spectrum. Paper presented to: Inclusion: Switch from Minus to Plus, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2010-05-14.
- Preece, D. (2010) When puberty strikes – developing training for parents and professionals. Paper presented to: Samrådet International Conference on Autism, Skive, Denmark, 2010-11-12.
- Preece, D. (2010) When puberty strikes – developing training for parents and professionals. Paper presented to: Samrådet International Conference on Autism, Skive, Denmark, 2010-11-12.
- Preece, D. and Jordan, R. (2010) Obtaining the views of children and young people with autism spectrum disorders about their experience of daily life and social care support. British Journal of Learning Disabilities. 38(1), pp. 10-20. 1354-4187.
- Rose, R. (2010) Addressing the challenges of school exclusion for pupils labeled as having ADHD: a response to Fintan O’Regan’s Exclusion from school and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. International Journal of Emotional Education. 2(2) 2073-7629.
- Rose, R. (2010) Addressing the challenges of school exclusion for pupils labeled as having ADHD: a response to Fintan O’Regan’s Exclusion from school and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. International Journal of Emotional Education. 2(2) 2073-7629.
- Rose, R. and Forlin, C. (2010) Impact of training on change in practice for education assistants in a group of international private schools in Hong Kong. International Journal of Inclusive Education. 14(3), pp. 309-323. 1360-3116.
- Rose, R., Shevlin, M., Winter, E. and O'Raw, P. (2010) Special and inclusive education in the Republic of Ireland: reviewing the literature from 2000 to 2009. European Journal of Special Needs Education. 25(4), pp. 359-373. 0885-6257.
- Rose, R., Shevlin, M., Winter, E. and O'Raw, P. (2010) Special and inclusive education in the Republic of Ireland: reviewing the literature from 2000 to 2009. European Journal of Special Needs Education. 25(4), pp. 359-373. 0885-6257.
- Taylor, K. and Preece, D. (2010) Using aspects of the TEACCH structured teaching approach with students with multiple disabilities and visual impairment: reflections on practice. British Journal of Visual Impairment. 28(3), pp. 244-259. 0264-6196.
- Boxall, K. and Ralph, S. (2009) Research ethics and the use of visual images in research with people with intellectual disability. Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability. 34(1), pp. 45-54. 1366-8250.
- Cumming, S. and Visser, J. (2009) Using art with vulnerable children. Support for Learning. 24(4), pp. 151-158. 0268-2141.
- Devecchi, C. (2009) Research quality assessment in education: impossible science, possible art? A response to David Bridges. Paper presented to: Centre for Educational Research and Development, Von Hugel Institute, St. Edmund’s College, Cambridge, 2009-03-27.
- Devecchi, C. (2009) Research quality assessment in education: impossible science, possible art? A response to David Bridges. Paper presented to: Centre for Educational Research and Development, Von Hugel Institute, St. Edmund’s College, Cambridge, 2009-03-27.
- Devecchi, C., Mintz, J. and March, C. (2009) Supporting user participation in developing mobile technology to help young people with autism: the HANDS smartphone project. Paper presented to: International Conference on Information Communication Technologies in Education (ICICTE 2009), Corfu, Greece, 2009-07-10.
- Devecchi, C., Mintz, J. and March, C. (2009) Supporting user participation in developing mobile technology to help young people with autism: the HANDS smartphone project. Paper presented to: International Conference on Information Communication Technologies in Education (ICICTE 2009), Corfu, Greece, 2009-07-10.
- Foreman-Peck, L. and Murray, J. (2009) Action research and policy. In: Bridges, D., Smeyers, P. and Smith, R. (eds.) Evidence-Based Education Policy: What Evidence? What Basis? Whose Policy? Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 138-156.
- Garner, P. (2009) Boy friendly teaching.
- Jones, K., Doveston, M. and Rose, R. (2009) The motivations of mentors: promoting relationships, supporting pupils, engaging with communities. Pastoral Care in Education. 27(1), pp. 41-51. 0264-3944.
- Mintz, J., Devecchi, C. and March, C. (2009) A mobile phone solution for young people with autism: introducing the “HANDS” project. Paper presented to: British Educational Research Association Conference, London, 2014-09-24 - 2014-09-24.
- Mintz, J., Devecchi, C. and March, C. (2009) A mobile phone solution for young people with autism: introducing the “HANDS” project. Paper presented to: British Educational Research Association Conference, London, 2014-09-24.
- Murray, J. (2009) Studying the worlds of young children: knowing and understanding. In: Waller, T. (ed.) An Introduction to Early Childhood: a Multidisciplinary Approach. 2nd ed. London: Sage. pp. 138-151.
- Preece, D. (2009) Effective short breaks services for families with children with autism spectrum disorders: how one local authority in the United Kingdom is working to meet the challenge. Practice. 21(3), pp. 159-174. 0950-3153.
- Rose, R. (2009) Addressing the education of school pupils with special educational needs: international trends and responsibilities. In: Life, S. (ed.) Challenges and Moves in Education. Hefei: Anhui University Press.
- Rose, R. (2009) Book review : Disability Classification in Education: Issues and Perspetives, edited by Florian, L. & McLaughlin, M. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs. 9(1), pp. 62-63. 1471-3802.
- Rose, R., Howley, M., Fergusson, A. and Jament, J. (2009) Mental health and special educational needs: exploring a complex relationship. British Journal Of Special Education. 36(1), pp. 3-8. 1467-8578.
- Rose, R. and O'Neill, A. (2009) A value for money and policy review initiative, Special Needs Assistant (SNA) Scheme.
- Rose, R. and O'Neill, A. (2009) Classroom support for inclusion in England and Ireland: an evaluation of contrasting models. Research in Comparative and International Education. 4(3), pp. 250-261. 1745-4999.
- Rose, R. and O'Neill, A. (2009) Classroom support for inclusion in England and Ireland: an evaluation of contrasting models. Research in Comparative and International Education. 4(3), pp. 250-261. 1745-4999.
- Rose, R., Smith, A. and Feng, Y. (2009) Supporting pupils and families: A case study of two English extended secondary schools. Management in Education. 23(2), pp. 57-62. 0892-0206.
- Smith, A. (2009) Darren: a case study in school-college liaison. Support for Learning. 24(4), pp. 185-190. 0268-2141.
- Smith, A., Griffiths, S. and Rose, R. (2009) Extended Schools: an investigation into the development and enhancement of initial teacher education capacity.
- Visser, J. and Dubsky, R. (2009) Peer attitudes to SEBD in a secondary mainstream school. Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties. 14(4), pp. 315-324. 1363-2752.
- Visser, J. and Jehan, Z. (2009) ADHD: a scientific fact or a factual opinion? A critique of the veracity of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties. 14(2), pp. 127-140. 1363-2752.
- Wells, P. (2009) Great expectations: trainee teachers' professional qualities - selection and development. In: Life, S. (ed.) Challenges and Moves in Education. Hefei: Anhui University Press.
- Cullingford-Agnew, S. (2008) Preparing physical education student teachers to work with SEN children. Education Today. 58(2), pp. 20-24.
- Derrington, C. (2008) Evaluation of integrated children’s services. Not applicable. (Unpublished)
- Derrington, C. (2008) Survey of primary school teacher perceptions of pupil behaviour. Not applicable. (Unpublished)
- Derrington, C. and Goddard, H. (2008) Whole-Brain Behaviour Management in the Classroom: Every Piece of the Puzzle. London: Routledge. 9780415411806.
- Derrington, C. and Kendall, S. (2008) Challenges and barriers to secondary education: the experiences of young gypsy traveller students in English secondary schools. Social Policy and Society. 7(1), pp. 1-10. 1474-7464.
- Devecchi, C. (2008) Applying Bernstein’s sociology of pedagogy to teaching assistants’ supportive practices: an exploration. Panel Presentation presented to: Kaleidoscope, Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge, 06 June 2008. (Unpublished)
- Devecchi, C. (2008) Collaboration between teachers and TAs: from co-configuration to re-configuration. Paper presented to: British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, 03-06 September 2008. (Unpublished)
- Devecchi, C. (2008) Crossing professional borders: TAs and teachers as migrants, immigrants and trespassers. Poster presented to: Camera, Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge, 16 April 2008. (Unpublished)
- Feng, Y. (2008) 'Making special education inclusive': Chinese mainstream teachers’ perspective. Paper presented to: European Educational Research Association (EEER) New Researchers/Student Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden, 8 - 12 September 2008. (Unpublished)
- Feng, Y. (2008) Teacher motivation in special education in China. Paper presented to: British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference 2008, Edinburgh, 3 - 6 September 2008. (Unpublished)
- Feng, Y. (2008) Teacher voices from China: the impact of cross-cultural experiences on EFL teachers’ motivation for professional development. Paper presented to: Asia Pacific Educational Research Association (APERA) Conference 2008, Singapore, 26 - 28 November 2008. (Unpublished)
- Feng, Y. and Jament, J. (2008) Can ethical guidelines be international?: Students’ dilemmas researching education in China and India. Research Intelligence (British Educational Research Association (BERA)). (104), pp. 24-25. 0307-9023.
- Feng, Y. and Jament, J. (2008) Enhancing communication in classrooms in developing countries: improving teachers’ knowledge and changing attitudes towards special educational needs and inclusion. Paper presented to: Irish Association of Teachers in Special Education (IATSE), Dublin, 12 - 14 June 2008. (Unpublished)
- Feng, Y. and Jament, J. (2008) Ethical issues: international research students’ dilemmas in doing qualitative research in education in China and India. Paper presented to: Research Student Conference, Birmingham, 7 July 2008. (Unpublished)
- Fergusson, A. (2008) Promoting communication in learners with PMLD. Paper presented to: Enabling Communication: Irish Association of Teachers in Special Education (IATSE) 2008 Conference, Dublin, 12 - 14 June 2008. (Unpublished)
- Fergusson, A. (2008) Supporting schools to assess the progress of pupils with special educational needs, using the P scales. Invited Keynote presented to: Connection - Linking Teaching, Language and Learning, Perth, Australia, 17 - 18 March 2008. (Unpublished)
- Fergusson, A. (2008) Teacher assessment and moderation, using the P scales. Invited Presentation presented to: Connection - Linking Teaching, Language and Learning, Perth, Australia, 17 - 18 March 2008. (Unpublished)
- Fergusson, A. (2008) What about us? Working with young people to make the best of school and college. Paper presented to: Enabling Communication: Irish Association of Teachers in Special Education (IATSE) Conference 2008, Dublin, 12 - 14 June 2008. (Unpublished)
- Florian, L., Devecchi, C. and Dee, L. (2008) How can the capability approach contribute to understanding provision for people with learning difficulties? Prospero. 14(1) 1358-6785.
- Florian, L., Devecchi, C. and Dee, L. (2008) How can the capability approach contribute to understanding provision for people with learning difficulties? Prospero. 14(1) 1358-6785.
- Goodgame, J. (2008) Learning and assessment - a creative approach. Workshop presented to: Irish Learning Support Association (ILSA) (Cumann Tacaíochta Foghlama na hÉireann) Spring Seminar: Learning and Assessment, Ireland, 27 March 2008. (Unpublished)
- Groom, B. (2008) Creative therapeutic approaches with young people with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties. Paper presented to: Special Schools Conference, Tartu, Estonia, 5 - 6 May 2008. (Unpublished)
- Groom, B. (2008) Involving students in their own learning. Paper presented to: Irish Learning Support Association (ILSA) Conference, Carrick-on-Shannon, Ireland, 27 March 2008. (Unpublished)
- Howley, M. (2008) Complementary approaches to developing social interaction and understanding. Invited Presentation presented to: International Conference on Autism 2008, Skive, Denmark, 7 - 8 November 2008. (Unpublished)
- Howley, M. (2008) Structured teaching: an essential ingredient in the autism friendly classroom. Paper presented to: Centre for Autism 2008 Conference, LLubjiana, Slovenia, 12-16 April 2008. (Unpublished)
- Howley, M. and Crawley, S. (2008) Behaviours that challenge. Paper presented to: Training & Education in Autistic Spectrum Disorders Strategy Group Conference, Sligo, Ireland, 23 May 2008. (Unpublished)
- Howley, M. and Fergusson, A. (2008) Developing autism friendly schools and classrooms. Paper presented to: Centre for Autism 2008 Conference, Llubjiana, Slovenia, 12 - 16 April 2008. (Unpublished)
- Lewis, A., Parsons, S., Robertson, C., Feiler, A., Tarleton, B., Watson, D., Byers, R., Davies, J., Fergusson, A. and Marvin, C. (2008) Reference, or advisory, groups involving disabled people: reflections from three contrasting research projects. British Journal of Special Education. 35(2), pp. 78-84. 0952-3383.
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- McPhillips, T., Bell, S. and Doveston, M. (2008) Enabling communication through increased participation: an evaluation of the teaching methods and approaches used in Ireland and England: a comparative study. Paper presented to: 20th Annual Conference of the Irish Association of Teachers in Special Education (IATSE): Enabling Communication, Dublin, 12 - 14 June 2008. (Unpublished)
- McPhillips, T., Bell, S. and Doveston, M. (2008) How do teachers in England and Ireland conceptualise dyslexia? Paper presented to: European Educational Research Association (ECER) New Researchers/Student Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden, 10 - 12 September 2008. (Unpublished)
- Preece, D. (2008) Effective respite care for families with children with autism spectrum disorders. Paper presented to: 'Rain Man Is Among Us': Contemporary Forms of Support for Autistic Persons. A Systems Approach, Kraków, Poland, 2008-11-27.
- Preece, D. (2008) Effective respite care for families with children with autism spectrum disorders. Paper presented to: 'Rain Man Is Among Us': Contemporary Forms of Support for Autistic Persons. A Systems Approach, Kraków, Poland, 2008-11-27.
- Preece, D. (2008) Social care support services in England for children and adults with autism spectrum disorders and their families. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation. 9(3-4), pp. 63-73. 1409-6099.
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- Ralph, S. (2008) "Can we use your photo?" Ethics and visual images of people with intellectual disabilities. Invited Keynote presented to: Research Institute for Health and Social Change (RIHSC) Annual Conference 2008, Manchester, 1 - 2 July 2008. (Unpublished)
- Ralph, S. (2008) "Can we use your photo?" Ethics and visual images of people with intellectural disabilities. Paper presented to: Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association (APERA) 2008, Hong Kong, 26 - 28 November 2008. (Unpublished)
- Ralph, S., Farnsworth, V., Black, L., Davis, P., Farrell, P., Kalambouka, A. and Shi, X. (2008) Are financial discourses gendered? Explorations of men and women's sense making of personal finance. Paper presented to: American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting 2008, New York, USA, 24 - 28 March 2008. (Unpublished)
- Rose, R. (2008) ESF feels the need. South China Morning Post.
- Rose, R. (2008) Encouraging engagement: an emerging role for school based family workers in English secondary schools. International Journal of School Disaffection. 6(1), pp. 5-11. 1478-8497.
- Rose, R. (2008) Promoting inclusion by addressing the needs of local communities: working together to promote social and educational cohesion. In: Forlin, C. (ed.) Catering for Learners with Diverse Needs: An Asia Pacific Focus :. pp. 30-53.
- Rose, R. (2008) Promoting inclusion by addressing the needs of local communities: working together to promote social and educational cohesion. In: Forlin, C. (ed.) Catering for Learners with Diverse Needs: An Asia Pacific Focus :. pp. 30-53.
- Rose, R. (2008) Understanding the development of high achieving inclusive schools. Invited Keynote presented to: Conference of the English Schools Foundation (ESF), Hong Kong, 23 May 2008. (Unpublished)
- Rose, R. and Doveston, M. (2008) Pupils talking about their learning mentors: what can we learn? Educational Studies. 34(2), pp. 145-155. 0305-5698.
- Shevlin, M. and Rose, R. (2008) Pupils as partners in education decision making: responding to the legislation in England and Ireland. European Journal of Special Needs Education. 23(4), pp. 423-430. 0885-6257.
- Slade, M. (2008) A study of the interrelationship between the behaviour and social status of a class of Year 2 pupils. Support for Learning. 23(2), pp. 63-70. 0268-2141.
- Bell, S. (2007) Factors affecting the integration of adult dyslexics in workplace environments in England. Paper presented to: Integration and Education International Conference, Riga, Latvia,, 22– 23 February 2007. (Unpublished)
- Corbett, C. and Perepa, P. (2007) Missing out? Autism, education and ethnicity: the reality for families today. London: The National Autistic Society. 9781905722273.
- Cullingford-Agnew, S. and Fergusson, A. (2007) Emerging findings: A comparative study into the efficacy of an early intervention programme for pre-school aged pupils with motor disorders and their parents. Paper presented to: Second Conference of the International Society on Early Intervention (ISEI ), Zagreb, Croatia, 14-16 June 2007. (Unpublished)
- Derrington, C. (2007) Fight, flight and playing white. Paper presented to: Regional Conference of Teachers of Travellers, Cambridge, 16 November 2007. (Unpublished)
- Derrington, C. (2007) Issues around the secondary transfer of gypsy traveller students. Paper presented to: Headteacher Conference, Doncaster, 5 July 2007. (Unpublished)
- Derrington, C. and Goddard, H. (2007) Whole-Brain Behaviour Management in the Classroom: Every Piece of the Puzzle. London and New York, USA: Routledge Falmer. 0415411815.
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- Doveston, M. (2007) Developing capacity for social and emotional growth: an action research project. Pastoral Care in Education. 25(2), pp. 46-54. 0264-3944.
- Fergusson, A. (2007) Guest editor. PMLD-Link. 19(3, Iss) Northampton: University of Northampton.
- Fergusson, A. and Lacey, P. (2007) Guest editor. Support for Learning. 22(3) Oxford: Blackwell. 0268-2141. Special issue: PMLD: policy, provision and practice
- Fergusson, A., Rose, R. and Howley, M. (2007) Making sense of mental health – the emotional wellbeing of children and young people with complex needs in schools. Submitted to the National Association of Independent Schools and Non-Maintained Special Schools (NASS) October 2007. (Unpublished)
- Garner, P. (2007) Member of Editorial Board. International Journal on School Disaffection. Stoke-on-Trent: Trentham Books. 1478-8497.
- Garner, P. (2007) Editor. International Journal of Special Education. 0827-3383. [Consulting editor]
- Garner, P. (2007) Member of Editorial Board.
- Garner, P. (2007) Member of Editorial Board. Bulgarian Journal of Special Education. Sofia: University of Sofia.
- Garner, P. (2007) Member of Editorial Board. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth. Bicester, Oxfordshire: AB Academic Publishers. 0267-3843.
- Goodgame, J. and Groom, B. (2007) Beyond words: exploring communication and expression through therapeutic dance with children with special educational needs. Workshop presented to: Learning Conference 2007: 14th International Conference on Learning, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, 26-29 June 2007. (Unpublished)
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- Howley, M. and Jones, K. (2007) Review of outcomes for pupils with social and communication difficulties on the interaction programme. Interim report submitted to Leicester City Special Needs Teaching Service, September 2007 (Unpublished)
- Perepa, P. (2007) Are ASD services for minority ethnic communities accessible? Good Autism Practice. 8(2), pp. 3-8. 1466-2973.
- Perepa, P. (2007) Autism: a Practical Guide for Parents and Teachers. Hyderabad, India: Prachee Publications. 9788174430212.
- Preece, D. and Jordan, R. (2007) Short breaks services for children with autistic spectrum disorders: factors associated with service use and non-use. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 37(2), pp. 374-385. 0162-3257.
- Preece, D. and Jordan, R. (2007) Social workers' understanding of autistic spectrum disorders: an exploratory investigation. The British Journal of Social Work. 37(5), pp. 925-936. 0045-3102.
- Ralph, S. (2007) Editor. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing. 1471-3802.
- Ralph, S. (2007) Valuating difference in order to include disabled people in society. Invited Keynote presented to: 2nd Abu Dhabi Access Conference: Promoting full and rich lives for those with special needs and their families, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 5-6 March 2007. (Unpublished)
- Rose, R. (2007) "Drive" contribution to news item on Minister opting to educate son with special education needs in non-maintained special school. London: BBC Radio 4 "The World at One". Northampton, 8 January 2007
- Rose, R. (2007) "Drive" contribution to news item on Minister opting to educate son with special educational needs in non-maintained special school. BBC Radio 4 "The PM Programme". Northampton, 8 January 2007
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- Rose, R. (2007) Curriculum considerations in meeting special educational needs. In: Florian, L. (ed.) Sage International Handbook of Special Education. London: Sage.
- Rose, R. (2007) One hour phone-in responding to calls about the assessment and provision made for pupils with special education needs. London: BBC Radio 5 Live. 27 February 2007
- Rose, R. (2007) Reinterpreting inclusion: putting participation at the heart of the agenda. LEARN: Journal of the Irish Learning Support Association. 29, pp. 6-32.
- Rose, R. (2007) Schools for communities: working together to promote social and educational cohesion. Paper presented to: Marden Research Series, Hong Kong, 19 May 2007. (Unpublished)
- Rose, R. and Howley, M. (2007) The Practical Guide to Special Educational Needs in Inclusive Primary Classrooms. London: Paul Chapman. 1412923263.
- Rose, R. and Jones, K. (2007) The efficacy of a volunteer mentoring scheme in supporting young people at risk. Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties. 12(1), pp. 3-14. 1363-2752.
- Rose, R. and O'Neill, A. (2007) Changing roles and identities: the professionalisation of support in Irish and English classrooms. Paper presented to: Irish Association of Teachers in Special Education (IATSE) International Conference, Drumcondra, Ireland, 7-9 June 2007. (Unpublished)
- Rose, R. and Shevlin, M. (2007) Capable or not? Who decides? Exploring the implications for children and young people with special educational needs. Paper presented to: Irish Association of Teachers in Special Education (IATSE) International Conference, Drumcondra, Ireland, 7-9 June 2007. (Unpublished)
- Smith, A. (2007) Developing teachers as researchers – working in partnership with teachers developing research projects. Paper presented to: Challenges and Opportunities within Practitioner Research, Sligo, Ireland, 11-12 May 2007. (Unpublished)
- Smith, A. (2007) The role & responsibilities of a Special Educational Needs Coordinator in an English school. Paper presented to: Finnish National SENCo Conference, Jyvaskyla, Finland, 19-21 March 2007. (Unpublished)
- Doveston, M. and Kenaghan, M. (2006) Growing talent for inclusion: using an appreciative inquiry approach to investigating classroom dynamics. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs. 6(3), pp. 153-165. 1471-3802.
- Rose, R., Smith, A. and Feng, Y. (2006) An investigation into the efficacy of two English extended secondary schools. Paper presented to: British Educational Research Association (BERA) National Conference, University of Warwick, Warwick, UK, 6-9 September 2006. (Unpublished)