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- University Faculties, Research Institutes and Departments (1388)
- University Faculties, Divisions and Research Centres - OLD (1388)
- Faculty of Health & Society (1388)
- Midwifery (28)
- Nursing (64)
- Occupational Therapy (81)
- Podiatry (78)
- Psychology (625)
- Social Work (41)
- Faculty of Health & Society (1388)
- University Faculties, Divisions and Research Centres - OLD (1388)
Number of items at this level: 215.
- Barchard, F., Sixsmith, J., Neill, S. and Meurier, C. (2016) Understanding courage in the context of nursing. Invited Presentation presented to: Royal College of Nursing (RCN) International Research Conference and Exhibition 2016, Edingburgh, 06-08 April 2016. (Unpublished)
- Groves-Kirkby, C. J., Denman, A. R., Campbell, J., Crockett, R. G. M., Phillips, P. S. and Rogers, S. (2016) Is environmental radon gas associated with the incidence of neurodegenerative conditions? A retrospective study of multiple sclerosis in radon affected areas in England and Wales. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity. 154, pp. 1-14. 0265-931X.
- Hylands-White, N., Duarte, R. V., Beeson, P., Mayhew, S. D. and Raphael, J. H. (2016) Electroencephalographic evoked pain response is suppressed by spinal cord stimulation in complex regional pain syndrome: a case report. Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing. 30(6), pp. 845-848. 1387-1307.
- Ricke, S. C., Donaldson, J. R. and Phillips, C. A., (eds.) (2015) Food Safety: Emerging Issues, Technologies and Systems. Amsterdam: Academic Press. 9780128002452.
- Fang, M. L., Malcoe, L. H., Sixsmith, J., Wong, L. and Callender, M. (2015) Exploring traditional end-of-life beliefs, values, expectations, and practices among Chinese women living in England: Informing culturally safe care. Palliative and Supportive Care. 13(5), pp. 1261-1274. 1478-9515.
- Adukwu, E., Allen, S. C. H. and Phillips, C. A. (2014) A comparison of the sensitivity of four Staphylococcus aureus isolates to two chlorine-based disinfectants and an eco-friendly commercially available cleaning agent. International Journal of Environmental Health Research. 0960-3123.
- Alexander, J., Callaghan, J. and Sixsmith, J. (2014) Call for participants: Study explores 'resilience' of young people living with domestic abuse. CAADA eNews. Jan/Feb
- Callaghan, J., Alexander, J., Fellin, L. and Sixsmith, J. (2014) Imaging agency and resistance: Photos and drawings in work with children in situations of domestic abuse. Invited Presentation presented to: The British Psychological Society, Qualitative Methods in Psychology Section (QMiP): Multiple Transformations of Qualitative Data, De Montfort University, Leicester, 11 April 2014. (Unpublished)
- Callaghan, J., Alexander, J., Sixsmith, J. and Fellin, L. (2014) “Witness” to violence? Agency and resistance in children’s accounts of domestic abuse. Paper presented to: 8th Annual Keele Counselling Conference: Daring to Make an Impact: Dynamic Qualitative Research, Keele University, 22-23 March 2014. (Unpublished)
- Callaghan, J., Nardulli, C., Fellin, L., Alexander, J., Sixsmith, J. and Sanelli, M. B. (2014) Understanding agency and resistance strategies: Psychological discourses of children in situations of domestic violence. Invited Presentation presented to: Garante Dei Diritti Dell’Infanzia e Dell’Adolescenza: Bari Workshop to present the Daphne Project UNARS, Excelsior Hotel, Bari, Italy, Puglia, 01 April 2014. (Unpublished)
- Callender, M., Fang, M. L., Sixsmith, J. and Huber, J. (2014) Smoking, pregnancy and stigma in England: Challenges of an incentivised smoking cessation programme. Invited Presentation presented to: 28th Conference of the European Health Psychology Society (EHPS 2014), Innsbruck, Austria, 26-30 August 2014. (Unpublished)
- Callender, M. and Sixsmith, J. (2014) Countering a culture of acceptance: Exploring councillor’s views towards poor health-related lifestyle choices. Invited Presentation presented to: Royal Geographical Society with Institute of British Geographers (RGS-IBG) Annual International Conference, London, 26-29 August 2014. (Unpublished)
- Crouch, A., Maunder, R., Sneddon, S. and Turner, S. J. (2014) Editorial. Enhancing the Learner Experience in Higher Education. 6(1), pp. 1-3. 2041-3122.
- Dickens, G., Staniford, J. and Long, C. G. (2014) Smoking behaviour, motives, motivation to quit and self-efficacy among patients in a secure mental health service: comparison with staff controls. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing. 21(6), pp. 483-490. 1351-0126.
- Ekberg, M. E., Callender, M., Hamer, H. and Rogers, S. (2014) Exploring the decision to participate in the National Health Service Bowel Cancer Screening Programme. European Journal of Cancer Prevention. 23(5), pp. 391-397. 0959-8278.
- Fang, M. L., Callender, M., Sixsmith, J. and Huber, J. (2014) Incentivised smoking cessation intervention with pregnant women: findings from a pilot program in Northamptonshire, UK. Invited Presentation presented to: 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology (ICAP), Paris, France, 08-13 July 2014. (Unpublished)
- Groves-Kirkby, C. J., Timson, K., Shield, G., Denman, A. R., Rogers, S., Campbell, J., Phillips, P. S. and Ekberg, M. E. (2014) Influences motivating smokers in a radon-affected area to quit smoking. Perspectives in Public Health. 134(1), pp. 44-56. 1757-9139.
- Laird, K. and Phillips, C. A. (2014) Is a citrus essential oil the answer to surface decontamination in a hospital environment? Invited Presentation presented to: Antibiotic Alternatives for the New Millennium, London, 05-07 November 2014. (Unpublished)
- Price, E. J., Linforth, R., Dodd, C., Phillips, C. A., Hewson, L., Hort, J. and Gkatzionis, K. (2014) Study of the influence of yeast inoculum concentration (Yarrowia lipolytica and Kluyveromyces lactis) on blue cheese aroma development using microbiological models. Food Chemistry. 145, pp. 464-472. 0308-8146.
- Sixsmith, J., Callender, M., Hobbs, G., Corr, S. and Huber, J. (2014) Implementing the National Service Framework for long-term (neurological) conditions: service user and service provider experiences. Disability and Rehabilitation. 36(7), pp. 563-572. 0963-8288.
- Sixsmith, J. and O'Reilly, C. (2014) Weight-centred approaches to health: harms and solutions. Invited Presentation presented to: 10th Annual Midlands Health Psychology Network Conference, ‘Ten years of MHPN: Looking Back and Moving Forward', The University of Northampton, 20 February 2014. (Unpublished)
- Sixsmith, J., Sixsmith, A., Callender, M. and Corr, S. (2014) Wartime experiences and their implications for the everyday lives of older people. Ageing and Society. 34(9), pp. 1457-1481. 0144-686X.
- Tyler, N., Gannon, T. A., Lockerbie, L., King, T., Dickens, G. and De Burca, C. (2014) A Firesetting offense chain for mentally disordered offenders. Criminal Justice and Behavior. 41(4), pp. 512-530. 1552-3594.
- Ward, A. and Dobson, M. (2014) Lessons learned from a dementia training programme for health professionals. The Journal of Practice Teaching & Learning. 12(3), pp. 25-43. 1759-5150.
- Banham-Hall, N., Kothwal, K., Pipkin, J., Bentley, J. and Dickens, G. (2013) Prevalence of low bone mineral density in inpatients with traumatic brain injury receiving neurobehavioural rehabilitation: a postoperative, observational study. Physiotherapy. 99(4), pp. 328-334. 0031-9406.
- Callaghan, J., Sixsmith, J., Bilotta, J. and Armstrong-Hallam, S. (2013) "Witness" to violence? Psychological discourses of children in situations of domestic abuse. Invited Keynote presented to: Northamptonshire Against Domestic Abuse (NADA) Domestic Abuse Conference, Kettering, United Kingdom, 27 November 2013. (Unpublished)
- Callender, M. (2013) Financial hardship and emotional health in times of austerity. Invited Presentation presented to: 9th European Congress of Community Psychology (9thECCP), Naples, Italy, 06-09 November 2013. (Unpublished)
- Campbell, J. (2013) Increasing early detection of lung cancer. Invited Presentation presented to: Government Conference, Royal College of Surgeons, London, 28 November 2013. (Unpublished)
- Curtis, T. (2013) Silence and prayer - the path to spiritual and psychological health in the tradition of Eastern Christianity. Lecture presented to: Seminar, 'Traditions of the Earth', Intercultural Counseling and Healing Center, Moscow, 01 December 2013. (Unpublished)
- Dickens, G., Piccirillo, M. and Alderman, N. (2013) Causes and management of aggression and violence in a forensic mental health service: perspectives of nurses and patients. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing. 22(6), pp. 532-544. 1445-8330.
- Gough, S., Yohannes, A., Thomas, C. and Sixsmith, J. (2013) Simulation-based education (SBE) within postgraduate emergency on-call physiotherapy in the United Kingdom. Nurse Education Today. 33(8), pp. 778-784. 0260-6917.
- Harris, N. and Shearer, D. (2013) Nurses! Test Yourself in Non-Medical Prescribing. Maidenhead: Open University Press. 9780335244997.
- Higgins, M., James, R. S. and Price, M. (2013) The effects of sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) ingestion on high intensity cycling capacity. Journal of Sports Sciences. 31(9), pp. 972-981. 0264-0414.
- Higgins, M., Tallis, J., Price, M. and James, R. S. (2013) The effects of elevated levels of sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) on the acute power output and time to fatigue of maximally stimulated mouse soleus and EDL muscles. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 113(5), pp. 1331-1341. 1439-6319.
- Huber, J. and Callender, M. (2013) Emotional health in people affected by the 2008/09 recession in the United Kingdom. Paper presented to: 9th European Congress of Community Psychology (9thECCP), Naples, Italy, 06-09 November 2013. (Unpublished)
- Huber, J. and Callender, M. (2013) The recent economic downturn in the UK: mental wellbeing and social support. Paper presented to: 27th Conference of the European Health Psychology Society (EHPS): Well-being, Quality of Life & Caregiving, Bordeaux, France, 16-20 July 2013. (Unpublished)
- Jones, C. H. D., Neill, S., Lakhanpaul, M., Roland, D., Singlehurst, H. and Thompson, M. (2013) The safety netting behaviour of first contact clinicians: a qualitative study. BMC Family Practice. 14(140) 1471-2296.
- Lama, A., Bates, M. P., Covington, A. D., Allen, S. C. H. and Antunes, A. P. M. (2013) Methods of isolation and identification of pathogenic and potential pathogenic bacteria from skins and tannery effluents. Journal of the American Leather Chemists Association. 108(2), pp. 48-62. 0002-9726.
- Pratesi, A., Sixsmith, J. and Woolrych, R. (2013) Genuine partnership and equitable research: Working “with” older people for the development of a smart activity monitoring system. The Innovation Journal: The Public Sector Innovation Journal. 18(3) 1715-3816.
- Pyer, M. and Campbell, J. (2013) The ‘other participant’ in the room: The effect of significant adults in research with children. Research Ethics. 9(4), pp. 153-165. 1747-0161.
- Sixsmith, J. and Callender, M. (2013) Improving wellbeing through service design for people with long term neurological conditions. Paper presented to: 27th Conference of the European Health Psychology Society (EHPS): Well-being, Quality of Life & Caregiving, Bordeaux, France, 16-20 July 2013. (Unpublished)
- Dickens, G., Sugarman, P. and Gannon, T. A., (eds.) (2012) Firesetting and Mental Health: Theory, Research and Practice. London: RCPsych Publications. 9781908020376.
- Adukwu, E., Allen, S. C. H. and Phillips, C. A. (2012) The anti-biofilm activity of lemongrass (cymbopogon flexussus) and grapefruit (citrus paradisi) essential oils against five strains of staphylococcus aureus. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 113(5), pp. 1217-1227. 1365-2672.
- Campbell, J. (2012) Pain. Invited Presentation presented to: Rheumatology 2012, Glasgow, UK, 01-03 May 2012. (Unpublished)
- Campbell, J. (2012) The Masters' track. Invited Presentation presented to: National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Clinical Academic Careers and Training Conference, London, 01 March 2012. (Unpublished)
- Campbell, J. (2012) The nature of pain. Podiatry Now. 15(3), pp. 21-26. 1460-731X.
- Dickens, G. (2012) "Going in to the unknown" the experience of male medium secure patients during enviromental transition. Invited Presentation presented to: Third International Conference on Violence in the Health Sector, Vancouver, Canada, 24-26 October 2012. (Unpublished)
- Dickens, G., Onifade, Y., Sugarman, P. and Weleminsky, J. (2012) Recovery Star: validating user recovery. Psychiatric Bulletin. 36(2), pp. 45-50. 0955-6036.
- Dickens, G., Piccirillo, M. and Alderman, N. (2012) Causes and management of patient aggression and violence in forensic settings: staff and patient perspectives. Invited Presentation presented to: Third International Conference on Violence in the Health Sector: Linking Local Initiatives with Global Learning, Vancouver, Canada, 24-26 October 2012. (Unpublished)
- Dickens, G., Rooney, C. and Doyle, D. (2012) Breakaways in specialist secure psychiatry. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing. 19(3), pp. 281-284. 1351-0126.
- Dickens, G. and Sugarman, P. (2012) Adult firesetters: prevalence, characteristics, psychopathology. In: Dickens, G., Sugarman, P. and Gannon, T. A. (eds.) Firesetting and Mental Health: Theory, Research and Practice. London: RCPsych Publications. pp. 3-27.
- Fang, M. L. and Sixsmith, J. (2012) Comparative questions. Workshop presented to: Super-diversity: Comparative Questions: An International Workshop, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Gottingen, Germany, 27-28 September 2012. (Unpublished)
- Findlay, J., Parkes, J., Ward, A. and Richardson, M. (2012) A pilot evaluation of the Zoned Asthma Action Plan (ZAAP) card. Primary Care Respiratory Journal. 21(2), pp. 220-221. 1471-4418.
- Hardwick, R. J., Amogne, W., Mugusi, S., Yimer, G., Ngaimisi, E., Habtewold, A., Minzi, O., Makonnen, E., Janabi, M., Machado, L., Viskaduraki, M., Mugusi, F., Aderaye, G., Lindquist, L., Hollox, E. J. and Aklillu, E. (2012) B-defensin genomic copy number is associated with HIV load and immune reconstitution in sub-Saharan Africans. The Journal of Infectious Diseases. 206(7), pp. 1012-1019. 1537-6613.
- Huber, J. and Sixsmith, J. (2012) Resilience and wellbeing. Paper presented to: 26th Conference of the European Health Psychology Society (EHPS), Prauge, 21-25 August 2012. (Unpublished)
- Hwang, E., Cummings, L., Sixsmith, A. and Sixsmith, J. (2012) Impacts of home modifications on ageing-in-place. Poster presented to: Gerontological Society of America (GSA) 65th Annual Scientific Meeting, San Diego, USA, 14-18 November 2012. (Unpublished)
- Laird, K., Armitage, D. and Phillips, C. A. (2012) Reduction of surface contamination and biofilms of enterococcus sp. and staphylococcus aureus using a citrus-based vapour. Journal of Hospital Infection. 80(1), pp. 61-66. 0195-6701.
- Laird, K. and Phillips, C. A. (2012) Vapour phase: a potential future use for essential oils as antimicrobials? Letters In Applied Microbiology. 54(3), pp. 169-174. 0266-8254.
- Laird, K., Score, J., Prime, D. C. and Phillips, C. A. (2012) Morphological changes in Enterococcus faecium on exposure to citrus essential oils in vapor phase as determined by TEM, SEM and AFM. The Journal of Essential Oil Research. 24(2), pp. 181-185. 1041-2905 (print) 2163-8152 (online).
- Lama, A., Allen, S. C. H., Attenburrow, G. E., Bates, M. P., Covington, A. D. and Antunes, A. P. M. (2012) Survival and growth of Bacillus cereus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus in extreme environments present during the early stages of a conventional leather making process. Journal of American Leather Chemists Association. 107(6), pp. 186-195. 0002-9726.
- Machado, L., Hardwick, R. J., Bowdrey, J., Bogle, H., Knowles, T., Sironi, M. and Hollox, E. J. (2012) Evolutionary history of copy-number-variable locus for the low-affinity Fcy receptor: mutation rate, autoimmune disease, and the legacy of helminth infection. The American Journal of Human Genetics. 90(6), pp. 973-985. 0002-9297.
- O'Reilly, C. and Sixsmith, J. (2012) From theory to policy: reducing harms associated with the weight-centered health paradigm. Fat Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Body Weight and Society. 1(1), pp. 97-113. 2160-4851.
- Phillips, C. A., Gkatzionis, K., Laird, K., Score, J., Kant, A. and Fielder, M. D. (2012) Identification and quantification of the antimicrobial components of a citrus essential oil vapour. Natural Product Communications. 7(1), pp. 103-107. 1555-9475.
- Phillips, C. A., Laird, K. and Allen, S. C. H. (2012) The use of Citri-V™® - an antimicrobial citrus essential oil vapour for the control of Penicillium chrysogenum, Aspergillus niger and Alternaria alternata in vitro and on food. Food Research International. 47(2), pp. 310-314. 0963-9969.
- Raleigh, S. M. and Collins, M. (2012) Gene variants that predispose to Achilles tendon injuries: an update on recent advances. In: Cretnik, A. (ed.) Achilles Tendon. Online: InTech. pp. 25-40.
- Sixsmith, J., Lawthom, R. and Fang, M. L. (2012) Understanding asylum seeker and refugee health and access to healthcare: learning from the UK experience. Workshop presented to: Third Annual Critical Inquiries Workshop, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, 10-11 May 2012. (Unpublished)
- Slyne, H., Phillips, C. A. and Parkes, J. (2012) Infection prevention and control: how does experience affect knowledge and application of practice? Journal of Infection Prevention. 13(3), pp. 92-96. 1757-1774.
- Slyne, H., Phillips, C. A. and Parkes, J. (2012) Saving Lives audits: do they improve infection prevention and control practice? Journal of Infection Prevention. 13(1), pp. 24-27. 1757-1774.
- Valletta, L. and Sixsmith, J. (2012) Participation and older people. Paper presented to: IVth International Conference of Community Psychology (4th ICCP), Barcelona, 21-23 June 2012. (Unpublished)
- Allen, S. (2011) A conversation. Invited Presentation presented to: Spirituality in Palliative Care, Highgate House, Creaton, Northampton, 26-28 October 2011. (Unpublished)
- Allen, S. (2011) Spirituality in a multi cultural healthcare context; an ethical dimension. Invited Presentation presented to: Healthcare Christian Fellowship International (HCFI) World Conference 2011: The World Conference Diamond Anniversary of HCFI, Manila, Phillipines, 4-9 September 2011. (Unpublished)
- Allen, S. and Spencer, M. (2011) Health and wellbeing in Bedfordshire. (Unpublished)
- Campbell, J. (2011) Clinically relevant research. Invited Keynote presented to: Clinical Research Masterclass Conference, Bournemouth University, 31 May 2011. (Unpublished)
- Campbell, J. (2011) Proving your worth: evaluation and audit in practice. Invited Presentation presented to: Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists Annual Conference & Exhibition, Harrogate, 24-26 November 2011. (Unpublished)
- Campbell, J. (2011) Writing successful grant applications. Invited Presentation presented to: UK Occupational Therapy Research Foundation (UKOTRF) Doctoral Conference, London, 06 December 2011. (Unpublished)
- Campbell, J., Pyer, M. and Andrag, H. (2011) An evaluation of the Carers' Strategy Demonstration Site, Northamptonshire Phase ii. (Unpublished)
- Cumming, A. and Bayliff, T. (2011) Plantar pressure: comparing two Poron insoles. The Diabetic Foot Journal. 14(2), pp. 86-89. 1462-2041.
- Dickens, G. and Picchioni, M. (2011) A systematic review of the terms used to refer to people who use mental health services: user perspectives. International Journal of Social Psychiatry. 58(2), pp. 115-122. 0020-7640.
- Gkatzionis, K., Vanichpun, A., Woolford, J., Linforth, R., Dodd, C. and Phillips, C. A. (2011) The properties of secondary yeast flora in Stilton blue cheese. Other presented to: Society for Applied Microbiology (SfAM) Summer Conference, Dublin, Ireland, 04 July 2011. (Unpublished)
- Hardwick, R. J., Machado, L., Zuccherato, L., Antolinos, S., Xue, Y., Shawa, N., Gilman, R., Cabrera, L., Berg, D., Tyler-Smith, C., Kelly, P., Tarazona-Santos, E. and Hollox, E. J. (2011) A worldwide analysis of beta-defensin copy number variation suggests recent selection of a high-expressing DEFB103 gene copy in East Asia. Human Mutation. 32(7), pp. 743-750. 1059-7794.
- Haworth, J., Lawthom, R. and Sixsmith, J. (2011) The way we are now: a day in the life of ... Paper presented to: Second International Visual Methods (IVM) Conference, Open University, Milton Keynes, 13-15 September 2011. (Unpublished)
- Kagan, C. and Sixsmith, J. (2011) Community organisers and the big society. Paper presented to: 8th European Congress of Community Psychology, York St John University, York, 15-16 September 2011. (Unpublished)
- Lama, A., Attenburrow, G. E., Bates, M. P., Covington, A. D., Allen, S. C. H. and Antunes, A. P. M. (2011) Methods of isolation and identification of pathogenic and potential pathogenic bacteria from animal skins and tannery effluents. Paper presented to: XXXI International Union of Leather Technologists and Chemists Societies (IULTCS) Congress, Valencia, Spain, 27-30 September 2011. Also delivered as an Oral presentation at this conference (Unpublished)
- Lama, A., Attenburrow, G. E., Bates, M. P., Covington, A. D., Allen, S. C. H. and Antunes, A. P. M. (2011) Microorganisms: growth in the tannery. Leather International. 213(4816), p. 48. 1473-6314.
- Sixsmith, J. (2011) Humanizing dementia care. Seminar Presentation presented to: University of Brighton, Seminar, Brighton, April 2011. (Unpublished)
- Sixsmith, J. and Pratesi, A. (2011) Enabling older people: ageing and technology. Poster presented to: Research Institute for Health and Social Change (RIHSC) Annual Conference 2011, Manchester, 01 July 2011. (Unpublished)
- Sixsmith, J. and Valletta, L. (2011) Forms of community participation among older people: trajectories and paths. Paper presented to: Research Institute for Health and Social Change (RIHSC) Annual Conference 2011, Manchester, 01 July 2011. (Unpublished)
- Walker, N. and Thatcher, J. (2011) The emotional response to athletic injury: re-injury anxiety. In: Thatcher, J., Jones, M. and Lavallee, D. (eds.) Coping and Emotion in Sport. 2nd ed. London: Routledge. pp. 91-103.
- Wel, S.-H., Gkatzionis, K., Linforth, R., Phillips, C. A. and Dodd, C. (2011) Impact of yeasts on Penicillium roqueforti aroma production in a model blue cheese fermentation system. Other presented to: Society for Applied Microbiology (SfAM) Summer Conference, Dublin, Ireland, 04 July 2011. (Unpublished)
- Wing, A. E., Jones, P. G. W., Campbell, J. and Kay, A. D. (2011) Perception of pain intensity does not influence muscular performance in a maximal knee extension task. Invited Presentation presented to: British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES) Annual Conference: Fatigue: An interdisciplinary approach, University of Essex, United Kingdom, 06-08 September 2011. (Unpublished)
- Wing, A. E., Jones, P. G. W., Campbell, J. and Kay, A. D. (2011) The severity of experimentally induced pain influences muscular performance during maximal voluntary isometric knee extensor contractions. Invited Presentation presented to: 16th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science (ECSS), Liverpool John Moores University, 06-09 July 2011. (Unpublished)
- Ali, S., Phillips, C. A., Phillips, P. S. and Bates, M. P. (2010) Isolation and identification of Legionella pneumophila from material reclamation facilities. International Journal of Environmental Health Research. 20(5), pp. 367-377. 0960-3123.
- Arvinen-Barrow, M., Redwood, T., Townsend, N., Armstrong-Hallam, S., Pyer, M. and Kitson, E. (2010) Benefits of Swimming with Babies (SWB) approach: an exploratory study. Poster presented to: British Psychological Society (BPS) Division of Sport and Exercise Psychology (DSEP) Conference, London, England, 9-10 December 2010. (Unpublished)
- Beaulieu, K., Turner, A. and Dickenson, F. (2010) MSc Student recruitment and retention. Paper presented to: University of Northampton Learning and Teaching Conference: Learning Dialogues, University of Northampton, England, 13 May 2010. (Unpublished)
- Campbell, J. (2010) Evidence for practice and skills for life. Invited Keynote presented to: Healthcare Student Conference, University of Huddersfield, England, 28 May 2010. (Unpublished)
- Campbell, J. (2010) Research capacity development in podiatry: the experience of the UK Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists. Poster presented to: 20th International Federation of Podiatrists (FIP) World Congress of Podiatry, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 13-15 May 2010. (Unpublished)
- Crouch, A. (2010) Supporting dyslexic students in clinical practice. Poster presented to: The Higher Education Academy Research Conference: Promoting Equity in Higher Education, Nottingham, UK, 27-28 January 2010. (Unpublished)
- Denman, A. R., Phillips, P. S., Groves-Kirkby, C. J., Timson, K., Shield, G., Rogers, S. and Campbell, J. (2010) Reducing lung cancer incidence by health campaigns : a review of the uptake, health benefits and cost effectiveness of smoking cessation and radon remediation programmes in Northamptonshire, UK. In: Proceedings of Third European IRPA Congress 2010 June 14-16, Helsinki, Finland.
- Duckett, P., Kagan, C. and Sixsmith, J. (2010) Consultation and participation with children in healthy schools: choice, conflict and context. Amercan Journal of Community Psychology. 46(1-2), pp. 167-178. 0091-0562.
- Gkatzionis, K., Woolford, J., Laird, K. and Phillips, C. A. (2010) Inhibition of legionellae in water by citrus essential oils and components. Paper presented to: 22nd International Committee on Food Microbiology and Hygiene (ICFMH) Symposium, Food Micro 2010, Copenhagen, Denmark, 30 August - 3 September 2010. (Unpublished)
- Lard, K., Gkatzionis, K., Kant, A., Fielder, M. D. and Phillips, C. A. (2010) Analysis of the anti-microbial components of Citri-V, an essential oil based vapour. Paper presented to: 110th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, San Diego, USA, 23-27 May 2010. (Unpublished)
- Long, C. G., Dickens, G., Sugarman, P., Craig, L., Mochty, U. and Hollin, C. (2010) Tracking risk profiles and outcome in a medium secure service for women: use of the HoNOS-secure. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health. 9(3), pp. 215-225. 1499-9013.
- Lowis, M. J., Knight, J. and Ball, V. (2010) A quantitative analysis of self-rated health and occupational aspects of community-dwelling older adults. Journal of Occupational Science. 17(1), pp. 20-26. 1442-7591.
- Nichols, J. and Campbell, J. (2010) Experiences of overseas nurses recruited to the NHS. Nursing Management. 17(5), pp. 30-35. 1354-5760.
- Phillips, C. A. (2010) Roles and responsibilities of UK food scientists and technologists in meeting future challenges domestically and internationally. Invited Presentation presented to: 15th International Union of Food Science and Technology (IUFoST) Congress, Cape Town, South Africa, 22-26 August 2010. (Unpublished)
- Phillips, C. A., Laird, K. and Allen, S. C. H. (2010) The effect of an essential oil vapour on the growth of Penicillium chrysogenum, Aspergillus niger and Alternaria alternata in vitro and on food. Paper presented to: 15th International Union of Food Science and Technology (IUFoST) Congress, Cape Town, South Africa, 22-26 August 2010. (Unpublished)
- Pyer, M., Horton, J., Tucker, F., Ryan, S. and Kraftl, P. (2010) Children, young people and 'disability': challenging children's geographies? Children's Geographies. 8(1), pp. 1-8. 1473-3285.
- Sixsmith, J. (2010) Ageing and technology: participatory approaches. Other presented to: Third International Conference on Community Psychology, Puebla, Mexico, 03-05 June 2010. (Unpublished)
- Sixsmith, J. (2010) Urban regeneration. Other presented to: Third International Conference on Community Psychology, Puebla, Mexico, 03-05 June 2010. (Unpublished)
- Sixsmith, J. (2010) Well-being services for people with long term neurological conditions: co-researchers involvement in research, service design and development. Invited Keynote presented to: Third International Conference on Community Psychology, Puebla, Mexico, 03-05 June 2010. (Unpublished)
- Strange, B. (2010) Prehospital treatment of hyperkalaemia. Journal of Paramedic Practice. 2(5), pp. 194-199. 1759-1376.
- Tudor, T. L., Woolridge, A. C., Phillips, C. A., Holliday, M., Laird, K., Bannister, S., Edgar, J. E. and Rushbrook, P. (2010) Evaluating the link between the management of clinical waste in the National Health Service (NHS) and the risk of the spread of infections: a case study of three hospitals in England. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health. 213(6), pp. 432-436. 1438-4639.
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