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- LB Theory and practice of education (108)
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Number of items at this level: 108.
- Allan, S. and Fitzgerald, R. (2008) Academic engagement with e-learning in the creative arts. Networks. Autumn(5), pp. 30-32.
- Armellini, A. and Aiyegbayo, O. (2010) Learning design and assessment with e-tivities. British Journal of Educational Technology. 41(6), pp. 922-935. 0007-1013.
- Armellini, A. and Hawkridge, D. (2012) Utopian universities: a technicist’s dream. Journal of Computing in Higher Education. 24(2), pp. 132-142. 1042-1726.
- Dunwell, I., Lameras, P., de Freitas, S., Petridis, P., Hendrix, M., Arnab, S. and Star, K. (2014) Providing career guidance to adolescents through digital games: a case study. International Journal of Game-Based Learning (IJGBL). 4(4), pp. 58-70. 2155-6849.
- Edwards, J. (2017) Crossing boundaries through digital learning. AD Magazine. (20), pp. 16-17. 2046-3138.
- Edwards, J. (2014) Inspired by digital. AD Magazine. (11), pp. 24-25. 2046-3138.
- Fathulla, K. and Hameed, S. (2009) A framework for understanding diagrams in education. Newport CELT Journal. 2 1758-9258 (Print) 1758-9266 (Online).
- Fitzgerald, R. (2008) The BITE Project. HEA Pathfinder Final Reports.
- Fritz, C. O., Francis, B., Morris, P. E. and Peelo, M. (2010) SIMPLE: helping to introduce statistics to social science students. Responding to the Mathematics Problem: The Implementation of Institutional Support Mechanisms. , pp. 51-58.
- Hameed, S., Fathulla, K. and Thomas, A. (2009) Extent of e-learning effectiveness and efficiency in an integrated blended learning environment. Newport CELT Journal. 2 1758-9258 (Print) 1758-9266 (Online).
- Hawkridge, D., Armellini, A., Nikoi, S., Rowlett, T. and Witthaus, G. (2010) Curriculum, intellectual property rights and open educational resources in British universities — and beyond. Journal of Computing in Higher Education. 22(3), pp. 162-176. 1042-1726.
- Hendrix, M., Backlund, P. and Vampula, B. (2014) A rating tool for sharing experiences with serious games. International Journal of Game-Based Learning (IJGBL). 4(4), pp. 1-18. 2155-6849.
- Howe, R. (2009) DEVINE, Jane and EGGER-SIDER, Francine. Going Beyond Google: The Invisible Web in Learning and Teaching. Library and Information Research. 33(105), pp. 112-113. 1756-1086.
- Kakabadse, N. K. (2012) Colleges upgrading technology to improve learning opportunities. The Daily Telegram. 22 Feb
- Kakabadse, N. K. and Kakabadse, A. P. (2010) Kids and gadgets: how school children use communication technology. Advancing Education Magazine.
- Khatri, R. (2010) Investigating students' perceptions of e-learning within an occupational therapy program. Operant Subjectivity: The International Journal of Q Methodology. 33(1/2), pp. 84-100. 0193-2713.
- MacLellan, F. (2009) Do you Tweet? Bibliotech. 6
- Manca, S., Grion, V., Armellini, A. and Devecchi, C. (2017) Editorial: Student voice. Listening to students to improve education through digital technologies. British Journal Of Educational Technology. 48(5) 1467-8535.
- Meatyard, B., Rowan, A. and Maunder, R. (2005) Making online communities work for gifted pupils. Gifted & Talented Update. 21, pp. 8-9. 1479-795x.
- Nie, M., Armellini, A., Harrington, S., Barklamb, K. and Randall, R. (2010) The role of podcasting in effective curriculum renewal. ALT-J: Research in Learning Technology. 18(2), pp. 105-118. 0968-7769.
- Nikoi, S. and Armellini, A. (2012) The OER mix in higher education: purpose, process, product, and policy. Distance Education. 33(2), pp. 165-184. 0158-7919.
- Nikoi, S., Rowlett, T., Armellini, A. and Witthaus, G. (2011) CORRE: a framework for evaluating and transforming teaching materials into open educational resources. Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning. 26(3), pp. 191-207. 0268-0513.
- Padilla Rodriguez, B. C., Armellini, A. and Hawkridge, D. (2013) In-company online training: strategic and operational lessons. Progressio: South African Journal for Open and Distance Learning Practice. 35(2), pp. 193-208. 0256-8853.
- Salmon, G., Jones, S. and Armellini, A. (2008) Building institutional capability in e-learning design. ALT-J: Research in Learning Technology. 16(2), pp. 95-109. 0968-7769.
- Seddon, F. A. (2006) Collaborative computer-mediated music composition in cyberspace. British Journal of Music Education. 23(3), pp. 273-283. 0265-0517.
- Seddon, F. A. and Biasutti, M. (2010) Strategies students adopted when learning to play an improvised blues in an e-learning environment. Journal of Research in Music Education. 58(2), pp. 147-167. 0022-4294.
- Seddon, F. A. and Biasutti, M. (2009) Evaluating a music e-learning resource: the participants’ perspective. Computers & Education. 53(3), pp. 541-549. 0360-1315.
- Seddon, F. A. and Biasutti, M. (2009) Participant approaches to and reflections on learning to play a 12-bar blues in an asynchronous e-learning environment. International Journal of Music Education. 27(3), pp. 189-203. 0255-7614.
- Seddon, F. A. and Biasutti, M. (2008) Non-music specialist trainee primary school teachers’ confidence in teaching music in the classroom. Music Education Research. 10(3), pp. 403-421. 1461-3808.
- Seddon, F. A. and O'Neill, S. A. (2006) How does formal instrumental music tuition (FIMT) impact on self- and teacher-evaluations of adolescents’ computer-based compositions? Psychology of Music. 34(1), pp. 27-45. 0305-7356.
- Seddon, F. A. and O'Neill, S. A. (2003) Creative thinking processes in adolescent computer-based composition: an analysis of strategies adopted and the influence of instrumental music training. Music Education Research. 5(2), pp. 125-137. 1461-3808.
- Seddon, F. A. and O'Neill, S. A. (2001) An evaluation study of computer-based compositions by children with and without prior experience of formal instrumental music tuition. Psychology of Music. 29(1), pp. 4-19. 0305-7356.
- Shelton Mayes, A. and Burgess, H. (2008) Using e-learning to support primary teacher trainees’ development of mathematical subject knowledge: an analysis of learning and the impact on confidence. Teacher Development. 12(1), pp. 37-55.
- Towle, G. (2011) Sampling proficient e-communicators in an online environment. International Journal of Web Based Communities (IJWBC). 7(1), pp. 136-149. 1477-8394.
- Towle, G. and Howe, R. (2010) Transitions in higher education with technology and learning: methods for elicitation. Enhancing the Learner Experience in Higher Education. 2(1), pp. 74-83.
Book Section
- Armellini, A., Salmon, G. and Hawkridge, D. (2009) The Carpe Diem journey: designing for learning transformation. In: Mayes, T., Morrison, D., Mellar, H., Bullen, P. and Oliver, M. (eds.) Transforming Higher Education Through Technology-Enhanced Learning. York, UK: Higher Education Academy. pp. 135-148.
- Caldwell, H. and Grantham, S. (2018) Planning computing in the national curriculum. In: Sewell, K. (ed.) Planning the Primary National Curriculum: a Complete Guide for Trainees and Teachers. 2nd ed. London: SAGE. pp. 194-205.
- Caldwell, H. and Honeyford, G. (2014) Blogging to support digital literacy in schools and universities. In: Younie, S., Leask, M. and Burden, K. (eds.) Teaching and Learning with ICT in the Primary School. 2nd ed. London: Routledge. pp. 24-38.
- Caldwell, H. and Honeyford, G. (2014) Computing and digital literacy. In: Smith, P. and Dawes, L. (eds.) Subject Teaching in Primary Education. London: SAGE. pp. 43-64.
- Hawkridge, D., Armellini, A., Nie, M., Padilla Rodriguez, B. C. and Witthaus, G. (2012) Digital audio for asynchronous interactive learning at an English university. In: Jia, J. (ed.) Educational Stages and Interactive Learning: From Kindergarten to Workplace Training. Hershey, PA, USA: IGI Publishing. pp. 468-484.
- Hill, G. and Turner, S. J. (2014) Electronic online marking of software asssignments. In: Motta, G. and Wu, B. (eds.) Software Engineering Education for a Global E-Service Economy. Berlin: Springer. pp. 41-48.
- Shelton Mayes, A. and Burgess, H. (2010) Open and distance learning for initial teacher education. In: Danaher, P. A. and Umar, A. (eds.) Perspectives on Distance Education: Teacher Education Through Open and Distance Learning. Vancouver, Canada: Commonwealth of Learning. pp. 35-46.
- Turner, S. J. and Childs, K. (2016) Artists. In: Caldwell, H. and Smith, N. (eds.) Teaching Computing Unplugged in Primary Schools: Exploring Primary Computing Through Practical Activities Away from the Computer. London: Learning Matters. pp. 51-72.
- Caldwell, H. and Bird, J. (2015) Teaching with Tablets. London: SAGE. 9781473906792.
- Caldwell, H., Bird, J. and Mayne, P. (2017) Lessons in Teaching Computing in Primary Schools. 2nd ed. London: SAGE. 9781473970403.
- Caldwell, H. and Cullingford-Agnew, S. (2017) Technology for SEND in Primary Schools: a Guide for Best Practice. London: SAGE. 9781526402363.
- Wegerif, R. and Dawes, L. (2004) Thinking and Learning with ICT: Raising Achievement in Primary Classrooms. London: RoutledgeFalmer. 0415304768.
- Horton, J., Armstrong, S. C., Bell, V., Mansukhani, N., Matthews, M. H. and Pilkington, A. (2008) Teachers' usage of Mapzone and Ordnance Survey digital resources. (Unpublished)
- Passey, D. and Fritz, C. O. (2008) Social inequality and uses of online resources: perspectives highlighted from an investigation of a large online data set. London: SAM Learning. 9780956022608.
- Turner, S. J. (2007) Innovative Teaching Development Fund project 2007 progress report. Report submitted to the University of Northampton (Unpublished)
- Turner, S. J. (2007) Development Fund project 2006-2007 progress report. Report submitted to the University of Northampton (Unpublished)
Conference or Workshop Item
- Ahmed, M. S., Ogunbiyi, R. and Fathulla, K. (2009) Enhancing quality of educational services through uses of business intelligence technology. Paper presented to: International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED 09), Valencia, Spain, 09-11 March 2009. (Unpublished)
- Bacsich, P., Phillips, B., Bristow, S. F., Pepler, G. and Watley, G. (2012) Virtual schooling for all ages – the news from VISCED. Paper presented to: European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN) 2012 Annual Conference, Porto, Portugal, 07-09 June 2012. (Unpublished)
- Bechkoum, K. (2009) On intelligent Arabic learning environment. Invited Keynote presented to: International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT09), University of Science and Technology, Sana'a, Yemen, 15-17 December 2009. (Unpublished)
- Burnapp, D. (2008) Supporting international students. Paper presented to: Higher Education Academy Annual Conference 2008, Harrogate International Centre, 1-3 July 2008. (Unpublished)
- Burnapp, D. and Feng, Y. (2007) Digital third space: the use of internet resources for study and living by students from China in UK universities. Paper presented to: 5th International Conference on ELT (English Language Teaching) in China & the 1st Congress of Chinese Applied Linguistics, Beijing, People's Republic of China, 16-21 May 2007. (Unpublished)
- Burnapp, D., Yan, Z., Ahmedmia, O., He, S. and Zhao, W. (2010) Collaborative capacity building: a case study of the development of an on-line module concerning employability and entrepreneurship. Paper presented to: International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS) International Conference on International Higher Education, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia, 29 November - 01 December 2010. (Unpublished)
- Dawes, L. (2007) Speaking and listening for interthinking with ICT. Paper presented to: Association for Information Technology in Teacher Education Annual Conference (ITTE), Leicester, 11 July 2007. (Unpublished)
- Dimmock, G. (2015) Skills Hub for Schools: building students’ information and academic skills through open educational resources. Invited Presentation presented to: Headmasters' and Headmistresses' Conference (HMC) for Librarians: the Old and the New, Aldenham School, Herfortshire, 12 November 2015. (Unpublished)
- Dimmock, G. (2014) Skills Hub: Review, Redesign, Rebuild. Paper presented to: Northampton Learning and Teaching Conference 2014: Northampton 2018: Planning, Designing and Delivering Student Success, The University of Northampton, 22 May 2014. (Unpublished)
- Dimmock, G. (2012) Building an online Skills Hub for the University of Northampton. Poster presented to: Research Active: Library and Learning Services Conference 2012, Sunley Management Centre, The University of Northampton, 19 June 2012.
- Dimmock, G. and House, J. (2014) Skills Hub: user attitudes and new directions. Paper presented to: Research Active: Library and Learning Services (LLS) Conference 2014, The University of Northampton, 18 June 2014.
- Enjelvin, G. and Ringrose, C. (2008) Reusable Learning Objects (RLOs) and contribution-oriented pedagogy: it's all about sharing! Paper presented to: Learning and Teaching Conference, University of Northampton, 14 May 2008. (Unpublished)
- Fathulla, K. (2009) A new approach for student's understanding of the richness of diagrams. Seminar Presentation presented to: European and Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (EMCIS 2009), Izmir, Turkey, 13-14 July 2009. (Unpublished)
- Fathulla, K. (2009) Enriching students' use of diagrams. Paper presented to: SOLSTICE 4th International Conference (SOLSTICE 2009), Edge Hill University, 04 June 2009. (Unpublished)
- Fathulla, K. and Guilford, S. (2009) Extending student's positive experiences with rich picture diagrams to subject related diagrams. Paper presented to: International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED 2009), Valencia, Spain, 09-11 March 2009. (Unpublished)
- Fathulla, K., King, J. and Vernon, J. (2007) Evaluation of interactive learning tools and their impact on the intake of A-Level maths students. Paper presented to: International Scientific Practical Conference, Siauliai, Lithuania, 2-5 December 2007. (Unpublished)
- Fathulla, K., Morrell, M. and Morrell, C. (2008) Software assisted assessment of student generated diagrams. Seminar Presentation presented to: Learning and Teaching Conference 2008, University of Northampton, 14 May 2008. (Unpublished)
- Fitzgerald, R. (2011) To what extent does a digital audio feedback strategy support large cohorts? Paper presented to: 10th European Conference on e-Learning (ECEL-2011), Brighton Business School, University of Brighton, 10-11 November 2011. (Unpublished)
- Fitzgerald, R. (2011) To what extent does audio feedback support large student cohorts? Paper presented to: EdTech 2011: 12th Annual Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association (ILTA), Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland, 1-2 June 2011. (Unpublished)
- Fitzgerald, R. and O'Keeffe, M. (2009) Changing how we communicate: Wikis, Web 2.0 and Weblogs. Workshop presented to: DIT Showcase of Learning and Teaching Innovations 2009, Hilton Hotel, Chalemont Street, Dublin 2, 14 January 2009. (Unpublished)
- Gray, D. (2013) Putting undergraduates on trial: using the Old Bailey online in teaching and assessment. Invited Presentation presented to: Our Criminal Past: Educating Historians of Crime: Classroom, Archives, Community, Leeds Metropolitan University, 06 September 2013. (Unpublished)
- Gray, D. (2009) Getting the bloggers to read: using weblogs in undergraduate teaching. Invited Presentation presented to: E-learning Near and Far: Using Technology in Teaching History, University of Wolverhampton, 11 November 2009. (Unpublished)
- Gray, D. (2008) Putting undergraduates on trial: using the Old Bailey Online as a teaching tool. Paper presented to: The Metropolis on Trial Conference, The Open University, Milton Keynes, 10 - 12 July 2008. (Unpublished)
- Gray, D. (2008) The Old Bailey Online as an EBA (enquiry based learning). Paper presented to: 10th HEA/HCA (Higher Education Academy/History Classic Archaeology) Annual Conference, Lady Margaret's Hall, University of Oxford, England, April 2008. (Unpublished)
- Hill, G. and Turner, S. J. (2013) Electronic Online Marking Of Software Assignments (EOMOSA). Paper presented to: 9th China-Europe International Symposium on Software Engineering Education, Milan, 13-14 May 2013. (Unpublished)
- Honeyford, G. (2007) A low tech approach to e-portfolios. Paper presented to: The Association for Information Technology in Teacher Education (ITTE) Annual Conference, Leicester, 11 July 2007. (Unpublished)
- Honeyford, G. (2007) E-portfolios for ITT students. Paper presented to: University of Derby Learning, Teaching and Assessment Conference, University of Derby, Derbyshire, 2 July 2007. (Unpublished)
- Howe, R. (2013) The strategic development of Enterprise Learning Technology at The University of Northampton. Invited Keynote presented to: Best E-Learning Practices to Enhance the International Competitiveness (Bb Forum Moscow), Moscow, 31 October 2013. (Unpublished)
- Khatri, R. (2009) An evaluation of an online personal development e-portfolio. Paper presented to: 5th International Mixed Methods Conference, Harrogate, 08-11 July 2009. (Unpublished)
- Khatri, R. (2007) A Q-methodology study to investigate the effectiveness of e-learning within a module in occupational therapy. Paper presented to: College of Occupational Therapists Annual Conference, Harrogate, 10-13 June 2007. (Unpublished)
- Khatri, R. and Corr, S. (2009) A Q methodology study to investigate students' perspective of e-learning (within a module in occupational therapy). Paper presented to: 5th International Mixed Methods Conference, Harrogate, UK, 8-11 July 2009. (Unpublished)
- Langley, A. (2008) Incorporating e-learning, experiential learning and social learning to create contemporary student learning environments. Seminar Presentation presented to: Learning and Teaching Conference 2008, University of Northampton, 14 May 2008. (Unpublished)
- Morrell, M., Morrell, C. and Van Bellen, M. (2008) Towards a research agenda into the demands of applying technology in HE teaching. Paper presented to: Learning and Teaching Conference 2008, University of Northampton, 14 May 2008. (Unpublished)
- Ringrose, C. (2007) E-Learning strategies in English studies. Panel Presentation presented to: Renewals: The English Subject Centre Conference, Royal Holloway, University of London, 11-13 July 2007. (Unpublished)
- Towle, G. (2008) Technology and learning shouldn’t mix? Invited Presentation presented to: Becta/National Union of Students (NUS) Further Education Learner Voice consultation, Nottingham, 5-6 March 2008. Also presented at: Further Education Learner Voice consultation - London, 11-12 March 2008 (Unpublished)
- Towle, G. and Draffan, E. A. (2008) Enabling learners’ voices. Other presented to: Learning from the Learners Experience Conference, Greenwich, 8 July 2008. (Unpublished)
- Towle, G. and Howe, R. (2010) Collaborations and partnerships in the e-learning arena. Seminar Presentation presented to: Postgraduate Research Degree Student & Early Career Researcher Conference 2010, Northampton, UK, 01 July 2010. (Unpublished)
- Towle, G. and Howe, R. (2009) From a whisper to a shout: eliciting the learner's voice. Other presented to: American Conference for Academic Disciplines, Orlando, Florida, 16-19 February 2009. (Unpublished)
- Towle, G. and Howe, R. (2008) Pyjama learning: learner transitions. Other presented to: Association for Learning Technology 15th International Conference (ALT-C 2008): Rethinking the Digital Divide, University of Leeds, 9-11 September 2008. (Unpublished)
- Towle, G. and Howe, R. (2008) Back to basics (E4L project). Workshop presented to: E-learner Experiences Special Interest Group (ELESIG) 2nd meeting and workshop, Bradford University, 3 June 2008. (Unpublished)
- Towle, G. and Howe, R. (2008) The learner's voice in higher education. Other presented to: University of Northampton’s Learning and Teaching Conference: Creating Contemporary Student Learning Environments, University of Northampton, 14 May 2008. (Unpublished)
- Towle, G. and Howe, R. (2008) E-communicators in an e-learning environment. Paper presented to: International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS) International Conference e-Society 2008, Algarve, Portugal, 9-12 April 2008. (Unpublished)
- Towle, G., Howe, R. and Beck, S. (2009) Mind the gap: listening to learners. Invited Keynote presented to: Kingston University’s Learning and Teaching conference, Kingston-Upon-Thames, UK, 13 January 2009. (Unpublished)
- Turner, S. J. (2010) Initial experience of using audio feedback. Poster presented to: University of Northampton Learning and Teaching Conference: Learning Dialogues, University of Northampton, UK, 13 May 2010. (Unpublished)
- Turner, S. J. (2010) PowerPoint is just the start. Poster presented to: University of Northampton Learning and Teaching Conference: Learning Dialogues, University of Northampton, UK, 13 May 2010. (Unpublished)
- Turner, S. J. (2009) Tiddlywikis for student developed resources. Paper presented to: Transitions: Teaching and Learning Conference 2009, University of Northampton, 13 May 2009. (Unpublished)
- Turner, S. J. (2009) Initial experience of using audio feedback for general assignment feedback. Poster presented to: A word in your ear, Sheffield, 18 December 2009. (Unpublished)
- Turner, S. J. (2007) Developing problem-solving teaching materials based upon Microsoft Robotics Studio. Paper presented to: Innovative Teaching Development Fund Dissemination Day, London Metropolitan University, 1 March 2007. (Unpublished)
- Van Bellen, M. and Fathulla, K. (2008) Towards a richer semantically oriented electronic assessment tool. Paper presented to: International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED 2008), Valencia, Spain, 3-5 March 2008. (Unpublished)
Conference Proceedings
- Bechkoum, K. (2008) Challenges facing higher education computing and IT departments. In: Proceedings of the 4th China-Europe International Symposium on Software Industry-Oriented Education. 0529-6579. pp. 137-141.
- Fathulla, K. and Basden, A. (2008) Understanding Physics diagrams based on the symbolic and spatial mapping framework. In: INTED2008 Proceedings. Spain: International Association for Technology, Education and Development (IATED). 9788461201907.
- Langley, A. (2007) Experiential learning, e-learning and social learning: the EES approach to developing blended learning. In: O'Doherty, E. (ed.) The Fourth Education in a Changing Environment Conference Book 2007. Santa Rosa, California: Informing Science Press. 9781932886139. pp. 171-187.
- Nie, M. and Armellini, A. (2012) Enhancing curriculum design and delivery with OER. In: Cambridge 2012: Innovation and Impact - Openly Collaborating to Enhance Education, Conference Proceedings. Milton Keynes: Support Centre for Open Resources in Education, The Open University. 9780749229375. pp. 365-369.
- Turner, S. J. (2011) Junkbots. In: Proceedings of 7th China-Europe International Symposium on Software Industry Oriented Education. Northampton: University of Northampton. pp. 85-86.
- Turner, S. J. (2009) Powerpoint, but what else? In: White, H. (ed.) 10th Annual Conference of the Subject Centre for Information and Computer Sciences. Newtownabbey: Higher Education Academy, Subject Centre for ICS. 9780955967665. p. 151.
- Turner, S. J. (2008) Tiddlywikis for student developed resources. In: White, H. (ed.) 9th Annual Conference of the Subject Centre for Information and Computer Sciences. Newtownabbey: Higher Education Academy, Subject Centre for Information and Computer Sciences. 9780955967603. p. 200.
- Turner, S. J. (2007) Developing problem-solving teaching material based upon Microsoft Robotics Studio. In: Proceedings of 8th Annual Conference of the Subject Centre for Information and Computer Sciences. Ulster: Information and Computer Sciences (ICS) Subject Centre. 9780955200571. p. 151.