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- Library of Congress Subject Areas (72)
- L Education (72)
- LB Theory and practice of education (72)
- LB2300 Higher Education (72)
- LB2395.7 Internet in higher education. Web-based instruction. Educational technology (72)
- LB2300 Higher Education (72)
- LB Theory and practice of education (72)
- L Education (72)
Number of items at this level: 72.
- Al-Sherbaz, A., Turner, S. J., Dohan, M. and Clarke, E. (2018) Blockchain: no thunder no wonder. Invited Presentation presented to: British Computing Society (BCS) Northampton Talk, University of Northampton, 13 March 2018.
- Andermahr, S. and Simmons, D. (2015) The University of Northampton School of the Arts 'Opps for Apps' Project. Panel Presentation presented to: Opps for Apps Symposium, The University of Northampton, School of the Arts, 17 June 2015. (Unpublished)
- Anderson, M. (2014) Making a MOOC - tips for technophobes. Workshop presented to: Northampton Learning and Teaching Conference 2014: Northampton 2018: Planning, Designing and Delivering Student Success, The University of Northampton, 22 May 2014. (Unpublished)
- Anderson, M., Fitzgerald, R. and Thompson, R. (2014) MOOCs - mass marketing for a niche audience? Invited Presentation presented to: Northampton Learning and Teaching Conference 2014: Northampton 2018: Planning, Designing and Delivering Student Success, The University of Northampton, 22 May 2014.
- Armellini, A., Bennett, S., Coulson, K. V. and Farmer, R. (2015) From values to quality enhancement: a hands on journey through technology-enabled course design and delivery. Workshop presented to: Online Educa Berlin (OEB) - 21st International Conference on Technology Supported Learning and Training, Berlin, Germany, 02-04 December 2015. (Unpublished)
- Armellini, A., Howe, R. and Coulson, K. V. (2014) Effective online collaboration and academic skills within a transferable quality framework in Higher Education. Workshop presented to: Online Educa - 20th International Conference on Technology Supported Learning and Training, Berlin, Germany, 03-05 December 2014. (Unpublished)
- Beeson, H. and Swinton, K. (2016) Design informed by COOL. Workshop presented to: Collaboration Observation Celebration Event, The University of Northampton, 21 September 2016.
- Caldwell, H. and Cox, A. (2018) Technology-enabled learning communities: how technology can facilitate high quality social learning in online environments within the field of teacher education. www.meshguides.org.
- Caldwell, H. and Heaton, R. (2016) The interdisciplinary use of blogs and online communities in teacher education. International Journal of Information and Learning Technology. 33(3), pp. 142-158. 2056-4880.
- Campion, G. and Coady Schaebitz, S. (2015) Architectural technology students develop material for History and Heritage app. Outside the Box Assessment and Feedback Practices. 1(2), pp. 18-19.
- Cartwright, N. (2016) Why I’ve decided to teach instead of just lecturing. Huffington Post UK blog. 03/10/16
- Cartwright, N. and Brazier, R. (2017) On-line resources and the enhancement of face-to-face contact. Paper presented to: Association for Learning Technology (ALT) 24th Annual Conference, Liverpool, 05-07 September 2017.
- Coulson, K. V. (2017) £291.5 million and a new approach to learning and teaching: how to thrive and survive in an ever shifting landscape... Paper presented to: 14th Association for Learning Development in Higher Education (ALDinHE) Conference, Hull, 10-12 April 2017.
- Coulson, K. V. (2016) How to be successful and then mess up... negotiating the world of blended learning. Paper presented to: Library and Learning Services (LLS) Conference 2016, The University of Northampton, 05 July 2016.
- Coulson, K. V., Armellini, A. and Farmer, R. (2014) MOOC and SPOC: a tale of two courses. Workshop presented to: altc2014 Riding Giants: How to Innovate and Educate Ahead of the Wave: The 21st Annual Conference of the Association for Learning Technology, Warwick University, 01-03 September 2014.
- Coulson, K. V. and Lomer, S. (2016) Cracker barrel session: the Centre for Achievement and Performance approach to blended learning. Other presented to: Northampton Learning and Teaching Conference 2016: Dare to be Different, The University of Northampton, 17 May 2016. (Unpublished)
- Coulson, K. V. and Sykes, G. (2017) Active blended learning - using advocacy to shift pedagogy. Paper presented to: Blackboard Teaching and Learning Conference, Milan, Italy, 21-24 March 2017.
- Devecchi, C., Al-Sherbaz, A., Turner, S. J., Taeed, O. and Petford, N. (2018) Capturing and transacting ‘value for students’ in the Digital University: the Blockchain Educational Passport. Invited Presentation presented to: University of Northampton Research Conference 2018, University of Northampton, 20-21 June 2018.
- Dimmock, G. and Siddall, G. (2014) Survival: how to do your existing job and more ... with fewer people. Paper presented to: Librarians’ Information Literacy Annual Conference (LILAC) 2014, Sheffield Hallam University, 23-25 April 2014. (Unpublished)
- Ehrl, T., Adams, J. P., Kaczmarczyk, S. and Meier, B. (2017) Improvement of the learning environment at an international multicultural company through the assessment of relevant methodology and technology goals. Lift and Escalator Symposium. 7, 5/1-5/12. 2052-7225.
- Farmer, R., Howe, C., Rice, P. and Oakman, P. (2015) Lies, damn lies, and free online survey tools. Paper presented to: Association for Learning Development in Higher Education (ALDinHE) 2015: The Learning Development Conference, Southampton Solent University, 30 March – 01 April 2015. (Unpublished)
- Farmer, R., Oakman, P. and Rice, P. (2016) A review of free online survey tools for undergraduate students. MSOR Connections. 15(1), pp. 71-78. 2051-4220.
- Fitzgerald, R. (2014) Transforming higher education curriculum for transnational education. Invited Presentation presented to: The Future of Transnational Education, Royal College of Surgeons, London, 22 May 2014. (Unpublished)
- Fitzgerald, R., Anderson, M. and Thompson, R. (2014) MOOCs - mass marketing for a niche audience. Paper presented to: 13th European Conference on e-Learning (ECEL-2014), Aalborg University, Copenhagen, Denmark, 30-31 October 2014. (Unpublished)
- Fitzgerald, R. and Corazzo, P. (2013) Out of sight, out of mind: capturing the distance (online) learner experience. Enhancing the Learner Experience in Higher Education. 5(1), pp. 58-64. 2041-3122.
- Fitzgerald, R. and Henderson-Martin, H. (2015) Transforming the first year experience (HE) with digital literacy via techno-social engagement and evaluation. In: Jefferies, A. and Cubric, M. (eds.) Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on e-Learning, ECEL 2015, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, UK, 29-30 October 2015. Reading, UK: Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited. 2048-8645. pp. 200-206.
- Fitzgerald, R. and Maxwell, R. (2013) Maximising the transnational education experience. Workshop presented to: Internationalisation and the Student Experience 2013, Pedagogic Research Institute and Observatory (PedRIO), Plymouth University, 18 December 2013. (Unpublished)
- Fitzgerald, R. and Maxwell, R. (2013) Designing for online learning. Workshop presented to: Northampton Business School Staff Development Day, The University of Northampton, 13 September 2013. (Unpublished)
- Gordon, A. (2013) Being the middle (wo)man: Designing assessment workflows that make everyone happy (ish). Seminar Presentation presented to: 13th Annual Durham Blackboard Users' Conference, Calman Learning Centre, Durham University, 08-09 January 2013. (Unpublished)
- Gordon, A. and Kalis, P. (2013) Blackboard rubrics - the good, the bad and the ugly. Workshop presented to: Blackboard Teaching and Learning Conference, Aston University, 09-10 April 2013. (Unpublished)
- Holloway, A. (2016) How I have so far failed to create a fully accessible VLE. Workshop presented to: 16th Annual Durham Blackboard Users' Conference: Learning from Failure, Durham University Business School, 07-08 January 2016. (Unpublished)
- Holmes, N. (2015) Student perceptions of their learning and engagement in response to the use of a continuous e-assessment in an undergraduate module. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education. 40(1), pp. 1-14. 0260-2938.
- House, J. and Dimmock, G. (2015) Research into practice: evaluation of Skills Hub content and implications for library staff development in the creation of video OERs. Enhancing the Learner Experience in Higher Education. 7(1), pp. 29-45. 2041-3122.
- Howe, R. and Maxwell, R. (2014) Learning to surf the (new) quality wave. Seminar Presentation presented to: alt-c2014 Riding Giants: How to Innovate and Educate Ahead of the Wave: The 21st Annual Conference of the Association for Learning Technology, University of Warwick, 01-03 September 2014. (Unpublished)
- Howe, R. and Stanton, P. (2012) Student perspectives on technology supporting the transition out from University. Lecture presented to: Employer Engagement in a Digital Age, University of Greenwich, 04 July 2012. (Unpublished)
- Littlemore, K. (2014) Learning Developer to… world domination: how collaborative working accidentally created a SOOC. Paper presented to: 11th Association for Learning Development in Higher Education (ALDinHE) 2014: Learning Development Spaces and Places, University of Huddersfield, 14-16 April 2014. (Unpublished)
- Littlemore, K. (2013) Study Skills SOOC (Small Online Open Course). Paper presented to: C@N-DO: Inspiring Positive Change in Learning and Teaching at Northampton, Sunley Management Centre, The University of Northampton, 05 December 2013. (Unpublished)
- Littlemore, K. (2013) Transforming learning using Open Educational Resources. Poster presented to: 10th Association for Learning Development in Higher Education (ALDinHE) Conference, Plymouth University, 25-27 March 2013. (Unpublished)
- Littlemore, K. and Farmer, R. (2014) Using Blackboard Learn to create an open online course. Paper presented to: Blackboard Teaching & Learning Conference, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, 29 April - 2 May 2014. (Unpublished)
- Littlemore, K. and Farmer, R. (2013) Using OERs and e-tivities to create a collaborative, mobile friendly, learner-centred course. Paper presented to: 20th Annual Conference of the Association for Learning Technology (altc2013): Building New Cultures of Learning, University of Nottingham, 10-12 September 2013. (Unpublished)
- Maunder, R., Collings, R. M. and Pourseied, K. (2018) Student engagement with active blended learning (ABL): how to ensure the dog doesn’t eat their homework. Workshop presented to: Advance HE Teaching & Learning Conference 2018: Teaching in the Spotlight: Learning from Global Communities, Aston, Birmingham, 03-05 July 2018.
- Maunder, R., Collings, R. M. and Pourseied, K. (2018) ABL: are students ready? Workshop presented to: Removing Barriers to Inclusion: Learning and Teaching Conference 2018, Kings Park Conference Centre, Northampton, 15 May 2018.
- Palmer, E., Lomer, S. and Bashliyska, I. (2017) Overcoming barriers to student engagement with Active Blended Learning. Northampton: University of Northampton, Institute for Learning & Teaching.
- Power, A. and Coulson, K. V. (2015) What are OERs and MOOCs and what have they got to do with prep? British Journal of Midwifery. 23(4), pp. 282-284. 0969-4900.
- Preece, K. L. (2015) Embedding digital documentation in creative and pedagogical processes. Paper presented to: Digital Echoes 2015, Institute for Creative Enterprise, Coventry University, 13 February 2015. (Unpublished)
- Preece, K. L. (2014) Digital dates: using social media platforms in learning and teaching. Invited Presentation presented to: Digital Dates Seminar Series, The University of Leeds, 13 January 2014. (Unpublished)
- Preece, K. L. (2014) Blended learning symposium: social media. Panel Presentation presented to: Student Education Conference 3 (SEC3), The University of Leeds, 10 January 2014. (Unpublished)
- Preece, K. L. (2014) Social media platforms as educational interfaces. Paper presented to: Student Education Conference 3 (SEC3), The University of Leeds, 10 January 2014. (Unpublished)
- Prior, R. W., Crofts, M., Boaden, G. and Lomas, S. (2015) Criminal conflicts: a legal learning case study. [DVD]. Northampton: The University of Northampton.
- Rice, P. and Farmer, R. (2016) Educational videos – Tell me what you want, what you really, really want. Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. 10 1759-667X.
- Rice, P. and Farmer, R. (2014) Tell me what you want, what you really, really want. Paper presented to: Continuing Excellence in the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics, Statistics and Operational Research (CETL-MSOR) Conference 2014: Mathematics and Statistics Teaching, Learning and Support: Real, Virtual, Mobile, Cardiff University, 08-09 September 2014. (Unpublished)
- Rice, P., Farmer, R. and Musungo, N. (2014) Open Educational Resources – Tell me what you want, what you really really want. Paper presented to: Association for Learning Development in Higher Education (ALDinHE) 2014: Learning Development Spaces and Places, University of Huddersfield, 14-16 April 2014. (Unpublished)
- Richardson, J. T. E., Alden Rivers, B. and Whitelock, D. (2015) The role of feedback in the under-attainment of ethnic minority students: evidence from distance education. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education. 40(4), pp. 557-573. 0260-2938.
- Rogerson-Revell, P., Nie, M. and Armellini, A. (2012) An evaluation of the use of voice boards, e-book readers and virtual worlds in a postgraduate distance learning applied linguistics and TESOL programme. Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning. 27(2), pp. 103-119. 0268-0513.
- Slavova, Y. and Mu, M. (2018) A comparative study of the learning outcomes and experience of VR in education. In: IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (IEEE VR 2018). Germany: IEEE. (Accepted)
- Smith, N., Caldwell, H. and Richards, M. (2017) A comparison of MOOC development and delivery approaches. In: Childs, M. and Soetanto, R. (eds.) Online Learning for Stem Subjects: International Examples of Technologies and Pedagogies in Use. London: Routledge. pp. 101-112.
- Sneddon, S. (2017) TEL and the TEF: does technology promote excellence? Invited Keynote presented to: Learning and Teaching Conference 2017: Waterside in the Time of the TEF, The University of Northampton, 16 May 2017.
- Sneddon, S. (2017) Strength through Collaboration? Workshop presented to: Learning and Teaching Conference 2017: Waterside in the Time of the TEF, The University of Northampton, 16 May 2017.
- Sneddon, S. (2017) Strength through collaboration? Paper presented to: Socio-Legal Studies Association (SLSA) Annual Conference 2017, University of Newcastle, 05-07 April 2017.
- Sneddon, S. (2016) What I learned from COOL. Invited Presentation presented to: Collaboration Observation Celebration Event, The University of Northampton, 21 September 2016.
- Sneddon, S. (2015) Mixing MOOCS and modules. Paper presented to: Society of Legal Scholars Annual Conference, University of York, 01-04 September 2015. (Unpublished)
- Sneddon, S. (2015) Could you make it a bit more MOOCy? Paper presented to: Socio Legal Studies Association Annual Conference, University of Warwick, 31 March - 02 April 2015. (Unpublished)
- Sneddon, S. and Cartwright, N. (2014) A first look at ILOOC. Other presented to: Association of Law Teachers (ALT) 49th Annual Conference: Responding to Change, Leeds, 13-15 April 2014. (Unpublished)
- Sneddon, S., Exall, K. and Cartwright, N. (2016) The impact on students of online and blended learning methods. Paper presented to: Socio-Legal Studies Association (SLSA) Annual Conference 2016, Lancaster University Law School, 05-07 April 2016. (Unpublished)
- Somerfield, K. and Maxwell, R. (2013) Sticky stuff: creating engaging VLE content. Workshop presented to: Blackboard Teaching & Learning Conference, Aston University, Birmingham, 08-10 April 2013. (Unpublished)
- Swinton, K. (2017) Teaching academic skills using a blended model; How good is it really? Seminar Presentation presented to: Association for Learning Development in Higher Education (ALDinHE) 2017: The Learning Development Conference, Hull, 10-12 April 2017.
- Swinton, K. (2016) The App: learning development, a mobile future. Paper presented to: Library and Learning Services (LLS) Conference 2016, The University of Northampton, 05 July 2016.
- Swinton, K. and Jolley, S. (2015) The App: learning development a mobile future. Paper presented to: Association for Learning Development in Higher Education (ALDinHE) 2015: The Learning Development Conference, Southampton Solent University, 30 March – 01 April 2015. (Unpublished)
- Thomas, S., Johnstone, K. and Swinton, K. (2018) A new approach to university-wide learning resources: rapid course development using a blog platform for delivery. Seminar Presentation presented to: Association for Learning Development in Higher Education (ALDinHE) 2018: The Learning Development Conference, University of Leicester, 26-28 March 2018.
- Usher, J. and Farmer, R. (2018) Benefits and limitations of a collaborative approach to course design. Educational Developments. 19(2), pp. 24-27. 1469-3267.
- Usher, J., MacNeill, S. and Creanor, L. (2018) Evolutions of Carpe Diem for learning design. Compass: Journal of Learning and Teaching. 11(1) 2044-0081.
- Wallace, R. (2016) On-line learning environments. Invited Presentation presented to: Northampton Learning and Teaching Conference 2016: Dare to be Different, The University of Northampton, 17 May 2016.