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- University Faculties, Research Institutes and Departments (157)
- University Faculties, Divisions and Research Centres - OLD (157)
- Research Centre (157)
- The Centre for Children and Youth (157)
- Research Centre (157)
- University Faculties, Divisions and Research Centres - OLD (157)
Number of items at this level: 156.
- Abreu, G. d., Crafter, S., Hale, H. and O'Sullivan-Lago, R. (2011) Teachers’ representations of immigrant students and their home cultures: a dialogical self analysis. Invited Presentation presented to: 14th Biennial European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) Conference: Education for a Global Networked Society, Exeter, 30 August - 03 September 2011. (Unpublished)
- Alexander, J., Callaghan, J. and Sixsmith, J. (2014) Call for participants: Study explores 'resilience' of young people living with domestic abuse. CAADA eNews. Jan/Feb
- Alexander, J., Callaghan, J., Sixsmith, J. and Fellin, L. (2016) Children’s corporeal agency and use of space in situations of domestic violence. In: Horton, J., Evans, B. and Skelton, T. (eds.) Play, Recreation, Health and Well Being; Vol. 9 of Skelton, T. (ed.) Geographies of Children and Young People. Singapore: Springer. pp. 1-21.
- Armstrong, S. C., Horton, J., Mansukhani, N., Matthews, M. H., Pilkington, A. and Kraftl, P. (2008) Evaluation of Partnership Through Learning Programme (PTLP), Northamptonshire: research with key professionals. (Unpublished)
- Armstrong, S. C., Horton, J., Mansukhani, N., Pilkington, A. and Kraftl, P. (2008) Evaluation of Partnership Through Learning Programme (PTLP), Northamptonshire: research with young people and parents. (Unpublished)
- Arvinen-Barrow, M., Redwood, T., Townsend, N., Armstrong-Hallam, S., Pyer, M. and Kitson, E. (2010) Benefits of Swimming with Babies (SWB) approach: an exploratory study. Poster presented to: British Psychological Society (BPS) Division of Sport and Exercise Psychology (DSEP) Conference, London, England, 9-10 December 2010. (Unpublished)
- Barker, J., Kraftl, P., Horton, J. and Tucker, F. (2009) The road less travelled - new directions in children's and young people's mobility. Mobilities. 4(1), pp. 1-10. 1745-0101.
- Bell, V. (2008) Digging holes in Hadrian's Wall: unearthing motivations. Paper presented to: Royal Geographical Society - IBG (Institute of British Geographers) Annual International Conference, London, 27-29 August 2008. (Unpublished)
- Callaghan, J. (2015) Editor. Journal of Gender Studies. Taylor & Francis. 0958-9236.
- Callaghan, J. (2013) Committee Member. Northamptonshire Young Healthy Minds Partnership.
- Callaghan, J. (2015) Are boys and girls born or made? Understanding the development of gender. In: Capdevila, R., Dixon, J. and Briggs, G. (eds.) Investigating Psychology 2: From Biological to Developmental. Milton Keynes: The Open University. pp. 137-196.
- Callaghan, J. (2015) Children who experience domestic violence: emotional competence and paradoxical resilience. Invited Keynote presented to: British Association for the Study and Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (BASPCAN) Conference: Beautiful Minds: Nurturing and Promoting Mental Wellbeing in Children, Birmingham, 05 October 2015. (Unpublished)
- Callaghan, J. (2016) Children's experiences of domestic violence. Invited Presentation presented to: Policing and Public Confidence, Warwick Business School, 29 March 2016. (Unpublished)
- Callaghan, J. (2014) Children's experiences of domestic violence. Invited Presentation presented to: Research Institute for Health and Social Change (RIHSC) Seminar Series, Manchester Metropolitan University, 05 November 2014. (Unpublished)
- Callaghan, J. (2013) Innovative qualitative research with children and young people. Symposium presented to: Children and Young People's Mental Health: Improving Outcomes, Widening Access and Tackling Stigma in an Age of Austerity, The University of Northampton, 03-05 July 2013. (Unpublished)
- Callaghan, J. (2015) Mothers and children? Representations of mothers in research on children’s outcomes in domestic violence. Psychology of Women Section Review. 17, pp. 13-20. 1466-3724.
- Callaghan, J. (2014) Understanding agency and resistance strategies. Invited Keynote presented to: Seminari Interdisciplinar de Metodologia de Recerca Feminista (SIMReF) Symposium, Barcelona, Spain, 05 May 2014. (Unpublished)
- Callaghan, J. and Alexander, J. (2015) Embodiment and use of space. Invited Presentation presented to: Thomas Coram Research Institute Seminar Series, Institute of Education, Thomas Coram Research Institute, London, 03 March 2015. (Unpublished)
- Callaghan, J. and Alexander, J. (2013) Midlands and East Mental Health and Wellbeing Project. Poster presented to: Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) Conference, The University of Northampton, 03-05 July 2013. (Unpublished)
- Callaghan, J., Alexander, J., Fellin, L., Papathanassiou, M., Mavrou, S., Sixsmith, J., Deliyanni-Kouimtzi, K., Symons, S. and Armstrong-Hallam, S. (2014) Understanding agency and resistance: children in situations of domestic abuse. Symposium presented to: Qualitative Research on Mental Health 5 (QRMH5), MAICh, Chania, Crete, Greece, 02-04 September 2014. (Unpublished)
- Callaghan, J., Alexander, J., Fellin, L. and Sixsmith, J. (2015) Children’s experiences of domestic violence and abuse: agency, resistance, resilience. Symposium presented to: Violence: Children, Family & Society Conference 2015, The University of Northampton, 24-26 June 2015. (Unpublished)
- Callaghan, J., Alexander, J., Fellin, L. and Sixsmith, J. (2015) Fathers as objects, fathers as subjects: domestic violence, childhood and masculinities. Paper presented to: British Psychological Society Psychology of Women Section (POWS) Annual Conference 2015, Windsor, 08-10 July 2015. (Unpublished)
- Callaghan, J., Alexander, J., Fellin, L. and Sixsmith, J. (2014) Imaging agency and resistance: Photos and drawings in work with children in situations of domestic abuse. Invited Presentation presented to: The British Psychological Society, Qualitative Methods in Psychology Section (QMiP): Multiple Transformations of Qualitative Data, De Montfort University, Leicester, 11 April 2014. (Unpublished)
- Callaghan, J., Alexander, J., Fellin, L., Sixsmith, J. and Mavrou, S. (2015) Understanding agency and resistance strategies: children's experiences of domestic violence and abuse. Symposium presented to: European Conference on Domestic Violence (ECDV), Queen's University Belfast, 06-09 September 2015. (Unpublished)
- Callaghan, J., Alexander, J., Sixsmith, J. and Fellin, L. (2014) Understanding agency and resistance: children's experiences of domestic violence. Poster presented to: Child and Adolescent Mental Health (CAMHS) Conference 2014, The University of Northampton, 02-04 July 2014. (Unpublished)
- Callaghan, J., Alexander, J., Sixsmith, J. and Fellin, L. (2014) “Witness” to violence? Agency and resistance in children’s accounts of domestic abuse. Paper presented to: 8th Annual Keele Counselling Conference: Daring to Make an Impact: Dynamic Qualitative Research, Keele University, 22-23 March 2014. (Unpublished)
- Callaghan, J., Andenæs, A. and Macleod, C. (2015) Deconstructing Developmental Psychology 20 years on: reflections, implications and empirical work. Feminism & Psychology. 25(3), pp. 255-265. 0959-3535.
- Callaghan, J., Nardulli, C., Fellin, L., Alexander, J., Sixsmith, J. and Sanelli, M. B. (2014) Understanding agency and resistance strategies: Psychological discourses of children in situations of domestic violence. Invited Presentation presented to: Garante Dei Diritti Dell’Infanzia e Dell’Adolescenza: Bari Workshop to present the Daphne Project UNARS, Excelsior Hotel, Bari, Italy, Puglia, 01 April 2014. (Unpublished)
- Callaghan, J. and Sixsmith, J. (2013) 'Damaged' and 'Damaging': psychological discourses of children in situations of domestic violence. Paper presented to: British Psychological Society's Qualitative Methods in Psychology Section (QMiP) Conference 2013, Huddersfield University, 04-06 September 2013. (Unpublished)
- Callaghan, J. and Sixsmith, J. (2013) Growing up with violence: discourses of childhood in situations of domestic abuse. Paper presented to: The British Psychological Society Psychology of Women Section (POWS) Annual Conference 2013, Cumberland Lodge, Windsor, 10-12 July 2013. (Unpublished)
- Callaghan, J. and Sixsmith, J. (2013) “Witness” to violence? Psychological discourses of children in situations of domestic abuse. Invited Keynote presented to: Diversity: Inaugural Conference of Wales Health Student Forum, Cardiff, 18 October 2013. (Unpublished)
- Callaghan, J., Sixsmith, J., Alexander, J., Fellin, L., Armstrong-Hallam, S., Deliyanni-Kouimtzi, K., Papathanassiou, M., Mavrou, S., Munoz, M. and Nardulli, C. (2014) Children's experiences of domestic abuse: agency, resistance and resilience. Other presented to: Children's Experiences of Domestic Abuse: Agency, Resistance, Resilience (Knowledge Cafe), The University of Northampton, 16 May 2014. (Unpublished)
- Callaghan, J., Sixsmith, J., Alexander, J., Fellin, L., Deliyanni-Kouimtz, K., Papathanassiou, M., Mavrou, S., Munoz, M. and Nardulli, C. (2014) Children’s experiences of domestic violence: understanding agency and resistance. Paper presented to: Understanding Agency and Resistance Strategies (UNARS), Thessaloniki, Greece, 30 May 2014. (Unpublished)
- Callaghan, J., Sixsmith, J., Alexander, J., Fellin, L. and Harrison-Breed, C. (2014) UNARS - Understanding agency and resistance: children in situations of domestic violence and abuse. Symposium presented to: Child and Adolescent Mental Health (CAMHS) Conference 2014, The University of Northampton, 02-04 July 2014. (Unpublished)
- Callaghan, J., Sixsmith, J., Bilotta, J. and Armstrong-Hallam, S. (2013) "Witness" to violence? Psychological discourses of children in situations of domestic abuse. Invited Keynote presented to: Northamptonshire Against Domestic Abuse (NADA) Domestic Abuse Conference, Kettering, United Kingdom, 27 November 2013. (Unpublished)
- Callender, M. (2009) "I have got dreams and here they can become a reality": the urban lives of young Polish migrants residing in Northamptonshire. Poster presented to: Vitae Midlands Hub: Regional PhD Poster Competition, University of Nottingham, 7 July 2009. (Unpublished)
- Callender, M. (2012) Book review: 'Children and Migration in Europe', edited by Ní Laoire, C., Carpena-Méndez, F., Tyrrell, N. & White, A. Gender, Place and Culture. 19(2), pp. 273-274. 0966-369X.
- Callender, M. (2011) Book review: Youth in Contemporary Europe, edited by Leaman, J. and Wörsching, M. Children's Geographies. 9(1), pp. 121-122. 1473-3285.
- Callender, M. (2012) Conceptualising differences between migrants in the context of post-accession Polish migrations to the UK. Paper presented to: Understanding the Migrant Experience, Centre for Migration Policy Research (CMPR), Swansea University, 25-26 June 2012. (Unpublished)
- Callender, M. (2011) Experiencing youth transitions through migration: the accounts of young Polish migrants living in Northamptonshire, England. Paper presented to: Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Conference, Seattle, Washington, USA, 12-16 April 2011. (Unpublished)
- Callender, M. (2009) Geographies of young Polish migrants: experiences of community. Paper presented to: Royal Geographical Society (with Institute of British Geographers) Annual Conference, Manchester, 26-28 August 2009. (Unpublished)
- Callender, M. (2011) Understanding the impacts of migratory experiences to young Polish migrants’ accounts of social networks. Invited Presentation presented to: Royal Geographical Society with Institute of British Geographers (RGS-IBG) Annual International Conference, Kensington Gore, London, 31 August - 02 September 2011. (Unpublished)
- Callender, M. (2011) Understanding the transition to 'adulthood' through migratory experiences: biographical accounts of young Poles living in Northamptonshire. Paper presented to: Royal Geographical Society (RGS) Geographies of Children, Youth and Families Research Group (GCYFWG) Workshop: Understanding Transitions Through Methodological Innovations, University of Leicester, 25 February 2011. (Unpublished)
- Campbell, J., Bell, V., Armstrong, S. C., Horton, J., Mansukhani, N., Matthews, M. H. and Pilkington, A. (2009) The impact of the Duke of Edinburgh's Award on young people. (Unpublished)
- Campbell, J., Durkin, C., Kennedy, S., Armstrong, S. C., Kraftl, P. and Matthews, M. H. (2007) Review of the use of agency placements for looked after children and out-of-county residential placements. Prepared for Northamptonshire County Council Children and Young People's Scrutiny Committee (Unpublished)
- Christensen, P. and Hadfield-Hill, S. (2012) Children’s mobility in new sustainable communities: design, traffic and risk. Paper presented to: Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting, New York, 24–28 February 2012. (Unpublished)
- Christensen, P., Hadfield-Hill, S., Horton, J. and Kraftl, P. (2017) Children Living in Sustainable Built Environments: New Urbanisms, New Citizens. Abingdon: Routledge. 9781138809390.
- Cline, T., Abreu, G. d., O'Dell, L. and Crafter, S. (2010) Recent research on child language brokering in the United Kingdom. MediAzioni Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies on Language and Cultures. 10, pp. 105-124. 1974-4382.
- Cline, T., Crafter, S., O'Dell, L. and Abreu, G. d. (2011) Young people’s representations of language brokering. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. 32(3), pp. 207-220. 0143-4632.
- Crafter, S. (2011) On gaining a cultural identity and ‘being white’: reflexivity and moments of (dis)connection. Psychology of Women's Review. 13(2), pp. 13-19. 1466-3724.
- Crafter, S. (2011) The social construction of home and school learning in multicultural communities. In: O'Dell, L. and Leverett, S. (eds.) Working with Children and Young People: Co-constructing Practice. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan in association with The Open University. pp. 131-142.
- Crafter, S. and Abreu, G. d. (2011) Teachers discussions about parental use of implicit and explicit mathematics in the home. Paper presented to: Seventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME 7), Rzeszow, Poland, 09-13 February 2011. (Unpublished)
- Crafter, S., Horton, J., Durbin, S. and Maunder, R. (2011) Understanding the experiences of students who are parents. Poster presented to: Learning Global - Fourth Learning & Teaching Conference, University of Northampton, 11 May 2011. (Unpublished)
- Day, J. (2017) Physical activity, families and households. In: Piggin, J., Mansfield, L. and Weed, M. (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Physical Activity Policy and Practice. London: Routledge. pp. 298-310.
- den Besten, O. (2008) Mapping emotions: how children with different immigration backgrounds experience and picture their Parisian and Berliner neighbourhoods. Paper presented to: International Conference "Children and Migration: Identities, Mobilities and Belonging(s)", University College, Cork, Ireland, 9-11 April 2008. (Unpublished)
- den Besten, O. (2007) Negotiating children’s spatial freedom: three Parisian families. Paper presented to: First International Conference on Geographies of Children, Youth and Families, Reading, 17-18 September 2007. (Unpublished)
- den Besten, O. (2007) Review of literature: new social studies of childhood. Report presented to Arts and Humanities Research Council/Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (AHRC/EPSRC) Designing for the 21st Century Programme, October 2007 (Unpublished)
- den Besten, O., Horton, J., Adey, P. and Kraftl, P. (2011) Claiming events of school (re)design: materialising the promise of Building Schools for the Future. Social and Cultural Geography. 12(1), pp. 9-26. 1464-9365.
- den Besten, O., Horton, J., Adey, P. and Kraftl, P. (2008) The event(s) of school design. Paper presented to: Royal Geographical Society, with Institute of British Geographers (IBG), Annual International Conference, London, 27-29 August 2008. (Unpublished)
- den Besten, O., Horton, J. and Kraftl, P. (2008) Pupil involvement in school (re)design: participation in policy and practice. Co-Design. 4(4), pp. 197-210. 1571-0882.
- den Besten, O., Horton, J., Kraftl, P. and Adey, P. (2009) Building a 'box': discourses of school design in the UK. Design Principles and Practices. 3(5), pp. 95-103. 1833-1874.
- Hadfield-Hill, S. (2009) Business and poverty: the Indian approach to corporate sustainability. Paper presented to: Business and Poverty Workshop 'Exploring the Strategy and Practice of Corporate-led Poverty Alleviation Initiatives', University of Cambridge, England, 23 May 2009. (Unpublished)
- Hadfield-Hill, S. (2014) CSR in India: reflections from the banking sector. Social Responsibility Journal. 10(1), pp. 21-37. 1747-1117.
- Hadfield-Hill, S. (2009) Corporate responses to preserving natural and social environments. Seminar Presentation presented to: Centre for Environmental Research (CERES), University of Leicester, 04 February 2009. (Unpublished)
- Hadfield-Hill, S. (2011) Emotional bodies in the field. Everyday lives, new urban spaces and emotion: reflections of an ethnographic Geographer. Paper presented to: Royal Geographical Society (with Institute of British Geographers) Annual Conference, London, 31 August - 02 September 2011. (Unpublished)
- Hadfield-Hill, S. (2013) Living in a sustainable community: new spaces, new behaviours? Local Environment: The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability. 18(3), pp. 354-371. 1354-9839.
- Hadfield-Hill, S. (2010) Sustainable community development: evidence from the Indian context. Paper presented to: International Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility (ICCSR) 7th International Symposium: Corporate Innovation & Sustainable Community Development, Nottingham University Business School, Nottingham, England, 27 April 2010. (Unpublished)
- Hadfield-Hill, S. (2010) The future of responsible lending in India: perceptions of the environment and sustainability. Doctoral thesis. University of Leicester.
- Hadfield-Hill, S. (2009) The greening of financial institutions. Paper presented to: Association of American Geographers 2009 Annual Meeting: Session on Building and Becoming Green: Economic Geographies of the Environment, Las Vegas, USA, 22-27 March 2009. (Unpublished)
- Hadfield-Hill, S. (2007) The greening of project finance. Geography Compass. 1(5), pp. 1058-1075. 1749-8198.
- Hadfield-Hill, S. and Christensen, P. (2012) The politics of 'being young' in new sustainable communities. Paper presented to: Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting, New York, 24–28 February 2012. (Unpublished)
- Hadfield-Hill, S. and Horton, J. (2014) Children’s experiences of participating in research: emotional moments together? Children’s Geographies. 12(2), pp. 135-153. 1473-3285.
- Hadfield-Hill, S., Horton, J., Kraftl, P. and Christensen, P. (2010) Living in a 'sustainable' community: new spaces, new behaviours? Paper presented to: Royal Geographical Society (with Institute of British Geographers) Annual Conference, London, England, 01-03 September 2010. (Unpublished)
- Hamer, H. (2014) Service transformation in children’s services: daring to go where no research has gone before. Paper presented to: 8th Annual Keele Counselling Conference: Daring to Make an Impact: Dynamic Qualitative Research, Keele University, 22-23 March 2014. Keele University: Keele University. (Unpublished)
- Honey, A., Coniglio, F., Hancock, N., McDougall, T. and Callaghan, J. (2015) Conceptualising wellbeing for young people living with mental illness (commentary). International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation. 22(6), pp. 278-286. 1741-1645.
- Horton, J. (2012) 'Got my shoes, got my Pokémon': spaces of children's popular culture. Geoforum. 43(1), pp. 4-13. 0016-7185.
- Horton, J. (2010) 'The best thing ever': how children's popular culture matters. Social and Cultural Geography. 11(4), pp. 377-398. 1464-9365.
- Horton, J. (2008) A 'sense of failure'? Everydayness and research ethics. Children's Geographies. 6(4), pp. 363-383. 1473-3285.
- Horton, J. (2008) Postman Pat and me: everyday encounters with an icon of idyllic rurality. Journal of Rural Studies. 24(4), pp. 399-408. 0743-0167.
- Horton, J. (2008) Producing Postman Pat: the popular cultural construction of idyllic rurality. Journal of Rural Studies. 24(4), pp. 389-398. 0743-0167.
- Horton, J., Armstrong, S. C., Bell, V., Mansukhani, N., Matthews, M. H. and Pilkington, A. (2008) Free Maps for 11 Year Olds: national questionnaire survey of geography teachers in participating schools. (Unpublished)
- Horton, J., Armstrong, S. C., Bell, V., Mansukhani, N., Matthews, M. H. and Pilkington, A. (2008) Free Maps for 11 Year Olds: questionnaire survey of geography teachers in participating schools in Scotland. (Unpublished)
- Horton, J., Armstrong, S. C., Bell, V., Mansukhani, N., Matthews, M. H. and Pilkington, A. (2008) Teachers' usage of Mapzone and Ordnance Survey digital resources. (Unpublished)
- Horton, J., Armstrong, S. C., Burch, P., Caldwell, B., Mansukhani, N., Matthews, M. H. and Pilkington, A. (2008) Students' experiences of 'gender imbalance' in social sciences subjects. (Unpublished)
- Horton, J., Armstrong, S. C., Burch, P., Caldwell, B., Mansukhani, N., Matthews, M. H. and Pilkington, A. (2008) Where are the male Social Scientists? (Unpublished)
- Horton, J., Armstrong, S. C., Mansukhani, N., Matthews, M. H. and Pilkington, A. (2008) Youth volunteering in Northamptonshire: opportunities and barriers. (Unpublished)
- Horton, J., Armstrong, S. C., Pilkington, A., Bell, V. and Matthews, M. H. (2009) Experiences and perceptions of Spring Lane Sure Start Children's Centre. (Unpublished)
- Horton, J., Burch, P., Caldwell, B. and Mansukhani, N. (2008) Young males' (non-) participation in social science subjects. Invited Presentation presented to: National Boys into Higher Education Conference, Melton Mowbray, 4 June 2008. (Unpublished)
- Horton, J., Hadfield-Hill, S., Christensen, P. and Kraftl, P. (2013) Children, young people and sustainability: introduction to special issue. Local Environment: The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability. 18(3), pp. 249-254. 1354-9839.
- Horton, J., Hadfield-Hill, S., Kraftl, P. and Christensen, P. (2011) Young people and ‘sustainable’ urban design: experiences, perceptions and urban myths. Seminar Presentation presented to: Children, Young People and Sustainability, Centre for Children and Youth, The University of Northampton, 08 September 2011. Also presented as an Invited Presentation to: Building New Collaborations in Eco-Housing Research and Practice: Geography, Architecture and Environmental Sciences Workshop, University of Leicester, 29 September 2011 (Unpublished)
- Horton, J. and Kraftl, P. (2012) Clearing out a cupboard: memory, materiality and transitions. In: Jones, O. and Garde-Hansen, J. (eds.) Geography and Memory: Explorations in Identity, Place and Becoming. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 25-44.
- Horton, J. and Kraftl, P. (2013) Cultural Geographies. London: Routledge. 9780415740166.
- Horton, J. and Kraftl, P. (2007) Geographies of sleep/iness: an introduction. Paper presented to: Royal Geographical Society (with Institute of British Geographers) Annual International Conference, London, 28-31 August 2007. (Unpublished)
- Horton, J. and Kraftl, P. (2007) Geographies of sleep/iness: sleep geographies of culture, economy and politics. Convenor presented to: Royal Geographical Society (with Institute of British Geographers) Annual International Conference, London, 28-31 August 2007. (Unpublished)
- Horton, J. and Kraftl, P. (2007) How sleep matters: sleep and the production of socio-spatial norms. Paper presented to: Royal Geographical Society (with Institute of British Geographers) Annual International Conference, London, 28-31 August 2007. (Unpublished)
- Horton, J. and Kraftl, P. (2008) Mapping fun: complex, everyday geographies of children's outdoor play. Invited Presentation presented to: Association of American Geographers Annual Conference, Boston, Mass., USA, 14-19 April 2009. (Unpublished)
- Horton, J. and Kraftl, P. (2007) More-than-childcare? Everyday, emotional geographies of a local Sure Start Centre. Paper presented to: First International Conference on Geographies of Children, Youth and Families, Reading, 17-18 September 2007. (Unpublished)
- Horton, J. and Kraftl, P. (2008) Reflections on geographies of age. Area. 40(2), pp. 284-288. 0004-0894.
- Horton, J. and Kraftl, P. (2008) Representing geographies of children's sleep. Invited Presentation presented to: Georgraphies of Children's Sleep Conference, University of Leicester, 18 March 2008. (Unpublished)
- Horton, J. and Kraftl, P. (2012) School building redesign: everyday spaces, Transformational policy discourses. In: Brooks, R., Fuller, A. and Waters, J. (eds.) Changing Spaces of Education: New Perspectives on the Nature of Learning. London: Routledge. pp. 114-134.
- Horton, J. and Kraftl, P. (2009) Small acts, kind words and "not too much fuss": implicit activisms. Emotion, Space and Society. 2(1), pp. 14-23. 1755-4586.
- Horton, J. and Kraftl, P. (2011) Tears and laughter at a Sure Start Centre: pre-school geographies, policy contexts. In: Holt, L. (ed.) Geographies of Children, Youth and Families: An International Perspective. London: Routledge. pp. 235-249.
- Horton, J. and Kraftl, P. (2009) Time for bed! Rituals, practices and affects in children's bed-time routines. In: Colls, R. and Horschelmann, K. (eds.) Contested Bodies of Childhood and Youth. Basingstoke: Palgrave. pp. 215-231.
- Horton, J. and Kraftl, P. (2009) What (else) matters? Policy contexts, emotional geographies. Environment and Planning A. 41(12), pp. 2984-3002. 0308-518X.
- Horton, J., Kraftl, P., Armstrong, S. C., Matthews, M. H. and Pilkington, A. (2007) Free Maps for 11 Year Olds: national questionnaire survey of geography teachers in participating schools. Report presented to Ordnance Survey, June 2007 (Unpublished)
- Horton, J., Kraftl, P., Armstrong, S. C., Matthews, M. H. and Pilkington, A. (2007) Free Maps for 11 Year Olds: national questionnaire survey of pupils in Years 11 and 12. Report presented to Ordnance Survey, June 2007 (Unpublished)
- Horton, J., Kraftl, P., Matthews, M. H. and Armstrong, S. C. (2007) Northamptonshire visitor survey, 2006-2007. Report presented to Explore Northamptonshire Ltd, March 2007 (Unpublished)
- Horton, J., Kraftl, P. and Tucker, F. (2010) Spaces-in-the-making, childhoods-on-the-move. In: Foley, P. and Leverett, S. (eds.) Children and Young People's Spaces: Developing Practice. Basingstoke, England: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 40-57.
- Horton, J., Kraftl, P. and Tucker, F. (2008) The challenges of 'children's geographies': a reaffirmation. Children's Geographies. 6(4), pp. 335-348. 1473-3285.
- Horton, J. and Tucker, F. (2014) Disabilities in academic workplaces: experiences of human and physical geographers. Transactions of The Institute of British Geographers. 39(1), pp. 76-89. 1475-5661.
- Horton, J. and Tucker, F. (2010) Some good days, some low days: experiences of disability in academic workplaces. Paper presented to: Royal Geographical Society (with Institute of British Geographers) Annual Conference, London, England, 01-03 September 2010. (Unpublished)
- Horton, J., Tucker, F. and Coates, S. (2013) Supporting students' transitions from first to second year. In: Tate, S. and Hopkins, P. (eds.) Re-thinking Undergraduate Students' Transitions To, Through and Out of University: Examples of Good Practice in GEES Disciplines. York: Higher Education Academy. p. 15.
- Horton, J., Tucker, F. and Coates, S. (2013) Supporting undergraduates' transitions to year 2: banishing the "second year blues". In: Clark, R., Andrews, J., Thomas, L. and Aggarwal, R. (eds.) Compendium of Effective Practice in Higher Education: Volume 2. Birmingham and York: Aston University and the Higher Education Academy. pp. 148-151.
- Horton, J., Tucker, F. and Coates, S. (2010) The 'second year blues'? Undergraduates' transitions from year 1 and year 2. Poster presented to: University of Northampton Learning and Teaching Conference: Learning Dialogues, University of Northampton, 13 May 2010. (Unpublished)
- Horton, J., den Besten, O. and Kraftl, P. (2009) Pupil 'participation' in school (re)design: the toilet door question. Exhibition presented to: 2nd International Conference on Geographies of Children, Youth and Families, Barcelona, Spain, 16-18 July 2009. (Unpublished)
- Horton, J., den Besten, O. and Kraftl, P. (2007) Pupil involvement in school (re)design: participation in policy and practice. Paper presented to: 3rd Access and Integration in Schools Conference, Coventry, 11 December 2007. (Unpublished)
- Kraftl, P. (2008) Member of Editorial Board. Children's Geographies. Abingdon: Taylor and Francis. 1473-3285.
- Kraftl, P., Christensen, P., Horton, J. and Hadfield-Hill, S. (2013) Living on a building site: young people's experiences of emerging 'sustainable communities' in England. Geoforum. 50, pp. 191-199. 0016-7185.
- Kraftl, P. and Horton, J. (2007) 'The Health Event’: everyday, affective politics of participation. Geoforum. 38(5), pp. 1012-1027. 0016-7185.
- Kraftl, P. and Horton, J. (2018) Children’s geographies and the 'new wave' of childhood studies. In: Spyrou, S., Rosen, R. and Cook, D. (eds.) Reimagining Childhood Studies. London: Bloomsbury. (Accepted)
- Kraftl, P. and Horton, J. (2008) Spaces of every-night life: for geographies of sleep, sleeping and sleepiness. Progress in Human Geography. 6(4), pp. 509-524. 1473-3285.
- Kraftl, P. and Horton, J. (2008) The problem of 'children's geographies'. Invited Presentation presented to: Association of American Geographers Annual Conference, Boston, Mass., USA, 14-19 April 2008. (Unpublished)
- Kraftl, P. and Horton, J. (2009) Urban representation/imagination. In: Kitchen, R. and Thrift, N. (eds.) International Encyclopaedia of Human Geography. Oxford: Elsevier Science. pp. 94-100.
- Kraftl, P. and Horton, J. (2009) Young people and 'self-esteem': talk, emotions and being-in-the-world. Paper presented to: 2nd International Conference on Geographies of Children, Youth and Families, Barcelona, Spain, 16-18 July 2009. (Unpublished)
- Kraftl, P., Horton, J., Armstrong, S. C., Matthews, M. H. and Pilkington, A. (2007) Evaluation of U-Turn service, Northamptonshire. Report presented to Northamptonshire County Council Teenage Partnership Executive Group, March 2007 (Unpublished)
- Kraftl, P., Horton, J., Armstrong, S. C., Matthews, M. H. and Pilkington, A. (2007) Free Maps for 11 Year Olds: national focus groups survey of Year 11 and 12 pupils in participating schools. Report presented to Ordnance Survey, June 2007 (Unpublished)
- Kraftl, P., Horton, J., Armstrong, S. C., Matthews, M. H. and Pilkington, A. (2007) Free Maps for 11 Year Olds: national interview survey of geography teachers in participating schools. Report presented to Ordnance Survey, June 2007 (Unpublished)
- Kraftl, P., Horton, J., Armstrong, S. C., Matthews, M. H., Pilkington, A., Mansukhani, N., Bell, S., Derrington, C., Doveston, M., Howley, M., Jones, K., Rose, R., Smith, A., Waine, L. and Wolstenholme, C. (2007) Free Maps for 11 Year Olds: national survey of Special Educational Needs (SEN) schools. Report presented to Ordnance Survey, June 2007 (Unpublished)
- Kraftl, P., Horton, J. and Tucker, F. (2014) Children's geographies. Oxford Bibliographies Online: Childhood Studies.
- Kraftl, P., Horton, J. and Tucker, F. (2007) Children, young people and built environments. Built Environment. 33(4), pp. 399-404. 0263-7960.
- Kraftl, P., Horton, J. and Tucker, F. (2012) Concluding reflections: what next and where next for critical geographies of youth policy and practice? In: Kraftl, P., Horton, J. and Tucker, F. (eds.) Critical Geographies of Childhood and Youth: Contemporary Policy and Practice. Bristol: Policy Press. pp. 265-270.
- Kraftl, P., Horton, J. and Tucker, F. (2012) Editors' introduction to: Critical Geographies of Childhood and Youth. In: Kraftl, P., Horton, J. and Tucker, F. (eds.) Critical Geographies of Childhood and Youth: Contemporary Policy and Practice. Bristol: Policy Press. pp. 1-24.
- Kraftl, P., Horton, J. and Tucker, F. (2008) Youth matters? Critical geographies of youth policy and practice. Convenor presented to: Royal Geographical Society - IBG (Institute of British Geographers) Annual International Conference, London, 27-29 August 2008. (Unpublished)
- Kraftl, P., Pilkington, A., Armstrong, S. C., Begum, N., Horton, J. and Matthews, M. H. (2007) Equality and diversity at Northampton College: evaluation of student experiences. Report presented to Northampton College, January 2007. (Unpublished)
- Maunder, R. and Monks, C. (2015) Are you my friend too? The role of reciprocal friendship: links to friendship quality, peer and school identification and general self-worth. Paper presented to: British Psychological Society, Psychology of Education Section Annual Conference: The Role of Competence Beliefs in Teaching and Learning, Jury's Inn, Liverpool, 22-24 October 2015. (Unpublished)
- Nikitina-den Besten, O. (2008) Cars, dogs and mean people: environmental fears and dislikes of children in Berlin and Paris. Urban Trends in Berlin and Amsterdam. 110, pp. 116-125. 1430-4775.
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- Pilkington, A. and Ackroyd, J. (2007) Sociological reflections on equality and diversity training. In: Farrar, M. and Todd, M. J. (eds.) Teaching ‘Race’ in HE Social Sciences – New Contexts, New Approaches. Birmingham: University of Birmingham. pp. 25-33.
- Pilkington, A., Armstrong, S. C., Hagley-Dickinson, L. and Horton, J. (2010) The degree attainment of BME students: student and staff perceptions.
- Pilkington, A., Armstrong, S. C., Horton, J. and Mansukhani, N. (2007) The Educational Achievement of Ethnic Groups in Northamptonshire. Report presented to Northamptonshire Race Equality Council, October 2007
- Pilkington, A., Campbell, J., Armstrong, S. C., Horton, J. and Bell, V. (2008) The use of stop and search by Northamptonshire Police 2006-8. (Unpublished)
- Pilkington, A., Mansukhani, N., Armstrong-Hallam, S., Horton, J. and Bell, V. (2009) Full equality impact assessment of admissions policy at the University of Northampton. (Unpublished)
- Prior, R. W., Pilkington, A. and Conlon, R. (2008) The dream factory. [DVD]. Northampton: University of Northampton. (Unpublished)
- Pyer, M. (2008) Unintended consequences? Exploring the un(fore)seen effects and outcomes of research. Children's Geographies. 6(2), pp. 213-217. 1473-3285.
- Pyer, M., Horton, J., Tucker, F., Ryan, S. and Kraftl, P. (2010) Guest editor. Children's Geographies. Special Issue: Children, young people and 'disability': challenging children's geographies? 8(1) Routledge/Taylor & Francis. 1473-3285.
- Pyer, M., Horton, J., Tucker, F., Ryan, S. and Kraftl, P. (2010) Children, young people and 'disability': challenging children's geographies? Children's Geographies. 8(1), pp. 1-8. 1473-3285.
- Pyer, M., Ryan, S., Horton, J., Kraftl, P. and Tucker, F. (2007) Children, young people and ‘disability’. Royal Geographical Society (with Institute of British Geographers) Annual International Conference, London, 28-31 August 2007. (Unpublished)
- Robson, E., Horton, J. and Kraftl, P. (2013) Children’s geographies: reflecting on our first ten years. Children's Geographies. 11(1), pp. 1-6. 1473-3285.
- Tucker, F. (2013) Book Reviews Editor. Children's Geographies. Abingdon: Taylor and Francis. 1473-3285.
- Tucker, F. (2013) Membership Secretary of RGS-IBG Geographies of Children, Youth and Families Research Group. Royal Geographical Society Research Group (RGS-IBG) on Geographies of Children, Youth and Families.
- Tucker, F. (2008) New and emerging research on child and youth geographies. Chair presented to: Royal Geographical Society, with IBG (Institute of British Geographers) Annual International Conference, London, 27-29 August 2008. (Unpublished)
- Tucker, F., Duncan, A. and Davis, L. (2011) 'Investing in yourself': personal development planning in practice. Planet. 24, pp. 10-13. 1473-1835.
- Tucker, F. and Horton, J. (2012) Experiences of GEES staff with mental health conditions. Planet. 26, pp. 19-22. 1758-3608.
- Tucker, F. and Horton, J. (2010) It's difficult to admit you have a problem: undisclosed mental health problems in the GEES disciplines. Paper presented to: Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences Higher Education Academy Subject Centre 10th Anniversary Conference, Plymouth, England, 07-09 July 2010. (Unpublished)
- Woodcock, A., Kraftl, P., Horton, J., Adey, P., Kinross, M., Newman, M. and den Besten, O. (2009) Realising participatory design with children and young people: a case study in design and refurbishment in schools. In: Inns, T. (ed.) Designing for the 21st century, Vol.2: Interdisciplinary Methods and Findings. Farnham: Ashgate. pp. 225-237.