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- Library of Congress Subject Areas (23)
- L Education (23)
- LC Special aspects of Education (23)
- LC225 Home and school (23)
- LC Special aspects of Education (23)
- L Education (23)
Number of items at this level: 23.
- Abreu, G. d., Cline, T., Crafter, S. and O'Dell, L. (2008) Cultural identity development between home and school practices: why some identities are for home? Invited Presentation presented to: British Psychological Society Developmental Conference, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, September 2008. (Unpublished)
- Abreu, G. d., Cline, T., Crafter, S. and O'Dell, L. (2008) Cultural identity development between home and school practices: why some identities are for home? SIG 21 Learning and Teaching in Culturally Diverse Settings. Paper presented to: European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) Biennial Meeting for Special Interest Group (SIG) 10, 15 and 21, Gothenburg, Sweden, 19-20 May 2008. (Unpublished)
- Abreu, G. d., Crafter, S., Cline, T. and O'Dell, L. (2009) Children's and young people's accounts of transitions between home and school. Invited Presentation presented to: European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Amsterdam, Netherlands, 25-29 August 2009. (Unpublished)
- Abreu, G. d., Crafter, S., Hale, H. and O'Sullivan-Lago, R. (2011) Teachers’ representations of immigrant students and their home cultures: a dialogical self analysis. Invited Presentation presented to: 14th Biennial European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) Conference: Education for a Global Networked Society, Exeter, 30 August - 03 September 2011. (Unpublished)
- Cline, T., Crafter, S., Abreu, G. d. and O'Dell, L. (2009) Changing families, changing childhoods - changing schools? Pastoral Care in Education. 27(1), pp. 29-39. 0264-3944.
- Cline, T., Crafter, S. and Prokopiou, E. (2016) Child language brokering in school: when should a child not be used as a language broker? Paper presented to: 3rd International Conference on Non-Professional Interpreting and Translation (NPIT3), Winterthur, Switzerland, 05-07 May 2016.
- Crafter, S. (2011) The social construction of home and school learning in multicultural communities. In: O'Dell, L. and Leverett, S. (eds.) Working with Children and Young People: Co-constructing Practice. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan in association with The Open University. pp. 131-142.
- Crafter, S. (2009) Parental resources for understanding mathematical achievement in multiethnic settings. In: Abreu, G. d. and Gorgorio, N. (eds.) Proceedings of the Sixth European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME 6). Lyon, France: Universite de Lyon. pp. 14-22.
- Crafter, S. (2008) Parental sources of understanding mathematical achievement in culturally diverse settings. SIG 21 Learning and Teaching in Culturally Diverse Settings. Paper presented to: European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) Biennial Meeting for Special Interest Group (SIG) 10, 15 and 21, Gothenburg, Sweden, 19-20 May 2008. (Unpublished)
- Crafter, S. (2001) Home to school: bridging the gap. The Psychologist. 14(7), pp. 358-360. 0952-8229.
- Crafter, S. and Abreu, G. d. (2011) Teachers discussions about parental use of implicit and explicit mathematics in the home. Paper presented to: Seventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME 7), Rzeszow, Poland, 09-13 February 2011. (Unpublished)
- Crafter, S. and Abreu, G. d. (2010) The mediating role of a minority ethnic teacher's past experiences as a tool for understanding mathematical learning and teaching. Paper presented to: European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) Special Interest Group 21: Teaching and Learning in Culturally Diverse Settings Meeting: Moving Through Cultures of Learning (SIG 21 2010), University of Applied Sciences, Utrecht, Netherlands, 02-03 September 2010. (Unpublished)
- Crafter, S. and Abreu, G. d. (2008) Exploring parents' cultural models of mathematical knowledge in multiethnic primary schools. In: Marsico, G., Komatsu, K. and Iannaccone, A. (eds.) Crossing Boundaries: Intercontextual Dynamics between Family and School. Charlotte, N.C., USA: Information Age Publishing (IAP).
- Crafter, S. and Abreu, G. d. (2005) Parents' past experiences as a mediational tool for understanding their child's current mathematical learning. European Journal of Psychology of Education. XX(1), pp. 75-89. 0256-2928.
- Garner, P. (2009) Boy friendly teaching.
- Garner, P. and Clough, P. (2008) Fathers and Sons: In and About Education. Stoke-on-Trent: Trentham Books Ltd. 9781858563701.
- Haridarshan, P. (2015) The impact of differing maternal expectations on the academic achievements of primary school children in Urban Bangalore, South: a comparison between boys and girls. Support for Learning. 30(3), pp. 192-204. 0268-2141.
- O'Dell, L., Cline, T., Abreu, G. d. and Crafter, S. (2007) Young people, work and the balance of family obligation and engagement with school. Paper presented to: Community, Work & Family II International Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 12-14 April 2007. (Unpublished)
- Preece, D. and Theodorou, E. (2016) Training across cultures: learning from a project developing and delivering parent training in autism in south-east Europe. Workshop presented to: Social Care Research Group Workshop, Kings College London, 13 July 2016. (Unpublished)
- Rose, R. (2008) Encouraging engagement: an emerging role for school based family workers in English secondary schools. International Journal of School Disaffection. 6(1), pp. 5-11. 1478-8497.
- Sixsmith, J. (2016) Children’s wellbeing in schools: parents' perspectives. Paper presented to: Children and Families - Supporting Health and Wellbeing, The University of Northampton, 16 September 2016.
- Sykes, G. (2016) You as a partner in the lives of children, families and communities. In: Cox, A. and Sykes, G. (eds.) The Multiple Identities of the Reception Teacher: Pedagogy and Purpose. London: Sage. pp. 134-151.
- Velu, R. (2015) Designing a qualitative and flexible case study to investigate the opportunities and challenges for primary education offered to first-generation learners in a rural community in the state of Maharashtra, India. Support for Learning. 30(3), pp. 223-238. 0268-2141.