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Number of items: 128.
- Ackroyd, J., Titmarsh, L., Coulter, B., Dombey, A. and Phillips, P. S. (2006) Business excellence through resource efficiency (betre): East Sussex waste minimisation programme. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 46(3), pp. 217-241. 0921-3449.
- Beach, J. (2006) The British Army, the Royal Navy, and the 'big work' of Sir George Aston, 1904-1914. The Journal of Strategic Studies. 29(1), pp. 145-168. 0140-2390.
- Bracey, P. (2006) Teaching for diversity? Exploring an Irish dimension in the school history curriculum since c.1970. History of Education. 35(6), pp. 619-635. 1464-5130.
- Bracey, P., Gove-Humphries, A. and Jackson, D. (2006) Refugees and evacuees: enhancing historical understanding through Irish historical fiction with Key Stage 2 and early Key Stage 3 pupils. Education 3-13. 34(2), pp. 103-112. 1475-7575.
- Brigley, Z. (2006) Replication, regeneration or organic birth: the clone in Deryn Rees-Jones' 'Quiver' and Donna Haraway's 'A Cyborg Manifesto'. Critical Survey. 18(2), pp. 16-30. 1752-2293.
- Brown, P. (2006) Do senior management development programmes enhance strategic management capabilities? Strategic Change. 15(1), pp. 37-45. 1099-1697.
- Campbell, J. (2006) Characteristics of the foot health of 'low risk' older people: a principal components analysis of foot health measures. The Foot. 16(1), pp. 44-50. 0958-2592.
- Caseldine, C. J., Langdon, P. G. and Holmes, N. (2006) Early Holocene climate variability and the timing and extent of the Holocene thermal maximum (HTM) in northern Iceland. Quaternary Science Reviews. 25(17-18), pp. 2314-2331. 0277-3791.
- Coskeran, T., Denman, A. R., Phillips, P. S., Gillmore, G. K. and Tornberg, R. (2006) A new methodology for cost effectiveness studies of domestic radon remediation programmes: quality-adjusted life-years gained within Primary Care Trusts in Central England. Science of The Total Environment. 366(1), pp. 32-46. 0048-9697.
- Coskeran, T., Denman, A. R., Phillips, P. S. and Tornberg, R. (2006) A cost-effectiveness analysis of radon protection methods in domestic properties: a comparative case study in Brixworth, Northamptonshire, UK. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity. 91(1-2), pp. 73-89. 0265-931X.
- Crockett, R. G. M., Gillmore, G. K., Phillips, P. S., Denman, A. R. and Groves-Kirkby, C. J. (2006) Tidal synchronicity of built-environment radon levels in the UK. Geophysical Research Letters. 33(5) 0094-8276.
- Crockett, R. G. M., Gillmore, G. K., Phillips, P. S. and Gilbertson, D. D. (2006) Tidal synchronicity of the 26 December 2004 Sumatran earthquake and its aftershocks. Geophysical Research Letters. 33(19) 0094-8276.
- Crockett, R. G. M., Gillmore, G. K., Phillips, P. S. and Gilbertson, D. D. (2006) Tidal synchronicity of the 26 December 2004 Sumatran earthquake and its aftershocks. Geophysical Research Letters. 33(19) 0094-8276.
- Curran, M., Campbell, J. and Rugg, G. (2006) An investigation into the clinical reasoning of both expert and novice podiatrists. The Foot. 16(1), pp. 28-32. 0958-2592.
- Curran, M., Rugg, G. and Campbell, J. (2006) Would podiatrists benefit from an expert system for clinical reasoning and diagnosis? A study using laddering. The Foot. 16(2), pp. 71-75. 0958-2592.
- Davis, G., Phillips, P. S., Read, A. D. and Lida , Y. (2006) Demonstrating the need for the development of internal research capacity: understanding recycling participation using the Theory of Planned Behaviour in West Oxfordshire, UK. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 46(2), pp. 115-129. 0921-3449.
- Doveston, M. and Keenaghan, M. (2006) Improving classroom dynamics to support students' learning and social inclusion: a collaborative approach. Support for Learning. 21(1), pp. 5-11. 1467-9604.
- Doveston, M. and Kenaghan, M. (2006) Growing talent for inclusion: using an appreciative inquiry approach to investigating classroom dynamics. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs. 6(3), pp. 153-165. 1471-3802.
- Ekberg, M. E. (2006) Genetic expectations. International Journal of Science and Research. 2(1), pp. 41-48. 1832-1011.
- Enjelvin, G. (2006) Homosexualité, mariages homosexuels et homoparentalité en France (Ressources en ligne comme supports pédagogiques en classe de FLE). ALSIC - Apprentissage des langues et systèmes d'information et de communication. 9, pp. 277-284. 1286-4986.
- Fisher, K. and Phillips, C. A. (2006) The effect of lemon, orange and bergamot essential oils and their components on the survival of Campylobacter jejuni, Escherichia coli 0157, Listeria monocytogenes, Bacillus cereus and Staphylococcus aureus in vitro and in food systems. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 101(6), pp. 1232-1240. 1365-2672.
- Garcia, V., Lanaburu , J., Pongracz, E., Phillips, P. S. and Keiski, R. (2006) Recycling of organic solvents by pervaporation and micellar-enhanced ultrafiltration. Desalination. 200(1-3), pp. 383-384. 0011-9164.
- Gingell, J. and Winch, C. (2006) Is educational research any use? Studies in Philosophy and Education. 25(1-2), pp. 77-91. 1573-191X.
- Groom, B. (2006) Building relationships for learning: the developing role of the teaching assistant. Support for Learning. 21(4), pp. 199-203. 1467-9604.
- Groom, B. (2006) Supporting the return of pupils with EBD to mainstream school from specialist provision. REACH Journal of Special Needs Education in Ireland. 20(1), pp. 61-69. 0790-8695.
- Groom, B. and Maunonen-Eskelinen, I. (2006) The use of portfolios to develop reflective practice in teacher training: a comparative and collaborative approach between two teacher training providers in the UK and Finland. Teaching in Higher Education. 11(3), pp. 291-300. 1470-1294.
- Groves-Kirkby, C. J., Denman, A. R., Crockett, R. G. M., Phillips, P. S., Woolridge, A. C. and Gillmore, G. K. (2006) Time-integrating radon gas measurements in domestic premises: comparison of short-, medium- and long-term exposures. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity. 86(1), pp. 92-109. 0265-931X.
- Groves-Kirkby, C. J., Denman, A. R., Phillips, P. S., Crockett, R. G. M., Woolridge, A. C. and Tornberg, R. (2006) Radon mitigation in domestic properties and its health implications - a comparison between during-construction and post-construction radon reduction. Environment International. 32(4), pp. 435-443. 0160-4120.
- Heffernan, N. (2006) The Last Movie and the critique of imperialism. Film International. 4(3), pp. 12-22. 1651-6826.
- Horton, J. and Kraftl, P. (2006) What else? Some more ways of thinking and doing ‘children’s geographies'. Children's Geographies. 4(1), pp. 69-95. 1473-3285.
- Jackson, P. (2006) ‘Union or death!’: Gavrilo Princip, Young Bosnia and the role of ‘Sacred time’ in the dynamics of nationalist terrorism. Totalitarian Movements and Political Religions. 7(1), pp. 45-65. 1743-9647.
- Kakabadse, A. P., Savery, L., Kakabadse, N. K. and Lee-Davies, L. (2006) 1% for 10%: executive strategies for customer care. Strategic Change. 15(2), pp. 103-111. 1099-1697.
- Kelsh, D. and Hill, D. (2006) The culturalization of class and the occluding of class consciousness: the knowledge industry in/of education. Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies. 4(1) 1740-2743.
- Kohls, N. and Walach, H. (2006) Exceptional experiences and spiritual practice: a new measurement approach. Spirituality and Health International. 7(3), pp. 125-150. 1743-1867.
- Maunder, R. (2006) Review of 'School Violence Intervention: A Practical Handbook' (2nd ed) [edited by] Jane Close Conoley & Arnold P. Goldstein, New York, The Guildford Press, 2004. Journal of Educational Administration and History. 38(1), pp. 107-109. 1478-7431.
- McCormack, M. (2006) Citizenship, nationhood and masculinity in the affair of the Hanoverian soldier, 1756. The Historical Journal. 49(4), 971-993. 1469-5103.
- Ringrose, C. (2006) Lying in children’s fiction: morality and the imagination. Children's Literature in Education. 37(3), pp. 229-236. 0045-6713.
- Rothery, M. (2006) Constructing the scaffolding: the National Census and the English landed gentry family in the Victorian period. Family & Community History. 9(2), pp. 91-109. 1463-1180.
- Samamaliki-Simpson, R., Kaczmarczyk, S., Picton, P. and Turner, S. J. (2006) Non-linear modal interactions in a suspension rope system with time-varying length. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 5-6, pp. 217-224. 1660-9336.
- Sanders, R. (2006) A market road to sustainable agriculture? Ecological agriculture, green food and organic agriculture in China. Development and Change. 37(1), pp. 201-226. 1467-7660.
- Sanders, R. (2006) Organic agriculture in China: do property rights matter? Journal of Contemporary China. 15(46), pp. 113-132. 1469-9400.
- Seddon, F. A. (2006) Collaborative computer-mediated music composition in cyberspace. British Journal of Music Education. 23(3), pp. 273-283. 0265-0517.
- Seddon, F. A. and O'Neill, S. A. (2006) How does formal instrumental music tuition (FIMT) impact on self- and teacher-evaluations of adolescents’ computer-based compositions? Psychology of Music. 34(1), pp. 27-45. 0305-7356.
- Seligmann, M. S. (2006) Hors de combat? The management, mismanagement and mutilation of the War Office Archive. Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research. 84(337), pp. 52-58. 0037-9700.
- Smith-Hillman, A. V. (2006) First a glimmer, now a ...? The prospect of a Caribbean competition policy. Journal of World Trade. 40(2), pp. 405-422. 1011-6702.
- Vernon, W. and Campbell, J. (2006) The establishment of an ultra-long-term plan for podiatry research. British Journal of Podiatry. 9(3), pp. 72-76. 1460-7328.
- Woolridge, A. C., Ward, G. D., Phillips, P. S., Collins, M. and Gandy , S. (2006) Life cycle assessment for reuse/recycling of donated waste textiles compared to use of virgin material: an UK energy saving perspective. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 46(1), pp. 94-103. 0921-3449.
Book Section
- Bacon, J. (2006) The feeling of the experience: a methodology for performance ethnography. In: Ackroyd, J. (ed.) Research Methodologies for Drama Education. Stoke-on-Trent: Trentham Books. pp. 135-158.
- Ukaegbu, V. (2006) Mythological and patriarchal constraints: the tale of Osofisan's revolutionary women. In: Adeyemi, S. (ed.) Portraits for an Eagle: a Festschrift in Honour of Femi Osofisan. Bayreuth: Bayreuth African Studies. pp. 179-192.
- Kakabadse, N. K., Kakabadse, A. P. and Kouzmin, A. (2006) The civic within the democratic project in the digital era. In: Anttiroiko, A.-V. and Malkia, M. (eds.) Encyclopaedia of Digital Governnment. Hershey, PA: IGI Group. pp. 183-189.
- Daly, G. (2006) The Political Economy of (Im)Possibility. In: De Goede, M. (ed.) International Political Economy and Poststructural Politics :. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan Ltd.. pp. 177-194.
- Feldman, M. (2006) Beckett and Popper, or "What stink of artifice": some notes on methodology, falsifiability, and criticism in Beckett studies. In: Engelberts, M., Frost, E. and Maxwell, J. (eds.) Notes Diverse Holo: Catalogues of Beckett’s Reading Notes and Other Manuscripts at Trinity College Dublin, with Supporting Essays. Amsterdam: Rodopi. pp. 373-391.
- Staff, C. (2006) [Contribution]. In: Farthing, S. (ed.) 1001 Paintings You Must See Before You Die. London: Cassell.
- Daly, G. (2006) Politik und das unmögliche: Jenseits von psychoanlyse und dekonstruktion. In: Flatz, C. and Felgitsch, S. (eds.) Dimensionen einer Neuen Kultur des Politischen. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag fur Sozialwissenschaften. pp. 108-135.
- Lucas, V. K. (2006) 'Shameless' - women, sexuality and violence in British Asian drama. In: Godiwala, D. (ed.) Alternatives Within the Mainstream: British, Black and Asian Theatres. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 363-380.
- Ukaegbu, V. (2006) Talawa Theatre Company: the 'likkle' matter of black creativity and representation on the British stage. In: Godiwala, D. (ed.) Alternatives within the Mainstream: British Black and Asian Theatres. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 123-152.
- Bacon, J. (2006) Myths of woman: Arabic dancing in a non-Arabic world. In: Haas, B. (ed.) Der Postfeministische Diskurs. Würzberg: Königshausen & Neumann. pp. 63-78.
- Midgelow, V. (2006) Choreographies of flesh and seduction: postfeminist corporealities in contemporary European dance. In: Haas, B. (ed.) Der Postfeministische Diskurs. Wurzburg: Konigshausen & Neumann. pp. 179-204.
- Andermahr, S. (2006) Jeanette Winterson’s Lighthousekeeping. In: Mengham, R. and Tew, P. (eds.) British Fiction Today. London: Continuum. pp. 139-150.
- Oddey, A. (2006) Different directions: the potentials of autobiographical space. In: Oddey, A. and White, C. A. (eds.) The Potentials of Spaces: The Theory and Practice of Scenography and Performance. Bristol: Intellect. pp. 33-49.
- Callaghan, J. and Clark, J. (2006) Feminist theory and conflict. In: Ratele, K. (ed.) Inter-group Relations: South African Perspectives. Cape Town: Juta. pp. 87-110.
- Callaghan, J. (2006) Becoming a psychologist: feminism, activism, professionalism. In: Shefer, T., Boonzaier, F. and Kiguwa, P. (eds.) The Gender of Psychology. Cape Town: Juta. pp. 293-300.
- Matthews, M. H. and Tucker, F. (2006) On the other side of the tracks: the psychogeographies and everyday lives of rural teenagers in the UK. In: Spencer, C. and Blades, M. (eds.) Children and their Environments: Learning, Using and Designing Spaces. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 161-175.
- Ringrose, C. (2006) Assessing Ben Okri’s fiction 1995-2005. In: Tew, P. and Mengham, R. (eds.) British Fiction Today. London: Continuum. pp. 78-90.
- Ortenberg, V. (2006) Kencot. In: Townley, S. (ed.) A History of the County of Oxford, Vol. 15. Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer for the Institute of Historical Research. pp. 147-177.
- Ortenberg, V. (2006) Minster Lovell. In: Townley, S. (ed.) A History of the County of Oxford, Vol. 15. Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer for the Institute of Historical Research. pp. 177-204.
- Bartrip, P. W. J. (2006) Beyond the Factory Gates: Asbestos and Health in Twentieth Century America. London: Continuum. 0826488366.
- Feldman, M. (2006) Beckett’s Books: A Cultural History of Samuel Beckett’s “Interwar Notes”. London: Continuum. 082649059X.
- Gingell, J. (2006) The Visual Arts and Education. London: Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain. 0902227124.
- Ortenberg, V. (2006) In Search of the Holy Grail: The Quest for the Middle Ages. London: Hambledon Continuum. 1852853832.
- Phillips, L. (2006) London Narratives: Post-war Fiction and the City. London: Continuum. 0826484522.
- Seligmann, M. S. (2006) Spies in Uniform: British Military and Naval Intelligence on the Eve of the First World War. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 0199261504.
- Joseph, C. A. B. and Wilson, J. M., (eds.) (2006) Global Fissures; Postcolonial Fusions. Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi. 9042020180.
Conference or Workshop Item
- Andermahr, S. (2006) Lesbian romance? Love and desire in the novels of Jeanette Winterson. Invited Keynote presented to: 14th Middle East Technical University (METU) British Novelists Conference: Jeanette Winterson and Her Work, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, 14-15 December 2006. (Unpublished)
- Antunes, A. P. M. (2006) Crosslinking of reconstituted collagen for biomaterials. Invited Presentation presented to: Society of Leather Technologists and Chemists (SLTC) Conference, Southport, 23 September 2006. (Unpublished)
- Antunes, A. P. M., Attenburrow, G. E., Covington, A. D. and Ding, J. (2006) Utilisation of Oleuropein as a crosslinking agent in collagenic films. Paper presented to: International Union of Leather Technologists and Chemists Societies (IULTCS) Eurocongress II, Istanbul, Turkey, 24-27 May 2006. (Unpublished)
- Campbell, J. (2006) Designing a podiatry service to meet the needs of the population. Invited Presentation presented to: Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists Annual Conference, Brighton, 23-25 November 2006. (Unpublished)
- Campbell, J. (2006) Designing a podiatry service to meet the needs of the population: a service simulation. Invited Presentation presented to: International Conference on Health and Social Care Modelling and Applications (HSCM2006), University of Adelaide, 19-21 April 2006. (Unpublished)
- Campbell, J. (2006) Podiatry research - its role in our future. Invited Presentation presented to: Podiatry Managers Conference, Daventry, UK, 28 February 2006. (Unpublished)
- Campbell, J. (2006) Simulating a podiatry service. Invited Presentation presented to: Celebrating Collaborative Research Conference, The University of Northampton, 28 April 2006. (Unpublished)
- Campbell, J. (2006) The need for clinical evidence. Keynote presented to: Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists Annual Conference, Brighton, 23-25 November 2006. (Unpublished)
- Campbell, J. and Kraftl, P. (2006) Young people's self-esteem in Northamptonshire. Invited Presentation presented to: Northamptonshire County Council Dissemination Event, Northampton, 24 March 2006. (Unpublished)
- Catalina, M., Attenburrow, G. E., Cot, J., Covington, A. D. and Antunes, A. P. M. (2006) Isolation and characterisation of gelatine obtained from chrome-tanned shavings. Poster presented to: International Union of Leather Technologists and Chemists Societies (IULTCS) Eurocongress II, Istanbul, Turkey, 24-27 May 2006. (Unpublished)
- Corr, S., Woolridge, L., Siddons, L. and Campbell, J. (2006) Provision of usage of assistive technologies for frail older people. Paper presented to: 30th College of Occupational Therapy (COT) Annual Conference, Cardiff, 20-23 June 2006. (Unpublished)
- Corr, S., Woolridge, L., Siddons, L. and Campbell, J. (2006) Supporting frail older people with assistive technologies. Poster presented to: 14th Congress of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT), Sydney, Australia, 23-28 July 2006. (Unpublished)
- Curtis, T. (2006) What does procurement do to the third sector? Invited Presentation presented to: 3rd Annual UK Social Enterprise Research Conference, London, UK, 22-23 June 2006. (Unpublished)
- Cusiter, M. (2006) Recruitment of expatriate development workers: An empirical investigation of current practice in UK-based NGOs. Paper presented to: 21st European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM) Workshop on Strategic Human Resource Management, Aston University, Birmingham, 30-31 March 2006. (Unpublished)
- Feng, Y. (2006) Listening to the voices of pupils: an alternative route to a balanced curriculum for junior middle schools in China. Paper presented to: Asia Pacific Educational Research Association (APERA) Conference, Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong, 28-30 November 2006. (Unpublished)
- Feng, Y. (2006) The enhanced role of teaching assistants in school remodelling in primary schools in England: some reflections on teacher education in China. Paper presented to: British Educational Research Association (BERA) New Researchers/Student Conference, University of Warwick, Coventry, 6-9 September 2006. (Unpublished)
- Hamilton, E., Machado, L., Reynolds, G. M., Taniere, P., Lee, S. P., Steven, N. and Ismail, T. (2006) Biomarkers of the immune response in primary colorectal cancer. Poster presented to: Annual Meeting of the British Society of Gastroenterology, Surgical Section in Association with the Association of Coloproctology (ACPGBI) and IBD Section Joint Symposium, Birmingham, UK, 20-23 March 2006. (Unpublished)
- Rose, R., Smith, A. and Feng, Y. (2006) An investigation into the efficacy of two English extended secondary schools. Paper presented to: British Educational Research Association (BERA) National Conference, University of Warwick, Warwick, UK, 6-9 September 2006. (Unpublished)
- Seligmann, M. S. (2006) British intelligence in Germany before the First World War. Paper presented to: British Commission for Military History Spring Conference: Intelligence in Peace & War, Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford, 06 May 2006. (Unpublished)
- Staff, C. (2006) Towards a differential ontology of painting. Paper presented to: A Future for Modernism? : The Possibilities of Re-inhabiting an Abandoned Critical Position, APT Gallery, Deptford, London, 17 March 2006. (Unpublished)
- Young, S. T. (2006) "Slicing the Gordian knot": the CLASP project in Northamptonshire. Paper presented to: Archaeology For All, University of Manchester, 3-4 November 2006. A personal reflection on community archaeology (Unpublished)
Conference Proceedings
- Godfrey, R. (2006) The deity displaced?: the theater of John Rastell and a humanist agenda. In: Bordier, J.-P. and Lascombes, A. (eds.) Dieu et les Dieux dans le Théâtre de la Renaissance: Actes du XLVe Colloque International d'Etudes Humanistes, 01-06 Juillet 2002. Turnhout: Brepols. 250351653X. pp. 485-496.
- Turner, S. J. and Hill, G. (2006) The inclusion of robots within the teaching of problem solving - preliminary results. In: Steede, H. (ed.) 7th Annual Conference of the Subject Centre for Information and Computer Sciences. Dublin: Higher Education Academy Subject Network for Information and Computer Sciences. 0955200539. pp. 241-242.
- El-Madaani, F., Zaid, M., Gaydecki, P., Hussin, H. and Miller, G. (2006) Assessment of corrosion activity in reinforcing steel bars embedded within concrete using the inductive scanning technique. In: Thompson, D. O. and Chimenti, D. E. (eds.) Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation: Brunswick, Maine, 31 July - 5 August, 2005. Melville, New York: American Institute of Physics. 0735403120. pp. 1305-1312. (AIP conference proceedings; vol. 820)
- Zaid, M., El-Madaani, F., Gaydecki, P. and Miller, G. (2006) Automatic corrosion classification and quantification of steel reinforcing bars within concrete using image data generated by an inductive sensor. In: Thompson, D. O. and Chimenti, D. E. (eds.) Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation: Brunswick, Maine, 31 July - 5 August, 2005. Melville, New York: American Institute of Physics. 0735403120. pp. 1313-1320. (AIP conference proceedings, vol. 820)
- Biswas, A. L. (2006) "Newness" and anti-absolutism in Salman Rushdie's novels: the aesthetics of postcolonial hybridity and postmodernism. Doctoral thesis. The University of Northampton.
- Holton, J. A. (2006) Rehumanising knowledge work through fluctuating support networks: a grounded theory. Doctoral thesis. The University of Northampton.
- Kabeer, S. (2006) Application of image analysis techniques to determine strain distribution in leather. Doctoral thesis. The University of Northampton.
- Murray, M. A. (2006) The myth of island paradise in contemporary Caribbean and Sri Lankan writing. Doctoral thesis. The University of Northampton.
- Prince, K. (2006) The computational modelling of the spinal cord neurons involved in the pain process. Doctoral thesis. The University of Northampton.
- Rudd, A. (2006) 'Demons from the deep': postcolonial Gothic fictions from the Caribbean, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Doctoral thesis. The University of Northampton.
- Walker, M. (2006) The prevention of spoilage in fruit juices by alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris and propionibacterium cyclohexanicum. Doctoral thesis. The University of Northampton.
- Yagoub, S. (2006) Biodegradation of leather solid waste. Doctoral thesis. The University of Northampton.
- Zeugolis, D. I. (2006) Reconstituted collagen fibres for tissue engineering applications. Doctoral thesis. The University of Northampton.
- Bush, M., Powell, E. and McDonald, L. (2006) Full Circle/Random Journey. Exhibit at: Full Circle/Random Journey. University of Northampton Gallery, Northampton, 8 - 18 May 2006. [co-curator and exhibiting artist]
- Evans, M. (2006) Recent Paintings. St Bartholomew's Hospital, London, June 2006.
- Flexen, C. and Staff, C. (2006) Marking Movements - new drawings by Catherine Flexen and Craig Staff. Exhibit at: Marking Movements. Cheltenham Museum and Art Gallery, 28 January - 11 March 2006.
- Greco, P. (2006) Eating Out. Museum of Domestic Design & Architecture (MoDA), Barnet, 24 April 2006 – 9th July 2006. [Exhibit of vinyl prints]
- Greco, P. (2006) Food Chain. Exhibit at: What's for dinner?. The Museum of Domestic Design and Architecture (MODA), Barnet, Middlesex, 25 April - 29 October 2006. [installation of prints]
- Greco, P. (2006) ReCollection. Rugby Art Gallery and Museum, 28 March - 25 June 2006. [Curator and exhibitor of group exhibition]
- Langford, A. W. (2006) Invernaderos. Exhibit at: Format06 International Photography Festival. Gallery Déda, Derby Dance Centre, Derby, 22 September - 22 October 2006.
- Love, J. (2006) 12hr 05m. Exhibit at: 12hr 05m. Petit k, Fukoka, Japan, 20 July 2006.
- Parker, D. (2006) Recollections. Exhibit at: ReCollection. Rugby Art Gallery and Museum, 28 March - 25 June 2006.
- Staff, C. (2006) Drawing Itself, Drawing Space. Exhibit at: Drawing Itself, Drawing Space. Southwell Artspace, Southwell, Nottingham, 2 September - 15 October 2006.
- Staff, C. (2006) Recollection. Exhibit at: ReCollection. Rugby Art Gallery and Museum, 28 March - 25 June 2006.
- Reim, L. (2006) Democratia.
- Reim, L. (2006) Pebbles.
- Williams, T. (2006) Shelter.
- Williams, T. (2006) Smallcoombe Spring.
- Ellis, S. (2006) Inert. Dancehouse, Melbourne, May 2006. Performers: Ellis, Simon and Bott, Shannon Video later screened at: Paris (Atelier de Paris-Carolyn Carlson), Northampton (Fishmarket), Findhorn Scotland (in Opensource [Video dance]), 2007
- Lucas, V. K. (2006) Hidden Voices. Roy Bowen Theatre, Columbus, Ohio State University, February 9-12; 16-19 2006.
- Whalley, J. and Miller, L. (2006) Re: Incident On and Off. Performance at: 'Liverpool Live’, 2006 Liverpool International Biennial Gee's Bathroom Shop, Liverpool, 26 - 29 October 2006. Performers: Miller, Lee and Whalley, Joanne
- Ellis, S. (2006) Dad.project. [CD-ROM].
- Wilson, P. and Smith, J. (2006) The Mystique of Secrecy. [DVD]. [Live, audio visual internet mixing]
- Smith, J. and Wilson, P. (2006) The Wire covers mix. [mp3].