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- Library of Congress Subject Areas (42)
- R Medicine (42)
- RJ Pediatrics (42)
- RJ499 Mental disorders. Child psychiatry (42)
- RJ506.A9 Autism (42)
- RJ499 Mental disorders. Child psychiatry (42)
- RJ Pediatrics (42)
- R Medicine (42)
Number of items at this level: 42.
- Howley, M. and Preece, D., (eds.) (2013) Supporting Pupils on the Autism Spectrum: Whole-School Training Materials and Resources for Sencos. London: Optimus Education. 9781907927164.
- Corbett, C. and Perepa, P. (2007) Missing out? Autism, education and ethnicity: the reality for families today. London: The National Autistic Society. 9781905722273.
- Fergusson, A., Howley, M. and Rose, R. (2008) Responding to the mental health needs of young people with profound and multiple learning difficulties and autistic spectrum disorders: issues and challenges. Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Research and Practice. 5(2), pp. 240-251. 1743-6885.
- Hickman, C. and Jones, K. (2007) An investigation of an interactive skill building programme for pupils with autistic spectrum disorders with a focus on systems and delivery. Paper presented to: Autism-Europe Oslo, Oslo, Norway, 31 August-2 September 2007. (Unpublished)
- Howley, M. (2013) Selecting and blending strategies to meet individual needs. In: Howley, M. and Preece, D. (eds.) Supporting Pupils on the Autism Spectrum: Whole-School Training Materials and Resources for Sencos. London: Optimus Education. pp. 147-166.
- Howley, M. (2013) Understanding the autism spectrum. In: Howley, M. and Preece, D. (eds.) Supporting Pupils on the Autism Spectrum: Whole-School Training Materials and Resources for Sencos. London: Optimus Education. pp. 5-27.
- Howley, M. (2008) Structured teaching: an essential ingredient in the autism friendly classroom. Paper presented to: Centre for Autism 2008 Conference, LLubjiana, Slovenia, 12-16 April 2008. (Unpublished)
- Howley, M. (2008) Complementary approaches to developing social interaction and understanding. Invited Presentation presented to: International Conference on Autism 2008, Skive, Denmark, 7 - 8 November 2008. (Unpublished)
- Howley, M. and Crawley, S. (2008) Behaviours that challenge. Paper presented to: Training & Education in Autistic Spectrum Disorders Strategy Group Conference, Sligo, Ireland, 23 May 2008. (Unpublished)
- Howley, M. and Fergusson, A. (2008) Developing autism friendly schools and classrooms. Paper presented to: Centre for Autism 2008 Conference, Llubjiana, Slovenia, 12 - 16 April 2008. (Unpublished)
- Howley, M., Perepa, P., Preece, D., Garner, P. and Rose, R. (2015) Situation Analysis on Inclusive Education and Action Plan for Children with Autism in Oman: Comprehensive Literature review. (Submitted)
- Howley, M. and Preece, D. (2013) Introduction. In: Howley, M. and Preece, D. (eds.) Supporting Pupils on the Autism Spectrum: Whole-School Training Materials and Resources for Sencos. London: Optimus Education. pp. 1-3.
- Jones, K. and Howley, M. (2010) An investigation into an interaction programme for children on the autistic spectrum: outcomes for children, perceptions of schools and a model for training. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs. 10(2), pp. 115-123. 1471-3802.
- Perepa, P. (2016) Sensory perceptions and impact on behaviour. Invited Keynote presented to: Let’s Talk About Autism Conference, London, UK, 15 November 2016.
- Perepa, P. (2016) Autismus im Kleinkindalter. Paderborn: Junfermann Verlag. 9783955715021.
- Perepa, P. (2016) Creative movement approaches and autism. Invited Keynote presented to: Healing Autism: the Spiritual Dimension, Chennai, India, 04-06 January 2016.
- Perepa, P. (2015) Autism: A Practical Guide for Teachers and Parents. 2nd ed. Hyderabad, India: Prachee Publications. 9788174430380.
- Perepa, P. (2013) Understanding Autism in the Early Years. Maidenhead: Open University Press. 9780335246649.
- Perepa, P. (2013) Diversity and autism spectrum conditions. In: Chaplin, E., Hardy, S. and Underwood, L. (eds.) Autism Spectrum Conditions: a Guide. Brighton: Pavilion. pp. 97-104.
- Perepa, P. (2007) Are ASD services for minority ethnic communities accessible? Good Autism Practice. 8(2), pp. 3-8. 1466-2973.
- Perepa, P. (2007) Autism: a Practical Guide for Parents and Teachers. Hyderabad, India: Prachee Publications. 9788174430212.
- Perepa, P. and Howley, M. (2016) Inclusion in Sultanate of Oman. Poster presented to: XI Autism-Europe International Congress, Edinburgh, 16-18 September 2016.
- Perepa, P., Howley, M., Garner, P., Preece, D., Rose, R. and Farrow, B. (2016) Situation Analysis on Inclusive Education and Children with Autism in the Sultanate of Oman: Ten-Year Autism Strategy and Five-Year Autism Action Plan for children with ASD. (Unpublished)
- Perepa, P. and Preece, D. (2018) A feasibility study for the application of the AET professional development model for the children’s social work community. London: Autism Education Trust.
- Preece, D. (2018) Parent education in autism in South East Europe: the ESIPP Project. Invited Keynote presented to: ReAttach Conference, Eindhoven, Netherlands, 14-15 April 2018.
- Preece, D. (2017) Parent education in ASD in South East Europe: the ESIPP Project. Invited Presentation presented to: Invited Lecture, European University Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus, 29 November 2017.
- Preece, D. (2015) Developing effective partnerships with parents to improve outcomes for children with autism and their families. Invited Presentation presented to: Becoming Visible: Comparing Inclusive and Special Education Policies, Practices and Research in Brazil and the UK, Sao Carlos, Brazil, 12-14 March 2015. (Unpublished)
- Preece, D. (2014) A matter of perspective: the experience of daily life and support of mothers, fathers and siblings living with children on the autism spectrum with high support needs. Good Autism Practice. 15(1), pp. 81-90. 1466-2973.
- Preece, D. (2011) Respite care for families with children with autism spectrum disorders. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis: Studia Psychologica. 4, pp. 174-188. 1689-9903.
- Preece, D. (2009) Effective short breaks services for families with children with autism spectrum disorders: how one local authority in the United Kingdom is working to meet the challenge. Practice. 21(3), pp. 159-174. 0950-3153.
- Preece, D. (2008) Social care support services in England for children and adults with autism spectrum disorders and their families. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation. 9(3-4), pp. 63-73. 1409-6099.
- Preece, D. and Almond, J. (2008) Supporting families with children on the autism spectrum: using structured teaching approaches in the home and community. Good Autism Practice. 9(2), pp. 44-53. 1466-2973.
- Preece, D. and Jordan, R. (2010) Obtaining the views of children and young people with autism spectrum disorders about their experience of daily life and social care support. British Journal of Learning Disabilities. 38(1), pp. 10-20. 1354-4187.
- Preece, D. and Jordan, R. (2007) Social workers' understanding of autistic spectrum disorders: an exploratory investigation. The British Journal of Social Work. 37(5), pp. 925-936. 0045-3102.
- Preece, D. and Jordan, R. (2007) Short breaks services for children with autistic spectrum disorders: factors associated with service use and non-use. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 37(2), pp. 374-385. 0162-3257.
- Preece, D., Stošić, J., Symeou, L., Troshanska, J., Mavrou, K., Theodorou, E., Frey Škrinjar , J., Fortuna, R., Capper, A., Bramble, P., Charalambous Darden, N., Gerolemeou, S., Winstanley, A., Hardcastle, J., Blazevic, S., Ruzic, A., Baranger, A. and Fernandez, C. (2016) Helping parents to understand and support their children with autism through parent training in south east Europe: the ‘ESIPP’ project. In: Goncalves-Mendes, E. (ed.) Proceedings of VII Brazilian Congress on Special Education. Sao Carlos, Brazil: Federal University of Sao Carlos.
- Preece, D., Stošić, J., Troshanska, J., Theodorou, E., Symeou, L., Mavrou, K., Frey Škrinjar , J. and Trajkovski, V. (2018) The impact of parent education on families in South-East Europe: the ESIPP Project. Poster presented to: International Society for Autism Research (INSAR) Annual Meeting 2018, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 09-12 May 2018.
- Preece, D., Symeou, L., Stošić, J., Theodorou, E., Mavrou, K., Troshanska, J., Frey Škrinjar, J. and Trajkovski, V. (2017) Listening to (empower) parents: family education for children on the autism spectrum in south-east Europe. Paper presented to: European Research Network About Parents in Education: 11th Biennial Conference, University of Roehampton, 05-07 July 2017.
- Preece, D. and Theodorou, E. (2016) Training across cultures: learning from a project developing and delivering parent training in autism in south-east Europe. Workshop presented to: Social Care Research Group Workshop, Kings College London, 13 July 2016. (Unpublished)
- Preece, D. and Theodorou, E. (2016) ESIPP- parent education in autism. Seminar Presentation presented to: School of Education Research Seminar, The University of Northampton, 16 March 2016. (Unpublished)
- Theodorou, E., Symeou, L., Preece, D., Stošić, J., Troshanska, J. and Mavrou, K. (2017) Parents reflecting on training of families with children on the autism spectrum: lessons from ESIPP. Paper presented to: European Conference on Educational Research (ECER 2017): Reforming Education and the Imperative of Constant Change: Ambivalent Roles of Policy and Educational Research, Copenhagen, Denmark, 22-25 August 2017.
- Whitaker, P. and Preece, D. (2013) Understanding the perspectives of children and parents: a foundation for developing partnerships. In: Howley, M. and Preece, D. (eds.) Supporting Pupils on the Autism Spectrum: Whole-School Training Materials and Resources for Sencos. London: Optimus Education. pp. 29-42.