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Number of items at this level: 18.
- Beeson, H., Swinton, K., Woods, N. and MacLellan, F. (2012) Collaborative learning: enhancing the student experience through LLS. Poster presented to: Research Active: Library and Learning Services Conference 2012, Sunley Conference Centre, University of Northampton, 19 June 2012. (Unpublished)
- Burnapp, D., Zhao, W., Boteju, D., Jament, J., Feng, Y., Li, S., Powis, C., Klimes, C. and Mallam-Hassam, Y. (2011) The strategic implications of different forms of international collaboration in Higher Education. Northampton: University of Northampton.
- Burnapp, D., Zhao, W., Boteju, D., Jament, J., Feng, Y., Li, S., Powis, C., Klimes, C. and Mallam-Hassam, Y. (2011) The strategic implications of different forms of international collaboration in Higher Education: Case studies. Northampton: University of Northampton.
- Butcher, J. (2010) Arts university student mentors and gallery peer leaders: partnerships for learning. Art/Design/Media Subject Centre, Higher Education Academy (ADM-HEA).
- Butcher, J. (2009) Off-campus learning and employability in undergraduate design: the Sorrell Young Design Project as an innovative partnership. Art, Design & Communication in Higher Education. 7(3), pp. 171-184. 1474-273X.
- Butcher, J. and Corfield, R. (2011) Contextualised approaches to widening participation - a comparative case study of two UK universities. Paper presented to: European Access Network (EAN) Conference: Student Diversity in Higher Education: Conflicting Realities, Amsterdam, 20-22 June 2011. (Unpublished)
- Butcher, J., Lazard, L., Sedgwick, P. and Hey, J. (2010) Assess4success: institutional learning from inclusive approaches to assessment. Paper presented to: University of Northampton Learning and Teaching Conference: Learning Dialogues, University of Northampton, UK, 13 May 2010. (Unpublished)
- Butcher, J. and Maunder, R. (2011) Going URB@N: exploring the impact of undergraduate students as pedagogic researchers. Paper presented to: International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning (ISSOTL 2011): Transforming the Academy Through the Theory and Practice of SOTL, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, 20-23 October 2011. (Unpublished)
- Butcher, J. and Maunder, R. (2011) Going URB@N: exploring the impact of undergraduate students as pedagogic researchers. Poster presented to: International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning (ISSOTL 11) Pre-Conference Workshop: International Perspectives on Undergraduate Research and Inquiry: A Scholarly Discussion, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, 19 October 2011. (Unpublished)
- Butcher, J. and Schaber, F. (2011) Enhancing design learning through partnerships: the case of Joinedupdesign for Academies. Networks. 13 1756-963x.
- Butcher, J., Sedgwick, P., Lazard, L. and Hey, J. (2010) How might inclusive approaches to assessment enhance student learning in HE? Enhancing the Learner Experience in Higher Education. 2(1), pp. 25-40. 2041-3122.
- Butcher, J. and Sieminski, S. (2009) Enhancing professional self-esteem: learners' journeys on a distance-learning Doctorate in Education (EdD). Enhancing the Learner Experience in Higher Education. 1(1), pp. 44-45. 2041-3122.
- Butcher, J. and Stoncel, D. (2010) "It's made me braver": the impact of a PG Cert on HE teachers. Paper presented to: Higher Education Academy Annual Conference 2010, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, 22-23 June 2010. (Unpublished)
- Butcher, J. and Stoncel, D. (2009) Identifying the academic role for new HE teachers: the impact of a PGCTHE programme on participants. Paper presented to: Society for Research into Higher Education Annual Research Conference (SRHE 2009), Newport, 08-10 December 2009. (Unpublished)
- Butcher, J. and Stoncel, D. (2010) What do we think we are doing? Perceptions of mentoring on a PGCTHE programme in a new university. Paper presented to: Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE) Annual Conference 2010, Newport, Wales, 14-16 December 2010. (Unpublished)
- Nichol, C. and Marcevska, E. (2011) Dia. Performance at: Circuit Festival De Montfort University, Leicester, 02-03 June 2011. Performers: Nichol, Charlotte and Marcevska, Elena
- Schaber, F. and Butcher, J. (2010) Joinedupdesign for Academies: enhancing design learning through complexity. Paper presented to: Design Research Society International Conference (DRS2010): Design & Complexity, Montreal, Canada, 07-09 July 2010. (Unpublished)
- Tucker, F., Duncan, A. and Davis, L. (2011) 'Investing in yourself': personal development planning in practice. Planet. 24, pp. 10-13. 1473-1835.