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Number of items at this level: 70.
- Ai, Q. and Tan, H. (2016) EMNEs' inter-firm knowledge transfer in outward M&As: evidence from Chinese manufacturing firms. Proceedings of the European Academy of Management Annual Conference. 16 2466-7498.
- Alaka, H. A., Oyedele, L. O., Owolabi, H. A., Kumar, V., Ajayi, S. O., Akinade, O. O. and Bilal, M. (2018) Systematic review of bankruptcy prediction models: towards a framework for tool selection. Expert Systems with Applications. 94, pp. 164-184. 0957-4174.
- Batista, L., Bourlakis, M. and Maull, R. (2016) Business models in the circular economy and the enabling role of supply chains. Paper presented to: 23rd European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) Conference, Trondheim, Norway, 17- 22 June 2016.
- Batista, L., Dora, M., Toth, J., Molnár, A., Malekpoor, H. and Kumari, S. (2018) Knowledge management for food supply chain synergies – A maturity level analysis of SME companies. Production Planning & Control. 0953-7287. (Accepted)
- Batista, L., Meadows, M., Dibb, S., Hinton, M. and Analogbei, M. (2013) Improving organisational responsiveness through CRM – the dynamics of strategy, information systems, and staff empowerment. In: British Academy of Management Conference Proceedings. Liverpool: British Academy of Management (BAM).
- Cherrafi, A., Elfezazi, S., Hurley, B., Jose Arturo, G.-R., Kumar, V., Anosike, A. and Batista, L. (2017) Green and Lean: a Gemba–Kaizen model for sustainability enhancement. Production Planning & Control. 0953-7287. (Accepted)
- Daneshkhah, A., Hosseinian-Far, A., Chatrabgoun, O., Sedighi, T. and Farsi, M. (2018) Probabilistic modeling of financial uncertainties. International Journal of Organizational and Collective Intelligence (IJOCI). 8(2), pp. 1-11. 1947-9344.
- Farsi, M., Daneshkhah, A., Hosseinian-Far, A., Chatrabgoun, O. and Montasari, R. (2018) Crime data mining, threat analysis and prediction. In: Jahankhani, H. (ed.) Cyber Criminology. Springer. (Accepted)
- Fassam, L. (2015) Procurement fraud: the insider threat to fraud and the ability to prevent with an intelligence led approach to big data and internet of things. Invited Presentation presented to: 14th European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security (ECCWS 2015 UK), University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, UK, 02-03 July 2015. (Unpublished)
- Fassam, L., Bates, M. P. and Dani, S. (2015) Resource efficiency: creating a route to logistics and the circular economy. Paper presented to: 20th Logistics Research Network (LRN) Annual Conference and PhD Workshop, University of Derby, 09-11 September 2015. (Unpublished)
- Fassam, L. and Hills, M. (2016) Food supply chain resilience: a conceptual vision for an intelligence-led approach to combating food criminality and terrorism. Journal of Transportation Security. 1938-7741. (Accepted)
- Fitzgerald, R. (2015) Ensuring quality in the delivery of TNE - improving teaching practices. Invited Presentation presented to: Transnational Education 2015: Widening the UK's Higher Education Market, Congress Centre, London, 04 March 2015. (Unpublished)
- Fitzgerald, R. (2014) Transforming higher education curriculum for transnational education. Invited Presentation presented to: The Future of Transnational Education, Royal College of Surgeons, London, 22 May 2014. (Unpublished)
- Fitzgerald, R., Anderson, M. and Thompson, R. (2014) MOOCs - mass marketing for a niche audience. Paper presented to: 13th European Conference on e-Learning (ECEL-2014), Aalborg University, Copenhagen, Denmark, 30-31 October 2014. (Unpublished)
- Gough, A. and Miles, R. (2017) Demand planning for novel modes of transport: the case of the Northampton Mole. Paper presented to: Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport, Logistics Research Network Annual Conference, Southampton Solent University, 06-08 September 2017.
- Gough, A. and Murray, J. (2015) Engaging with the next generation: logistics and secondary education. Invited Presentation presented to: Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals: European Reseach Summit 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark, 23-24 April 2015.
- Hasan, M. N. (2016) Sustainable and socially responsible business: doable reality or just a luxury? An exploratory study of the Bangladeshi manufacturing SMEs. World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development. 1746-0581. (In Press)
- He, S., Khan, Z., Lew, Y. K. and Fallon, G. (2018) Technological innovation as a source of Chinese multinationals’ firm-specific advantages and internationalization. International Journal of Emerging Markets. 1746-8809. (Accepted)
- Hills, M. (2013) Editorial Board Member. Central European Journal of International and Security Studies. Online: Metropolitan University Prague. 7805-482x (online), 1802-548x (print).
- Hills, M. (2017) Reviewer. Journal of Terrorism Research.
- Hills, M. (2015) Reviewer. Information Security Journal.
- Hills, M. (2015) Committee Member of the 15th European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security. European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security.
- Hills, M. (2012) A new perspective on the achievement of psychological effects from cyber warfare payloads: the analogy of parasitic manipulation of host behavior. Journal of Law & Cyber Warfare. 1(1), pp. 208-217.
- Hills, M. (2017) Always on guard: how a corporate immune system can engage full-spectrum risks – a conceptual framework to re-engineer organizational capability and culture. In: Bajgoric, N. (ed.) Always-On Enterprise Information Systems for Modern Organizations. London: IGI Global. pp. 41-59.
- Hills, M. (2015) Assuring organisational resilience with lean Scenario-Driven Exercises. International Journal of Emergency Services. 4(1), pp. 37-49. 2047-0894.
- Hills, M. (2018) Asymmetric thinking: anthropology and its potential for career development. Workshop presented to: Anthropology Career Options, Oxford Brookes University, 23 April 2018.
- Hills, M. (2015) Beyond simple human threats to cybersecurity: the need for strong proactive measures and resilient responses to cyber risk. Cyber Security Review. Spring(2015), pp. 26-30. 2055-6950.
- Hills, M. (2015) Business continuity: observations for a Northamptonshire Enterprise Partnership seminar. Practical presented to: Business Continuity Workshop - Northamptonshire Enterprise Partnership, Nene Whitewater Centre, Northampton, 29 April 2015. (Unpublished)
- Hills, M. (2017) Communicating risk. POSTnote. 564(Nov 17), pp. 1-7.
- Hills, M. (2015) Competitive advantage from human factors: cybersecurity. Invited Presentation presented to: Warwick Manufacturing Group Cybersecurity MSc Programme Event, Warwick University, 20 April 2015. (Unpublished)
- Hills, M. (2012) Developing and maintaining personal resilience. Invited Presentation presented to: Senior Civil Service Base Camp, National School of Government, Sunningdale, 08 March 2012. (Unpublished)
- Hills, M. (2015) Enhancing corporate resilience to cyber-enabled attack: building immunity to psycho-cultural exploits. Invited Presentation presented to: Inaugural Northampton Business School Research Conference, Sunley Management Centre, The University of Northampton, 18 June 2015. (Unpublished)
- Hills, M. (2018) Enhancing evidence-based research within law-enforcement intelligence practice. Invited Keynote presented to: Society for Evidence Based Policing (SEBP) Conference 2018, Open University, Milton Keynes, 01-02 March 2018.
- Hills, M. (2012) From the field, to information warfare, to 10 Downing Street, the boardroom to the business school: applying anthropology to the real world. Invited Presentation presented to: Presentation for Final Year Undergraduates in Anthropology, Department of Anthropology, Oxford Brookes University, 09 February 2012. (Unpublished)
- Hills, M. (2017) Full spectrum threats – why organizational culture (and its micro-cultures) are critical to the success or failure of organizational resilience. In: Boskovic, M. (ed.) Security Risks: Assessment, Management and Current Challenges. New York: Nova Science Publishers.
- Hills, M. (2018) Improving incident detection through capturing new behaviour analytics. Invited Presentation presented to: The European Information Security Summit 2018 (TEISS), ILEC Conference Centre, London, 20-21 February 2018.
- Hills, M. (2014) Intellectual first mover advantage in a people-centric approach to achieving military superiority: out-thinking and out-fighting adversaries. The British Army Journal. 2014
- Hills, M. (2014) Key challenges for reputation, brand security and supply chain integrity. Invited Keynote presented to: Annual General Meeting of the UK Leather Federation, BLC Leather Technology Centre, Northampton, 28 January 2014. (Unpublished)
- Hills, M. (2017) Lessons from the NHS ransomware calamity. EDQuarter. 26/05/2017
- Hills, M. (2014) Leveraging professional expertise & leveraging choice for career or personal development. In: Alden Rivers, B. and Smith, J. (eds.) Changemaker in the Curriculum: The University of Northampton: Case Studies 2013-2014. Northampton: The University of Northampton. pp. 21-24.
- Hills, M. (2017) Nowt wrong with £3.47 chicken. Country Squire Magazine. 26/09/2017
- Hills, M. (2017) On Her Majesty’s service (and beyond): Anthropology’s contribution to an unconventional career. In: MacClancy, J. (ed.) Anthropology and Public Service: The UK Experience. Oxford: Berghahn. pp. 61-78.
- Hills, M. (2012) Social media & violent effects. Invited Presentation presented to: Changing Character of War Programme / British Army Study Day, University of Oxford, 09 July 2012. (Unpublished)
- Hills, M. (2015) Socio-cultural insight. Invited Presentation presented to: Changing Character of War Programme - British Army Study Day, University of Oxford, 19 May 2015. (Unpublished)
- Hills, M. (2014) Socio-technical security: the insider threat. Invited Presentation presented to: Warwick Manufacturing Group Cybersecurity MSc Programme Event, Warwick University, 24 April 2014. (Unpublished)
- Hills, M. (2017) The cancer of terrorism. Country Squire Magazine. 18/08/17
- Hills, M. (2014) The deregulation and swarming of cyberwarfare: the need for and limitations of law in enabling aggressive ‘hacking-back’ and pre-emption. Journal of Law & Cyber Warfare. 3(1), pp. 43-51.
- Hills, M. (2016) The use of lean, scenario-driven exercises for decision-making resilience. Invited Presentation presented to: Performing Under Pressure: A Masterclass In Organisational Resilience To Terrorism & Other Risks, Cheyne Walk Club, Cheyne Walk, Northampton, 06 May 2016. (Unpublished)
- Hills, M. (2017) Towards corporate cyber immunity. Invited Keynote presented to: Cyber Security Briefing by Northamptonshire Growth Hub, Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner and the University of Northampton, Cottesbrooke, Park Campus, The University of Northampton, 08 September 2017.
- Hills, M. (2015) Upstream operations: resilience to malign intent – ‘Analogical reasoning’ for new options to detect and engage. Invited Presentation presented to: Upstream Effects: Capacity Building, Stabilisation and Counter-Terrorism (Land Intelligence Fusion Centre, British Army and Oxford University), Merton College, University of Oxford, 08-09 December 2015. (Unpublished)
- Hills, M. (2014) Weak signals of the future: current challenges that may endure future media: implications for the armed forces of engagement in and through the media. Invited Presentation presented to: Changing Character of War Programme / British Army Directorate of Force Development, University of Oxford, 15 January 2014. (Unpublished)
- Hills, M. (2016) Why we need to rethink email #NHSMail. The University of Northampton Blog. 16/11/2016
- Hills, M. (2016) Written evidence submitted by Dr Mils Hills to the Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee Inquiry Cyber Security: Protection of Personal Data Online. London: Houses of Parliament.
- Hills, M. and Allen, N. (2018) Growing immunity to terrorist or other violent attacks at UK higher education institutions - CHESS: the Colleges and Higher Education Security Standard. Invited Presentation presented to: University of Northampton Annual Research Conference, The University of Northampton, 20-21 June 2018.
- Hills, M. and Allen, N. (2018) Organisational resilience at UoN: growing immunity to a full spectrum of threats. Invited Keynote presented to: Higher Education Business Continuity Network (HEBCoN) Annual Conference 2018, University of York, 22 March 2018.
- Hills, M. and Batchelor, G. (2015) Hard targets and an immune response: how information warfare and special force perspectives can deliver competitive advantage in mitigation and management of cyber crisis. Invited Presentation presented to: I4 (International Information Integrity Institute) - KPMG, Barcelona, Spain, 24 June 2015. (Unpublished)
- Hills, M. and Logendran, G. (2014) The rotten apple in the barrel has a bug in it: how the analogy of parasitic infection may shed light on the causes of & solutions to recent financial scandals. Invited Presentation presented to: British Accounting and Finance Association (BAFA) Annual Conference 2014, London School of Economics, 14-16 April 2014. (Unpublished)
- Hills, M. and Mehta, A. (2015) Parasites, energy and complex systems: generating novel intervention options to counter recruitment to suicide terrorism. In: Stedmon, A. and Lawson, G. (eds.) Hostile Intent and Counter-Terrorism: Human Factors Theory and Application. Farnham: Ashgate. pp. 225-231.
- Kakabadse, N. K., Lee-Davies, L. and Theodorakopoulos, N. (2010) Entrepreneurship, sustainability and CSR: the roles of values in SMEs. Enterprising Matters. Summer, p. 1. 2041-2606.
- Khan, Z., Wood, G., Tarba, S., Rao-Nicholson, R. and He, S. (2018) Human resource management in Chinese multinationals in the UK: the interplay of institutions, culture and strategic choice. Human Resource Management. 0090-4848. (In Press)
- Khan, Z., Khan, S. and Hills, M. (2013) Resource warfare: considering the challenge of supply chain security in an era of unrestricted warfare. International Journal of Logistics Economics and Globalisation. 5(3), pp. 240-249. 1741-5373.
- Laurie, S., Mortimer, K. and Beard, F. (2017) What is advertising? A study of the perceptions of Millenials. Paper presented to: 16th International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA) 2017, Ghent University, Belgium, 29 June - 01 July 2017.
- McFarlane, P. and Hills, M. (2013) Developing immunity to flight security risk: prospective benefits from considering aviation security as a socio-technical eco-system. Journal of Transportation Security. 6(3), pp. 221-234. 1938-7741.
- Miles, R., Gough, A. and Silverthorne, B. (2016) The Northampton Mole Project – a case study of the application of freight pipelines in an urban environment. Invited Presentation presented to: 7th International Symposium on Underground Freight Transportation (ISUFT 2016), Arlington, Texas, USA, 22-24 August 2016.
- Montasari, R., Hill, R., Hosseinian-Far, A. and Montaseri, F. (2018) Countermeasures for timing-based side-channel attacks against shared, modern computing hardware. International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics. 1751-911X. (Accepted)
- Montasari, R., Hosseinian-Far, A. and Hill, R. (2018) Policies and innovative self-adaptive techniques to counter adversarial attacks in network and cyber environments. In: Jahankhani, H. (ed.) Cyber Criminology. Springer. (Accepted)
- Mostovicz, E. I. and Kakabadse, N. K. (2010) Humanistic business: toward a new business model. Paper presented to: 16th International Symposium on Ethics, Business and Society: Facing the Crisis: Towards a New Humanistic Synthesis, IESE Business School, University of Navarra, Barcelona, Spain, 13-15 May 2010. (Unpublished)
- Mshelia, J. B. and Anchor, J. R. (2018) Political risk assessment by multinational corporations in African markets: a Nigerian perspective. Thunderbird International Business Review. 1096-4762. (In Press)
- Paterson-Young, C., Hazenberg, R. and Bajwa-Patel, M. (2017) Exploring the education background for children and young people sentenced to custody in England and Wales. Panel Presentation presented to: European Educational Research Association (ECER) 2017: Reforming Education and the Imperative of Constant Change: Ambivalent Roles of Policy and Educational Research, Copenhagen, Denmark, 21-25 August 2017.
- Yu, Y., Kaiya, H., Yoshioka, N., Hu, Z., Washizaki, H., Xiong, Y. and Hosseinian-Far, A. (2018) Goal modelling for security problem matching and pattern enforcement. International Journal of Secure Software Engineering (IJSSE). 8(3), pp. 42-57. 1947-3036.