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- University Faculties, Research Institutes and Departments (53)
- Faculties (53)
- Faculty of Business & Law (53)
- Economics, Intl Relations & Development (53)
- Faculty of Business & Law (53)
- Faculties (53)
Number of items at this level: 53.
- Arif, S. (2020) What is the Role of the State in Economics? In: Deane, K. and van Waeyenberge, E. (eds.) Recharting the History of Economic Thought :. Red Globe Press. pp. 269-285.
- Barnes, N. J. (2016) Review of ‘Smart Textiles for Designers – Inventing the Future of Fabrics’ by Rebeccah Pailes-Friedman. Journal of Textile Design Research and Practice. 4(2) 2051-1787.
- Canniford, R., Arviddsson, A., Bradshaw, A. and Hulme, A. (2018) The future of community research: a conversation with Alison Hulme, Alan Bradshaw and Adam Arvidsson. Journal of Marketing Management. 34(7-8), pp. 1-11. 0267-257X.
- Daly, G. (2014) Enjoyment/Jouissance. In: Butler, R. (ed.) The Zizek Dictionary :. London: Routledge. pp. 80-84.
- Daly, G. (2018) Ideology in a post-truth world. Invited Presentation presented to: Politics and International Relations Research Symposium, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 25 April 2018.
- Daly, G. (2013) International relations and the political economy of truth: choosing another fate. Keynote presented to: Theoretical Perspectives in International Relations, The University of Northampton, 16 April 2013.
- Daly, G. (2013) Marxism. In: Wake, P. and Malpas, S. (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Critical and Cultural Theory :. London: Routledge. pp. 37-50.
- Daly, G. (2014) No century for old philosophy. International Journal of Zizek Studies. 8(1), pp. 1-6. 1751-8229.
- Daly, G. (2014) No century for old philosophy. International Journal of Zizek Studies. 8(1), pp. 1-6. 1751-8229.
- Daly, G. (2023) Obstacles and Distortions : A Speculative Approach to Ideology. Journal of Political Ideologies. 28(1), pp. 83-101. 1356-9317.
- Daly, G. (2006) The Political Economy of (Im)Possibility. In: De Goede, M. (ed.) International Political Economy and Poststructural Politics :. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan Ltd.. pp. 177-194.
- Daly, G. (2014) The Quantum infinite: correlationalism, contingency and necessity. International Journal of Zizek Studies. 8(1), pp. 1-24. 1751-8229.
- Daly, G. (2004) Radical(ly) political economy: Luhmann, postmarxism and globalization. Review of International Political Economy. 11(1), pp. 1-32. 1466-4526.
- Daly, G. (2007) Sympathy for the Inhuman. International Journal of Zizek Studies. 1(1), pp. 51-57. 1751-8229.
- Daly, G. (2014) The Quantum infinite: correlationalism, contingency and necessity. International Journal of Zizek Studies. 8(1), pp. 1-24. 1751-8229.
- Daly, G. (2012) The terror of Žižek. Revue Internationale de Philosophie. 261(3), pp. 359-379. 0048-8143.
- Deane, K. D., Johnston, D. and Parkhurst, J. O. (2013) Migration as a tool in development policy: caution ahead? The Journal of Development Studies. 49(6), pp. 759-771. 0022-0388.
- Deane, K. D., Ngalya, P. S., Boniface, L., Bulugu, G. and Urassa, M. (2016) Exploring the relationship between population mobility and HIV risk: Evidence from Tanzania. Global Public Health. 13(2), pp. 173-188. 1744-1692.
- Deane, K. D., Parkhurst, J. O. and Johnston, D. (2010) Linking migration, mobility and HIV. Tropical Medicine & International Health. 15(12), pp. 1458-1463. 1360-2276.
- Deane, K. D., Stevano, S. and Johnston, D. (2018) Employers’ responses to the HIV epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa: revisiting the evidence. Development Policy Review. 37(2), pp. 245-259. 1467-7679.
- Deane, K. D., Stevano, S. and Johnston, D. (2018) Employers’ responses to the HIV epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa: revisiting the evidence. Development Policy Review. 1467-7679. (In Press)
- Deane, K. D., van Waeyenberge, E. and Maxwell, R. (2017) Recharting the History of Economic Thought: approaches to and student experiences of the introduction of pluralist teaching in an undergraduate economics curriculum. International Journal of Pluralism and Economics Education. 10(2), pp. 137-154. 1757-5648.
- Deane, K. D., van Waeyenberge, E. and Maxwell, R. (2017) Recharting the History of Economic Thought: approaches to and student experiences of the introduction of pluralist teaching in an undergraduate economics curriculum. International Journal of Pluralism and Economics Education. 1757-5648. (Accepted)
- Eboka, T. Understanding the Practice of Girl Marriage in Northern Nigeria from the Perspectives of Key Decision-Makers. PhD thesis.
- Ghalia, T. and Fidrmuc, J. (2018) The Curse of Tourism? Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research. 42(6), pp. 979-996. 1557-7554.
- Ghalia, T., Fidrmuc, J., Samargandihi, N. and Sohag, K. (2019) Institutional quality, political risk and tourism. Tourism Management Perspectives. 32, pp. 1-10. 2211-9736.
- Giordani, G. and Floros, C. (2014) Number of ATMs, IT investments, bank profitability and efficiency in Greece. Global Business and Economics Review. 17(2), pp. 217-235. 1097-4954.
- Giordani, G., Floros, C. and Judge, G. (2014) Econometric investigation of internet banking adoption in Greece. Journal of Economic Studies. 41(4), pp. 586-600. 0144-3585.
- He, S., Fallon, G., Khan, Z., Lew, Y. K., Kim, K.-H. and Wei, P. (2016) Towards a new wave in internationalization of innovation? The rise of China's innovative MNEs, strategic coupling, and global economic organization. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences. 34(4), pp. 343-355. 1936-4490.
- He, S. and Fallon, G. R. (2013) Chinese multinational enterprises' firm-specific advantages and a critic on the international business theory. Paper presented to: 40th Academy of International Business, UK & Ireland Chapter (AIB-UKI) Conference (2013), Aston Business School, Birmingham, 2013-03-22.
- He, S., Fallon, G. R., Sanders, R., Lawrence, P. and Vukicevic, J. (2012) Towards a new new geography of innovation: the rise of Chinese innovation giants and the implications for the global economic order. Paper presented to: 39th Academy of International Business-UK & Ireland (AIB-UKI) Annual Conference, University of Liverpool, 2012-03-01.
- He, S., Fallon, G. R., Sanders, R., Lawrence, P. and Vukicevic, J. (2011) Towards a new new geography of innovation: the rise of the Chinese innovation giants and its implications. Invited Presentation presented to: COST Working Group Seminar on MNCs From Emerging Economies, Bucharest, Romania, 07-08 December 2011. (Unpublished)
- He, S. and Khan, Z. (2017) Boarding the high-speed train of China – the upgrading journey of a British engineering firm after being acquired by a Chinese train company. In: Drahokoupil, J. (ed.) Chinese investment in Europe: Corporate Strategies and Labour Relations :. Brussels: ETUI. pp. 199-209.
- He, S., MacNeill, S. and Wang, J. (2013) Assessing Overall Network Structure in Regional Innovation Policies: A Case Study of Cluster Policy in the West Midlands in the UK. European Planning Studies. 22(9), pp. 1940-1959. 0965-4313.
- He, S. and Sanders, R. (2012) Joining the global elites: dilemmas for China in reforming its systems of scientific and technological innovation. In: Kakabadse, A. P. and Kakabadse, N. K. (eds.) Global Elites: The Opaque Nature of Transnational Policy Determination. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 174-188.
- Hulme, A. (2019) Discovering a ‘post-revolutionary’ sense of place in China’s small commodity city of Yiwu. City. 23(3), 327–341. 1360-4813.
- Hulme, A. Falls, Susan. Clarity, cut, and culture: the many meanings of diamonds. 216 pp., illus., figs, bibliogr. New York: Univ. Press, 2014. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute. 23(3), pp. 653-654. 1359-0987.
- Hulme, A. (2019) The ‘Fool’s Cap’ map of the world : Exploring critical cosmopolitanism through cartographic critique. Globalizations. 16(5), pp. 593-605. 1474-7731.
- Hulme, A. (2017) Importing the night market: urban regeneration and the Asian food aesthetic in London. Food Culture & Society. 21(1), pp. 42-54. 1552-8014.
- Hulme, A. (2019) The hedonic delights of frugality: Pound store shopping in austere times. Journal of Consumer Culture. 19(4), 551–566. 1469-5405.
- Hulme, A. (2021) The long march of the commodity in China. In: Minowa, Y. and Belk, R. (eds.) Consumer Culture Theory in Asia :. Routledge.
- Hulme, A. (2020) The story of the ship-in-a-bottle : Encountering strangeness and familiarity through a globalised object. In: Axford, B., Brisbourne, A., Halperin, S. and Lueders, C. (eds.) Political Sociologies of the Cultural Encounter : Essays on Borders, Cosmopolitanism, and Globalisation. Routledge.
- Igudia, E. (2020) Exploring the theories, determinants and policy-options of street vending: a demand-side approach. Urban Studies. 57(1), pp. 56-67. 1360-063X.
- Igudia, E., Ackrill, R., Coleman, S. and Dobson, C. (2015) Determinants of the informal economy of an emerging economy: a multiple indicator, multiple causes (MIMIC) approach. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business. 28(2/3), pp. 154-177. 1476-1297.
- Igudia, E., Ackrill, R., Coleman, S. and Dobson, C. (2015) Determinants of the informal economy of an emerging economy: a multiple indicator, multiple causes (MIMIC) approach. In: Williams, C. and Williams, N. (eds.) 8th International Conference for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development. England: ICEIRD, The University of Sheffield, SEERC. pp. 384-401.
- Johnston, D., Deane, K. D. and Rizzo, M. (2015) Editorial: The political economy of HIV. Review of African Political Economy. 42(145), pp. 335-341. 0305-6244.
- Jraisat, L., Upadhyay, A., Ghalia, T., Jresseit, M., Kumar, V. and Sarpong, D. (2021) Triads in sustainable supply-chain perspective: why is a collaboration mechanism needed? International Journal of Production Research. , pp. 1-17. 0020-7543.
- Obagbemi, S. D., Bamidele, J., Bako, H., Alabuja, E. O., Ajayi, A. H. and Senuga, S. O. (2022) Effects of Micro-Credit Scheme on Rice Production among Smallholder Farmers in Kwali Area Council, Abuja. European Journal of Business and Management Research. 7(6), pp. 26-34. 2507-1076.
- Uba, C., Igudia, E. and Wale-Oshinowo, B. (2022) Understanding small business entrepreneurial activity in the Nigerian bottom of the pyramid and informal economy. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business. 46(3), 353 - 375. 1476-1297.
- WALLER, D. The Men Who Lost America: British Command during the Revolutionary War and the Preservation of the Empire. By ANDREW O'SHAUGHNESSY. London: Oneworld Publications. 2013. 496 p. £30 (hb). ISBN 978-1-78074-246-5. Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies. 37(3), pp. 415-416. 1754-0208.
- Waller, D. (2014) The Global Lincoln. [Review]
- Wang, J., Wang, J., Ni, H. and He, S. (2013) How Government Venture Capital Guiding Funds Work in Financing High-Tech Start-Ups in China: A ‘Strategic Exchange’ Perspective. Strategic Change. 22(7-8), 417–429. 1086-1718.
- Wang, J., Wang, J., Ni, H. and He, S. (2013) How government venture capital guiding funds work in financing high-tech start ups in China? A 'strategic exchange' perspective. Strategic Change. 22(7-8) 1086-1718.