Northampton Electronic Collection of Theses and Research

Walking the talk

Stone, J. R. A. (2013) Walking the talk. Exhibit at: Images of Research Exhibition. Avenue Art Gallery, The University of Northampton, 2013-11-20.

Item Type: Show/Exhibition
Abstract: This image pictures my feet during walking meditation. In this mindfulness practice, the focus of attention can be brought to the feet and to any and all sensations therein during the process of standing still, walking and then standing still again. Through this practice, the attention may shift from mind and more into body, resulting in less mental ‘chatter’ and a feeling of being grounded and calm. As well as being a researcher of mindfulness in schools, I am also a practitioner and teacher of mindfulness. This means that in order to be authentic, I walk the talk. In this way, I am better able to understand the experience of mindfulness and to relate to the experiences of others when they practise. My footsteps here also represent the PhD path that I am currently treading and the associated changes in pace, movement and feelings that I experience along the way.
Creators: Stone, Jacqueline R A
Faculties, Divisions and Institutes: Faculties > Faculty of Health & Society > Psychology
Date: 20 November 2013
Date Type: Publication
Journal or Publication Title: Images of Research Exhibition
Event Title: Images of Research Exhibition
Event Dates: 2013-11-20
Event Location: Avenue Art Gallery, The University of Northampton
Language: English
Status: Published / Disseminated
Refereed: No

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